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Halo 2 Rocket Launcher Lock-On

Sadly Just AL

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I've compared the Heat seeking features for all the halo games so far, and Halo Reach and Halo 4 both require to keep the crosshairs steady on the target which MUST be an airborne vehicle, but Halo 2, you just had to aim, hold the right trigger down which locks onto any vehicle (aerial or ground) and works great. Honestly, some things that were done in Halo 2 were just pure genius.

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I did like that feature in halo 2, but if they remove it entirely they can bring back detachable rocket turrets like in halo 3. They added homing again to replace those turrets. The halo 4 rocket launcher has some great speed on it compared to previous halo games so if they removed the homing but made it more powerful in some other way i would be happy with that. Either way, I still enjoy rockets in any halo game

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If you could lock on vehicles, destroying fast vehicles like Warthogs would be easy. I loved that system on Halo 2 but I find it better to only be able to lock on aircraft :)

Yeah, mind that it only locks onto aircrafts, but just wish the lock on was the same instead of having to focus the cross hairs on it for 5 seconds.

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  • 4 weeks later...

the only thing i didn't like about the halo 4 rocket launcher was that it didn't indicate how long you had to wait for a lock onto aircraft unlike in halo 2 where it would make a beeping sound and the fact that when you did lock onto an ariel vehicle it would show a white rhombus instead of a red circle like halo 2

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Yes that would be good. However, it would take no skill.....Halo's needs skill to play good.

But if it locked onto vehicles I would be over the moon it doesn't seem to do so in H4. 

Plus could it at least be a bit more powerful and do more damage on vehicles: it takes two rockets on a Hog

to kill it. Not even one rocket straight in the drivers/passengers/turreters face it won't kill them. It only seems to take damage to

the vehicle.


-Woof-Woof- :dog:

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