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Looking for CTF Players


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Hey everyone.


I love capture the flag. I love it more with a full team!

Im not very competative but i play to win. Im looking for players with mics that will discuss strategies and voice call outs.


I would love a team who strategise from game start to end.

For example -

1 player defends flag. Two players go for dominance over weapons / vehicles and the final two players rush enemy flag.


Add me anytime. Also up for any other gametypes.


GT - KannibalxClown

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Hey man I'm same as you ctf is my favorite havnt been able to play to much lately due to the fact I hate not going in with atleast one other other player to help with call outs and communication in really good and always play to win use to be in competitive gaming from halo 2 thru h3 so I know my stuff the only thing is I don't know all callouts for the maps but will learn quick


add me if you wanna play if you don't add I'll add you


trittnerx v2

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