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Halo waypoint moderators are 'ban happy'


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Ok, sorry if this isn't the correct forum to post in, but here goes.

I got a week long ban from Waypoint forums, simply because of these three posts.
Red sections were edited by a moderator...

Yep, you read correctly, 343i have stuffed up again.

For reasons I cannot possibly fathom, today when I went into the BTB lobby and joined 3 other people, for some reason I was placed on the other team to the people I'd joined with.
And then it happened the next game, even after the party leader had backed out, so that there was just the four of us.

Well done 343i, just another item to add to the as yet unprinted leather bound volume entitled "Halo 4: The complete guide to things that need to be fixed"...

Haven't figured out how this post banned got for being non constructive...
1)I'm pointing out a problem that has never happened before.
2) I'm certainly not at fault, its not connection related, therefore 343 has stuffed up somewhere in the coding, whatever it is.
3)Okay, sarcasm here, but you could write a book about things that need fixing.


Known issue: Halo 4 Posted in Known Halo 4 issues section

Okay maybe it was smart-ass comment, but its pretty truthful...
Not too fussy on this being edited tbh, possibly deserved it.


1)Take out loadout standardisation (Custom primary weapon choice is okay), a key part of all Halo games before Halo 4

2)Add in personal ordnance that gives some people 1sk weapons for next to nothing

3)Make said ordnance completely random, say one person gets a average weapon, someone else gets a binary rifle

4)Still have a large number of super laggy games after 4 months of release (When you have pilotless vehicles for 10 seconds or more and no host change, yeah 343 you are to blame!)

5)Put in massive amounts of aim assist and bullet magnetism, in effect making the game unattractive to anyone other than people who have trobule using both analog sticks at the same time...

6)Don't listen to your fan base/community, and just keep ignoring them.
This is the same as ignoring a 'bridge out' sign, then wondering why your car smashed into the bottom of the cliff...

7)Have too many power weapons such as the SAW, needlers (Sniper in AR form...) at the beginning of the game. (Mostly on small maps)
We want to play actual skill based slayer games, not just blowing each other up with rockets or mowing down people with SAWs. That's what Dominion is for...

8)Manage to lose MLG to COD, because Halo 4 can't be played at a competitive level. Neither can COD for that matter, but hey, the lesser of two evils right?
When MLG has been with Halo ever since CE, then abandons it at Halo 4, yeah there's obviously something wrong with the game.
(Sponsorship played some part, but I believe MLG would have stayed with Halo if Halo 4 was a half decent game...)

9)Have less players playing Halo 4 now than Reach did, just before Halo 4 came out. For my area, around peak times, 40k max might be playing Halo 4, about 20k are still playing Reach, 80k+ peak just before Halo 4 came out.
The statistics pretty much speak for themselves....

10)Take out all variety in gametypes and manage to screw up the gametypes you did decide to put in Halo 4. We don't want to play, slayer, slayer, slayer, slayer, slayer and so on...
For example, where's Multi team, 1 Flag, Assault, Race, just to name a few?
And KOTH, there is a reason its called King of the HILL, not King of the HILLS. There should only ever be one hill at one time, and also a waypoint should not point to the next hill.
BTB? Plasma pistol and Plasma grenades in the loadouts have destroyed vehicle use, a main keystone of BTB in past Halo games... No one wants to drive a warthog is someone can EMP it and throw stickies at it...

11)Change for the sake of change: Here's an analogy: Pretend the Halo franchise is a nuclear reactor, and that key elemtns that have made other Halo games so successful (ie:standardised loadouts, listening to the community, etc) is the cooling system.
Now basically you've changed the cooling system so that it no longer works, what happens? Meltdown, mushroom cloud and a radioactive exclusion zone that no one wants to cross.
In plain words: You've nuked the Halo franchise and no one would want to go near it if it goes under...which it will if people keep abandoning it...

Congratulations 343i, I don't think you could have stuffed up the Halo franchise any more. You've lost at least 1/3 of your fan base, and people simply don't want to play Halo, because COD is near enough the same thing now...

