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Spartan conflicts in Halo 5


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Should the Spartan IVs have some kind of conflict with the rest of humanity or at least the UNSC in Halo 5? As in something will go down, or there is some kind of discrimination going on - just how the Spartan IIs were arguably transformed to not be human anymore.


The player would have more of a reason to participate in things for having the drive to try and fix this conflict. This will also allow for inside UNSC conflicts.


Any ideas?

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I think since there are very few spartan Is still alive, along with the few remaining IIs, they should voice their opinion on the matter. Naomi is conflicted but we never saw how she ended up feeling about it. The chief just came home so hes not even aware of the situation. Ozman obviously despises that she was even in that situation or is just fufilling paragonskys last order to have halsey eliminated.


Either way they should start wrapping things up in 5 just so 6 dosent feel like a cluster f--- of endings.

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