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Join the greatest community ever!! Game with honor & integrity!!

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FDS stands for Fatal Death Squad.  Formed in 2007 after the release of Halo 2, FDS continues to strive forward with it's message of gaming with honor and integrity.  This is what drew me to FDS.  It's a community where you can login, go to the community gamertag & see who's playing.  Join a friend or rally some members for a round of SWAT or a match on Slayer!!


FDS has the goal of creating a safe haven for like-minded gamers regardless of gender, race, national origin, religion, marital status, or disability. However you must be 16 or older to join.  We believe that all gamers should have a place to play where they won’t have to put up with any type of drama or problems and be free to enjoy the game to its full extent.


In the FDS Community we do recognize player skill; however, we believe that gaming is more about having fun and enjoying the game with friends. FDS has both casual and competitive gamers that actively participate in our community. Keeping that in mind, there is always a place for anyone looking to join.


You don't have to change your gamertag but we do ask that you change & remain in uniform colors.  Our main reasoning behind this is recognition. Your teammates & other community members are easier to identify in the heat of battle!!  You are not required to maintain a positive kill/death ratio.  There are plenty of members that you can speak with if you'd like some tips or advice.


Please message me anytime with questions, if you wanna hook up for a round online or if you're interested in joining.  It's a great community of boys & girls, just looking for some like minded gamers to have fun with.  We have a saying, "No tea bagging unless you were tea bagged first."  Thanks for reading!  Game on!

Btw, we are looking for people interested in starting a forge team.  If you think you might be interested, hit me up! 

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