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so theres still no option to matchmake campaigns?


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my annoyed gamer rant(gametrailers)

they basically pioneered the 4 player co-op campaign back in 2007, which still didnt have an open lobby tho and wasnt drop-in drop-out so you had those annoying fade to blacks everytime someone left or lost connection

meanwhile gears had one since the start(even tho the one in Gears 2 was overly restrictive and useless) and still only had 2 player Coop up till the last game, yet now 3 other Halo's released since Halo 3 have done everything to exclude or restrict campaign enjoyment.

its as if they're afraid of drawing any attention away from the MP to sell more map pack DLC or sumthing

bungie apparently finally decided to put it in Reach a year after release as DLC but that was only after the initial total lockout for the first few months the game came out to keep people from spoiling it, as if nobody knows how to mute...(the kicker here is tho, that 343 actually has all those provisions built in, with muting players in JUST FOR CAMPAIGN MODE RIGHT IN THE SETTINGS without even having to bother using the actual Xbox guide menu settings...even tho, yet again the only way to play is by inviting, which means 99% its someone you know, which means you're probably in a party chat, so why would mute them....either way they still didnt make a matchmaking feature)

so back to reach, then even at that point when i figured the campaign coop was unlocked, i re-rented it only to find out i needed a MP xp level just to access the friggen campaign co-op feature which based on how much i was getting after a few chapters in campaign and the level i needed to be to access it would probably not be met till i already friggin played it by myself entirely and still wasted time in the actual MP modes.

but i see 343 didnt bother teasing at all, its just not in there at all and all the various patch/update blogs on their site are only multiplayer map related

and i love all the responces for these threads on the various halo and 343 official forums, which result in "join a MP match and ask ppl to play with you"

yeah....fun little fact about FPS gamers in this current post 2007 MW1 era, anyone whos playing a FPS MP mode at this very second, with a mic(you're not sending random text messages to everyone are you?) doesnt care about the campaign, or if they did, they're the 99.9% who consider it a "task" to do before finally getting to play mindless MP matches for the next year and waste money on maps that were already paid DLC on previous games then complain about all the various issues/exploits in them...again.

and dont give me the "theres a threads for ppl looking for campaign players"

yeah....more fun facts, 99% of the people who post in those threads posted months ago and even if they are recent, you find out "i already got the final campaign achievements i needed" type of response back, or if they do wanna play its still those people looking to 'collect the final campaign achievements i need' within a certain timelimit as well... thats not exactly the mindset of a campaign gamer

"guidelines, restrictions and constant reminding of other intentions by the people you're 'playing' with, that dont concern just having fun playing the campaign." and even if someone says they still legit wanna play for fun, you still gotta set a time and date to play and until its completely , every time either of you see eachother online its a barrage of invites or messages asking if NOW is a good time, something that shouldnt require schedualing or annoyance and a simple searchable lobby

im gonna go out on the limb and say the top 4 overall and 2nd highest FPS/MP game on XBL's major nelson list according to just last week
has atleast 3 people in the world online right now 3:02am EST wanting to play campaign for legit fun and no strings attached....ATLEAST 3 out of the 10 million or whatever it sold according to vgchartz.com is that too much of a stretch for basic odds and percentages?

there wasnt any of that crap surrounding the Gears campaigns cause everyone who went to campaign(outside of Gears 2 as mentioned/crappy search feature), had a purpose of playing that mode. nobody had to ask. and im only using gears as an example cause its the only other huge microsoft exclusive shooter franchise thats managed to have a similar sized fanbase even within this entire COD craze and the already huge original Halo fanbase from the last gen,


when there was still only 2 player coop in Gears 2 which was like 2 years after Halo 3 had come out, it actually disapointed people cause they figured Epic would of upped the ante that Halo 3 had raised the bar to a 4 player campaign, especially when it actually made sense having 4 main characters int he game, rather than 3 NCPs who humans just happen to control,  but they atleast finally got it right in 2011 and im sure Judgement will have a similar feature as well

meanwhile both Bungie and now 343 have come to the conclusion that apparently all the fun i had with my first experience to the Halo series and the fact i can still visualise doing the final mission on the back of the warthog as me an 2 other guys trying to get to that final jump after a few failed attempts at the end of Halo 3 having a blast each time, and litterally excited when we finally landed it, was one of the best endings to a game ever, wasnt how it should of been experienced.....

no its supposed to be me and nobody else, even NCPs(Halo 3 atleast had NCPs everywhere that would ride with you or drive)

but atleast nobody is going to spoil a campaign i havent cared about since 2007 after that final jump when everything about the game's storyline, overall look and vibrant enviroments and gameplay, completely changed or taken out


someone wanna 'spoil' the part about how Master Chief seemed to forget how to dual weild while in cryogen since making the jump in Halo 3? i didnt hear anything about that part when i listened to the 'life and times of master chief' audio log at the beginning of Halo 4...oh boy there you go wanting to have fun not only with other players who actually want to play the campaign and not the type who you have to invite and force them to "take time from the fun of mindless MP to go help this guy with the stupid campaign....yeah i know it sux but i promissed id help him, then i can come back and play with you guys", but on top of that, actually have all the fun features the game had before trying to use a story ark as an explanation to get rid of all those features in the first place with Recon....oh i mean ODST, since we werent master chief anymore, oh, but you're master chief again? oh, well yeah, um he still cant dual weild and his shields are still nerfed and you cant do anything you could in H3, just cuz....we'll just throw some scene in the campaign to explain it later on or sumthing, b-but be sure to stick around for MP and check out all the DLC availible tho! everything we took out of campaign is to make that MP mode more fun!


ill wait for how MP balancing issues has anything to do with campaign, thats apparently so important to the game that they decided to take features away from it, only because im assuming everyone complained about it in an entirely different mode in the game, which now ships on an entirely seperate disc anyways....


either way, whens the last time a 'Mass Effect 3 ending' level of outcry occurred at any time concerning anything in the last 3-4 Halo campaign's storylines? let alone this apparent issue where people who can only join your campaign by invite only, spoiling it for you? and that timeline excludes the "halo 2's cliffhanger ending sux" storm that i already know about, im talking current gen and the evolution of what we now know as the COD FPS era of gaming


but im sure EVERYONE who responds are the ones who do actually enjoy the storyline and dont just speed-run it on midnight release, or use it as something to do if the servers go down or their friends arent online to play MP and how im overrexaggerating.

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I don't understand your point. 2 player splitscreen is there, 4 player co-OP is there. Add this to the incredibly laggy servers we have for Spartan Ops and the Reach campaign matchmaking(which had 3-400 people on if we were lucky) and ask yourself this; Is it really worth 343 spending valuable resources to please a couple hundred people when they could be using them to develop things such as MLG and 'Proper ranking systems' which are equally as pointless anyway but are more important because MILLIONS are asking for it?


Is it really worth it?


And about dual-wield; Chief cannot because campaign uses the same game engine as multiplayer, and canonically, S-IVs cannot dual wield, and there is no point remaking the engine for 3-4 hours of play. It was originally there. Additionally, how many dual weapons are I the game? 3. And they are all pistols, making it equally as pointless online.



When you started a rant on gears and when you stopped using grammar, I stopped understanding and reading the post. Mind explaining that one to me in a few sentences?





And no. I do not care for multiplayer, I buy the game specifically for campaign before you ask. I would gladly help with any achievements you need regardless of wether I have them or not, should you actually read this thread again.

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