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trying to finish a forged map but cannot select any more pieces. Still have 650 dollars in budget. When I try to select anything nothing happens also wont let me duplicate objects. I can lock and unlock pieces, move pieces that are already on map but  that's it, afraid to erase anything though. what happen!!!! please help 343. map name is overwatch, check my fileshare. download it and see if it will work for you. my gamertag is IGForCE9I.... let me know thx

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I have also found that when my maps are more spread out I run out sooner than if it is more tightly bound. My current map is up to 810, but in previous versions I was at 950. I have been revising constantly after each mini play test with friends to cut wasteful pieces, and as a result I am able to add extra aesthetic value to it as well.



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