One final note: I don't believe any of the people in charge of Halo 4's matchmaking development could run water downhill from a leaking tap, that's how bloody useless they are!

Better luck next time 343i, oh wait, there probably won't be a next time for you lot.
Shame, I was looking forward to buying Halo 5 and 6 and using the discs as frisbees, because that's what I'm thinking about doing with my Halo 4 disc...

Yeah I may have had a good go at 343i, but funnily enough it was banned for being non constructive... I'm sorry, how is the post non constructive, I've pointed out problems and offered solutions as well as my opinion on how 343i has managed the Halo franchise.
Oh and in the short time it was up (about 30 mins), 5 people had thanked me so, i obviously got something right

Then my next post got edited/locked because i questioned their decision...

Wow, I get a post banned because I actually said what a lot of people are thinking: 343 screwed up Halo 4 multiplayer, and the franchise by extension, therefore they must really suck at designing multiplayer gaming.

Simple logic...

Ban me if you want, but if you do, it'll show how well you respond to truthful criticism...
I thought this was supposed to be a democracy of sorts, not Stalin's Russia...

Okay maybe the last line was over the top, but I was really annoyed, mostly because you can't find out who the moderator was who edited the topic, hence you can't PM them, so what else was I supposed to do...?

Forum moderators on waypoint seem to be all little kids, who ban anything that criticises Halo 4/ offends them, even constructive criticism...

Sorry if it seems I'm having a rant, but I really have no idea what to do. How do I post my opinions (maybe they could be toned down a little) without getting banned? How do I contact a moderator if I don't know who it is?

Way to go Waypoint...

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That red text is very hard to read on our background unless it's bold. But let me be the first to welcome you to the 343i COMMUNITY Forums! Where our Mods AREN'T ban happy! You're allowed to post any opinion on Halo 4 you want as long as it's not profane and it's coherent.


Anyway, welcome to the site!

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Yeah I may have had a good go at 343i, but funnily enough it was banned for being non constructive... I'm sorry, how is the post non constructive, I've pointed out problems and offered solutions as well as my opinion on how 343i has managed the Halo franchise.

Oh and in the short time it was up (about 30 mins), 5 people had thanked me so, i obviously got something right




There's a difference between literally being organized, and just spouting opinions in such an ironically crude manor. If you had actually left well thought out reasons as to why you felt that way, more of it would be open for discussion. They probably took it down because of that very reason. Plus it's no surprise that some people liked your post before it was taken down. People have so many different views it's easy to find SOMEONE who is likes or doesnt like Halo 4.


In MY opinion, the gameplay is solid. The only flaw I've seen is the poor choice in gametypes and playlists. They completely removed 1 flag and 1 bomb (basically all the good round-based games) and took away big team objective. They wait AGES to introduce gametypes and playlists we should have had the moment we put the disc in the console.. My other complaint is the lack of level interaction. Some of the most lively maps were interactable (Zanzibar with the spinning wheel and the glass you could break and the gate you could physically open). 



I get why you think the armor mods dont work with halo, cause for a while i felt the same way with sprint, but the options aren't game breaking. When it comes down to it, you still have to be more skilled to kill the other player when actually shooting. The ONLY armor mod that I can think of that literally gives you the upper hand would be Stability, which basically makes you a sniping/DMRing master. 



one other thing i hate, is not being able to pick up grenades... these are things i dont think needed to be armor mods.

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That red text is very hard to read on our background unless it's bold. But let me be the first to welcome you to the 343i COMMUNITY Forums! Where our Mods AREN'T ban happy! You're allowed to post any opinion on Halo 4 you want as long as it's not profane and it's coherent.


Anyway, welcome to the site!

Hey Drizzy, link something inappropriate to the shoutbox and then we'll see if our mods aren't ban happy then! :P

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There making the game for the majority of players not for the babies like you I don't much like some of the stuff in h4 but I deal with it because no game can be the same thing over and over with no progression because no one will buy the same 60$ item more then once I just get sick of seeing bk's blame everything else for why they aren't good at the game rather then just coming to terms they need more practice and less crying

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There making the game for the majority of players not for the babies like you I don't much like some of the stuff in h4 but I deal with it because no game can be the same thing over and over with no progression because no one will buy the same 60$ item more then once I just get sick of seeing bk's blame everything else for why they aren't good at the game rather then just coming to terms they need more practice and less crying


Not really... a lot less people are playing the game due to the changed...so what they actually did was change the game to appeal to a smaller audience.


