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Is halo 4 better than halo 3?


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yes it is but one thing that lets halo 4 down it this


when halo 3 came out in was new and mazing but didnt stray far from that HALO FEEL that feel makes or breaks that game

when halo 4 comes out it is new and amzing  but the one thing it missess is this that HALO FEEL that feel as i said makes or breaks that game in the first few weeks or so no one notices it but soon after in febeary mine was was that it was missing that HALO FEEL that feel is missing from halo 4 so now i dont play it at all i hope to one day though i do have strong daith 343 will bring it back for halo 5 and revive it a bit for halo 4

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Halo 3 had more options, but Halo 4 has the better gameplay.


If Halo 4 had all the things that made Halo 3 great (old gametypes like 1 flag 1 bomb and dual wielding and interactable maps like zanzibar) then Halo 4 would be  great.


Halo 2 is still my favorite though.

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It is in some ways but, in other ways Halo 3 is superior IMO. Halo 3 was more competitive and had a better playlist setup. Halo 4 caters more towards the casual player then the skilled one. In Halo 3 you actually had to be some what skilled with the BR and even the AR for that matter to effectively take out other players of your skill range. Now even a player who's been playing for a month can easily take out a skilled player just because of the amount of damage the DMR does. Halo 3 had the best sandbox and best MM maps. Halo 4 gives you more options when it comes to MM optimization but for me Halo 3 MM had more replay value. Major game types were removed or changed and made worse like Flood for instance.


Spartan Ops was a very good addition although because of the lack of new achievements for the new Episodes I've yet to complete them all. Halo 4 had a better overall story line as well. Halo 3's campaign didn't do much to explain things to you were as Halo 4's explained a lot of things I wasn't already aware of and made Chief seem more like a human being thn just an unstoppable killing machine.


343i did a good job overall with Halo 4 but, left a lot of things to improve on and I hope they've taken a lot of notes for Halo 5 and 6. 

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Halo4 is WAY better than Halo3. 4 is Halo on nitro, faster, a little different - but very much Halo. 3 is an old slow turd in comparison.



BTW I played some customs today. Most fun EVER in a Halo game. We played 'Reach forge' remakes which were totally awesome.



I recommend you all to download maps Stranded (Cage remake), Ascension V.FI ('Pinnacle'), and Asylum (Asylum remake). They all totally ROCKS!! Kudos to the map makers!



When is a Forge Infinity Slayer playlist up 343??



We want. Now! :)

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BTW Halo4 waaay more competitive than Halo3. A little more random, since drops, but overall more competitive because of gameplay speed. I have two friends that always owned in Halo3 (completely sick with BR), and they STILL own in Halo4. In fact all guys I know playing are doing just about the same skillwise comparably as they did in Halo3 actually. All are better overall, but the guys on top are still the same as H3 with my buds.

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  On 4/2/2013 at 10:43 PM, Halogeek99 said:

BTW Halo4 waaay more competitive than Halo3. A little more random, since drops, but overall more competitive because of gameplay speed. I have two friends that always owned in Halo3 (completely sick with BR), and they STILL own in Halo4. In fact all guys I know playing are doing just about the same skillwise comparably as they did in Halo3 actually. All are better overall, but the guys on top are still the same as H3 with my buds.

i don't even know how to comment on a post like this........ really bro?

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You dont need to. Im just telling how it is for me and friends. Guys with most skills is still on top. Simple as that. I'd say biggest difference to Halo3 ( outcome wise) is that team killing is a little more important. Not as muchas in Reach, but moreso than H3. This is because killingtimes and movement speed is faster.

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  On 4/3/2013 at 6:06 AM, Halogeek99 said:

You dont need to. Im just telling how it is for me and friends. Guys with most skills is still on top. Simple as that. I'd say biggest difference to Halo3 ( outcome wise) is that team killing is a little more important. Not as muchas in Reach, but moreso than H3. This is because killingtimes and movement speed is faster.

well in my experience my mlg 50 friends and i would 1v1 me all the time and i couldn't keep up it always be a 15:3 15:5 game in halo 4 i could accutaly beat them

The problem is in this game you have no idea whos bad or good reminds me of cod in a way.

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  On 4/3/2013 at 6:21 AM, Halogeek99 said:

Then your MLG friends are not that good anymore. Or you became better comparably. 4+1 still counts. Only speed of play and movement is upped really.

No. i hight doubt that the game is just to random now. I see a very little to none skill gap.  this game is just way to unbalanced.

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It's not randomness in general. What you see is 9/10s Halo freaks online. Some bad, but most quite ok. In Halo3 daysyou had 300k noobs to kill for two years more or less. They play COD now after trying Halo for two weeks. That's where its at. If you opposed some guys I play with you see no randomness. You'll be killed 5 times for every kill you get. Over and over and over. Lol

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  On 4/3/2013 at 4:07 PM, Halogeek99 said:

It's not randomness in general. What you see is 9/10s Halo freaks online. Some bad, but most quite ok. In Halo3 daysyou had 300k noobs to kill for two years more or less. They play COD now after trying Halo for two weeks. That's where its at. If you opposed some guys I play with you see no randomness. You'll be killed 5 times for every kill you get. Over and over and over. Lol


Trust me, there's plenty of terrible people playing halo 4. Just as many as good players. At least in big team battle that's the case.

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I'm not sure. Halo 3 was my first love err... I mean first halo game. I played it a lot with my friends. There were very fun parts like fighting against brute chieftains and large vehicle battles. Halo 4 didn't so many those moments but the story and athmosphere were more immersive and the gameplay was a little better. I didn't like the new enemmies so much.So  It is hard to say which one is better.

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