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The Things That Keep Me Awake At Night has been neglected by me for e few months now. Time to bring it back. (And I forgot which number I was on, so we start at 10!) Here goes! Halo 4 issue!



Halo 4 Music:

It could be so much better...They did good on the remake in the credits, so why does Halo 4's music sound alien to me? Possibly because I don't yet associate the music with Halo...I just can't get over it. It may be the lack of chanting monks in the background or the electric sounding ring the music leaves in my ears...I want mah orchestrated music bahk!

This keeps me awake at night...


Relying on the banshee for air travel in MP:

The UNSC has been on the ground enough, give me my wings back.

This keeps me awake at night...


Classic playlist should be...more classic:

Slayer Pro is not what I had in mind. I thought a Halo 3 version WITH sensors was going to be in place. I'm not that big on classic game modes, but this irked me. Heck, why not also make Infinity Slayer that lets you use loadouts but doesn't give ordnance?

This keeps me awake at night...


Messed up collision models:

Sometimes my grenades bounce off of nothing, and sometimes headshots that literally hit the head in theater mode still miss! At first headshots were too easy, now they're messed up. What has happened? Sure, you can keep a player from standing under that niche in the wall, but you can at least let my grenade through there so it actually goes around the corner!

This keeps me awake at night...



Magnets are off, shadows look...weird, and unrelated to that, player shadows still disappear when you jump. If you ask me, the player shadows look better than the forge shadows. The only problem is that they have a limited range before they disappear. And magnets...good idea, but they need to be perfect before they can be used right. Coordinates are still my go-to. Also, on Impact, the UNSC tower's axis is off, AND the built in building is not rotated to go with the axis of forge objects.

This keeps me angry in forge!




Thank you for reading this long rant of mine! As always, walk on warm sands and be on the lookout for more issues of TTTKMAAN. I promise, the funny ones will return!

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