The original poster is correct, the Halo way point monitors need to be monitored...I was banned after I had been in an ongoing debate with one of them.  After they went down a certain path, I came to the conclusion that this monitor was actually trolling the board.  Numerous others agreed with me right off the bat.  I was not crude, I did not use any foul language, all I did was point out that the monitor was trolling the boards. 


What did that monitor do?  They said that my post was "spam".  Obviously nothing I posted was spam so this leads me to believe that they removed the post for their own personal reasons....as they had to make up a reason to remove it. 


This is 343 Industries.  As I believe they do run that website correct?  Hopefull the good parts of 343 Industries will notice the emmence failure and abuse of power of those that monitor that website and will them removed from their duties. 


Here is the trolls reply to banning my posts and calling them spam.  They are now in the business of deciding whether your contrubutions to the chat are relevant enough to their specific topic.  It's laughable really.  The trolls name on halowaypoint is tsassi.  I've currently emailed the people that run the website domain and in addition I will try to seek legal advice as to whether it is ok for people to limit your freedom of speech.  I suspect that I cna't however...so with that being said, we can simpy say that Halo waypoint is run by monitors that ban people for poor reasons...which is an unethical practice.  I like to compare this to cheating on your husband/wife...it isn't against the law but it's shameful and wrong and unethical. 


"I sent the PM to you because it was off-topic in terms of the discussion. Now, I'm fine with keeping the discussion here in the population thread. But discussing it here means we will stay on topic. We will not resort to ad hominem arguments and we will not bicker about the validity of each other's arguments."


Now note what the troll tsassi is saying.  First off, he/she tries to make it sound like my posts were off topic when reality I was pointing out a troll on the boards after making numerous posts about the population in the halo waypoint population thread.  Then the troll monitor refers to my post about his trolling (that numerous others agreed with with likes and replies), as an ad hominem argument.  This is also laughable and if we're talking about facts...is not true.  Then the troll talks about bickering as if the post that I put up was in some way a childish/name calling type of post...which it was not. 


Monitors such as this trollish one needs to be reigned in.  One thing if sure, this tsassi is free from common sense, ethical practices, and non-trollish behavior. 


343 industries needs to pick their helpers a little better.  Please do read through the vast posts on halo waypoint population thread.  At first glance, the trolling monitor seems like a perfectly fine poster...but when you take everything into context, you know he is doing something that I like to call "subtle trolling".  One that tries to hide the fact that he/she's trolling...but in fact they are.  They are sneaky and the worst kind.  So sad.  It really is.



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You only got a week ban lol.


Apparently I've had ONE post modified by a monitor, and that was over 2 months ago.  Attempted to go back onto the forums just now and got the message "Your account has been temporarily suspended. This suspension is due to end on Monday, February 19, 4751 4:36:52 PM."



All my posts are still on the forum, none are edited at all by anyone and yet I am now suspended for 2700+ years.......  Temporary...  I don't think they know what that word means....

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Wow, I get a post banned because I actually said what a lot of people are thinking: 343 screwed up Halo 4 multiplayer, and the franchise by extension, therefore they must really suck at designing multiplayer gaming.


Simple logic...


Ban me if you want, but if you do, it'll show how well you respond to truthful criticism...

I thought this was supposed to be a democracy of sorts, not Stalin's Russia...



This is why you got banned. How else do you think one should handle posts like this. If one person can question a mods decision and call them out on it with no repricutions [sic] then the quality of the forum would be put into a downward spiral.

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  • 1 year later...

I was just banned for 2738 years from Waypoint, apparently for speculating that Halo 2 Anniversary might come out this year. It was a pure speculation, not a leak, and I was given absolutely zero warning. Based on their reaction I think it's probably true, though. 

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