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Joining Sessions In Progress


Joining In Progress  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want to have that option where you can choose to join a game in progress?

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It's really annoying when I go into matchmaking and join a game already half way over. I really want 343 to give you an option where you can choose to join in progress or not.


maybe in halo 5 343 could do this in halo 5 but not halo 4 why u ask becase i know a trick so u never ever have to join a game in progress

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It's really annoying when I go into matchmaking and join a game already half way over. I really want 343 to give you an option where you can choose to join in progress or not.

i somewhat agree but it helps in case all your teammates leave and it's you and your dead body i had a swat match(in reach) like that and i lost 


maybe in halo 5 343 could do this in halo 5 but not halo 4 why u ask becase i know a trick so u never ever have to join a game in progress

i want to know i love to join those but i hate it when you get in the team scored the last point maybe have it lock and none can join when it's at like the last 10 kills so none gets to join and then get less XP.

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I prefer join in progress not being an option, beacuse most people would turn it off. With no one using it many matches would end up being half teams or just a single guy for 8 minutes and no one wants that. And unless you switch gametypes after every match you don't have to worry about it after the first match you join in on. (On a side note I love it when an enemy team is winning and I join half way through the match and make my team win)

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I've seen join in progress screw me far more then it actually made a difference in the game.


Examples:  1: I join in a big team slayer game where most of the players already left on the team I join, and the enemy team is of course just in control of the entire map and spawn killing the remaining fools. 2: You join into a game where there isn't a chance of winning score wise, like joining a slayer game 950 to 300 or something horrible. 3: You join into a game where, the score isn't screwed, and your team isn't a bunch of retards?


The 3rd option doesn't seem to come up much is all I'm saying.


It sucks that your team leaves you if it's a truly close game, but it's your game to lose or win epically with a man down. That's halo.

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I'd love it if join in progress became an option. I'm sick of getting stuck in matches where there's maybe 5-10 kills left in the game and the only reason i'm there is because some sore loser couldn't suck it up and finish the session.

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there is a "band aid" fix for avoiding the Join in progress, though it's only really efficient if you search alone:


other than that, they need to keep to their word when they said there would be no Join in Progress for games after a certain point (to avoid joining games that are close to being finished). It's a new industry and so of course there would be problems with coding/glitches. Probably why Frank said Halo5 would be MUCH better.


Team Throwback/Doubles/Sniper(i think) all have their Join in Progress disabled due to them being a part of the competitive playlists.

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Ultimately, if join-in-progress is that frustrating to you, there's always the option to just leave straight away now that there are no longer any penalties associated with quitting: and you don't need to feel bad about it because, since there was already a spot empty when you joined, you aren't effectively making your team any worse off than they already were with regard to numbers. Nobody is going to look down on you for not wanting to play when you've been dumped into a game where your team is being spawn camped mercilessly or significantly behind on objectives, as that's through no fault of your own.


The only thing I'd really like to see altered as far as join-in-progress goes is a block which prevents you from joining the same lobby more than once during the duration of a single game.


A while back, I was joined into a game of Capture the Flag where my only other teammate was AFK and the enemy team was just sitting and camping our spawn area, presumably so they could boost a few kills, as none of them were going for the objective even though it would have been easy for them to capture it. That's the kind of game that I'm just not going to play: that's not a challenge, that's just a way to end up wildly irritated and with a K/D through the basement floor.


So, I did what anyone else would do, and quit out, then went back into matchmaking. I got put back into the same game immediately: I quit again, and once again went back into matchmaking. Same result. This repeated twice more until I was so frustrated that I just quit out of Halo 4 altogether.


I don't see that it would be hard to code, and it's even easier to understand. If I've just left a match, there's a very good chance that it's because I don't want to play it anymore: moreso if, should I immediately be put back into said match, I leave again. While it's quite probably that at this point 343 can't do anything about it, I'd like it to at least be a feature of Halo 5 that once you leave a game, unless you specifically attempt to rejoin it (join someone on a friend's list, accept an invite, or something similar), you will not be put back into it until the match has finished and the remaining players are back at the lobby search screen.


Other than that, I'm not overly concerned with join-in-progress. Some people aren't bothered by it, and it's not hard to just press the 'leave match' button if you are.

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Ultimately, if join-in-progress is that frustrating to you, there's always the option to just leave straight away now that there are no longer any penalties associated with quitting: and you don't need to feel bad about it because, since there was already a spot empty when you joined, you aren't effectively making your team any worse off than they already were with regard to numbers. Nobody is going to look down on you for not wanting to play when you've been dumped into a game where your team is being spawn camped mercilessly or significantly behind on objectives, as that's through no fault of your own.


The only thing I'd really like to see altered as far as join-in-progress goes is a block which prevents you from joining the same lobby more than once during the duration of a single game.


A while back, I was joined into a game of Capture the Flag where my only other teammate was AFK and the enemy team was just sitting and camping our spawn area, presumably so they could boost a few kills, as none of them were going for the objective even though it would have been easy for them to capture it. That's the kind of game that I'm just not going to play: that's not a challenge, that's just a way to end up wildly irritated and with a K/D through the basement floor.


