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hello .. introducing me and my team Chilled Kaos


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hi spartans .. fist of all am cK II KILLER II and am the co-leader of the team Chilled Kaos leading the Halo Team in it .. am here to say that we've opened the Recruiting for the team and we have BTB match this 24 March against Exo Delta SO THAT WILL BE AN Opertunity to the new players .. now if you want to give a shot contact me on twitter @@ckiikillerii or email : [email protected] .. now lets get back to me me a day ago i uploaded my mini-montage of halo 4 .. am a halo player since halo 1 .. for me halo 3 > halo 2 > halo 4 > halo reach .. yeah i hate reach :P 


anyway am 19 years old i live in France and my real name is Karim .. and i play all quind of games besides J-RPG and MMO games .. 




this is the vid hope you like it 

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