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Sugestions, PLEASE read!


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Here are my sudgestions!

-THE ARBITER! Put him back and fight with him and the elites on your side! You should also put a new zombie like creature, like the flood but better, Flood 2.0!
- Add marines to help you in firefight, like instelation 04 in anniversery
- Make a forge mode where you can make a firefight map
- Make prometheans and flood in the firefight mode.
- Make pelicans and phantoms multiplayer vehicles.
- CHANGE DEFAULT CONTROLS BACK, AND GET RID OF CUSTOM LOAD OUTS. That is EXACTLY what CoD did, I would kindly like you guys to not rip off of them, They SUCK!
-Make promethean vehicles and a forge world that's GIANT!
-Could you guys make it to where you don't have to have Xbox live to ENJOY the game?! All I can do is campaign and a small multiplayer match. You can't even let us play the new firefight?! That's messed up! Put firefight back!

-A gun that drains somebody's life and adds to yours, like a stasis rifle!
-An anti-air turret!
-Better/more assasinations!


Thank you for reading guys!

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I personally like the loadout system. One thing I would change though is make all weapons available in Spartan Ops, so you could start with a shotgun, sniper rifle, etc. The way my friends and I play is very class based and we all have dibs on what weapons we get. It would be nice to start with exactly the weapons you want.

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/\ fair enough, but many people grew up with the veery balanced starting weapons, where everyone was on an equal footing.


I'm just annoyed that we were promised a classic playlist which we never got.

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