So, I did what anyone else would do, and quit out, then went back into matchmaking. I got put back into the same game immediately: I quit again, and once again went back into matchmaking. Same result. This repeated twice more until I was so frustrated that I just quit out of Halo 4 altogether.


I don't see that it would be hard to code, and it's even easier to understand. If I've just left a match, there's a very good chance that it's because I don't want to play it anymore: moreso if, should I immediately be put back into said match, I leave again. While it's quite probably that at this point 343 can't do anything about it, I'd like it to at least be a feature of Halo 5 that once you leave a game, unless you specifically attempt to rejoin it (join someone on a friend's list, accept an invite, or something similar), you will not be put back into it until the match has finished and the remaining players are back at the lobby search screen.


Other than that, I'm not overly concerned with join-in-progress. Some people aren't bothered by it, and it's not hard to just press the 'leave match' button if you are.



I do exactly as you described, quitting when I see I took some poor souls spot on a forsaken team. But then why even have it? Previous halo's flourished and did just fine without it.


Getting put into the same game multiple times sucks, feel for you there.

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But then why even have it? Previous halo's flourished and did just fine without it.


Well, sometimes it works pretty well. While I have had some real horror stories involving being joined into games, there's a lot of times it's worked perfectly fine: the only difference being that when something works the way it's supposed to, it doesn't really stand out in the memory so well.


As an example, there must have been forty or fifty times now that I've been put into games where the scores are fairly even and the teams are pretty well balanced: a lot of the time it's also still pretty early in the game, too, and neither team has a flag captured or a major advantage in bases. But because it's doing its job so well, I don't really think about it that much because it just seems like any other game to me.


It's also sometimes nice to be put into a game very quickly, and have people replaced when people drop out: no, sometimes it's not a lot of fun if a game is going horribly, but most of the time it actually helps keep teams even and doesn't really do any damage. With a few tweaks to the system, it would be perfectly fine.

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I hate joining in progress, but i also used to hate it when my team would quit out and it was an automatic win for the other team. Maybe you should only join in progress if its so far into the game and the score isnt too far off 

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would be a nice option for halo 5 since i hate joining and the team im on is always losing which we cant turn around. sometimes in dominion, i join and my team is in last stand


Update: here is a picture of some random maps. ive censored the website in "message"


when you click on a game, you see the match options

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Ok its the "We all hate the joining process, because we forgot how it felt being last man in a slanted match. Please remove it. we like getting spanked." thread again.

i hate joining games when im on the loosing team. happends 5/6 times. :ouch:


And somehow you forget how many times the joining process helped you out when teammates left? Sheesh. People. :/

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They should take it out, hands down. And i think everyone agrees, one thing that annoyed me was that in team throwdown they added it back in.. which in my head makes no sense because you know if you play at event and you quit and walk away... someone just doesn't take your seat. Its broken we all know but hey if you don't wanna run into it, get four friends online and your golden

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join in progress has caused me infinite more headache then it's actually benefited me.


90% of the time it joins me into one of the following:


1. A game that had one other person that didn't quit, so it joins me into it. So now it's 2 v 8 instead of 1 v 8 and screw that one idiot for staying, making this scenario possible in the first place. Granted this extreme of an example doesn't happen often but lesser versions of it happen all the time, like joining into a big team game 4 v 8, 5v8 or something else significant.


2. A game where the team numbers are actually even (counting dropping me into it) but the score is unattainably, retardedly lopsided, like sub 200 points on my team to 700 + the other team with 2 minutes left in the game.


3. A combination of 1 and 2. Where we might not be uneven number wise but are just getting slaughtered by an organized team, which is why people left on the other team in the first place. Or we are down guys AND getting slaughtered, a common scenario many of you are familiar with I'm sure.


4. A game that currently has Bubbles from trailer park boys hosting in his shed or something, constantly going to a blue screen and being a lagged out piece of crap when it actually puts you in game.


And with about a 5 percent probability, we have scenario


5. A game where I get joined into where it's sub 100 points on either side, the connection is not horrible, and the teams aren't incredibly lopsided.


Scenario 5 doesn't come up that much. I absolutely ABHOR join in progress. Of all the stupid CoD mechanics added to the halo universe, this is most asinine.

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Join in Progress hasnt been much of an issue for me. When I lose a teamate the spot gets refilled before I know it. However I have had those times when I get thrown into a losing match, really annoying. Of course this is my personal experience, however I believe JIP is the way to go, just needs to be tweeked.

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  • 4 weeks later...

They should make the system so below average players doesn't join matches that easily and real good players does. A Join penalizes a bad player more since he can hardly carry a losing team, which very likely will be a team he'll join. This would be most fair and also keep much needed casual players online.

Perhaps it'll be regarded as an honours thing joining this way? Sorta selected to be the saving cavalry.

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