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Epic game fails that made you extremely angry.


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Okay in this thread you place your game fails that made you rage quite or just get extremely angry. Heres mine:


So I was playing Pokemon Pearl and I rarely save I went 3-5 days without saving just closing the DS and I eventually got in this battle that I couldn't flee from my last defense pokemon is ditto this will make sense in a minute. After a hard fight I lost all my pokemon except my ditto and my last pokemon sacrificed his life to faint the next to last pokemon so we both switched to our last pokemon.....sadly both was a ditto -.- So after trying to use various items and trying multiple things I could not win and could not flee. So it was an everlasting draw in the end I shut it off and never played the Pokemon Pearl or the DS again.


So whats your biggest game fail that made you rage?

Edited by CPT Harbinger
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lol. Going though Waking Nightmare on Skyrim, and continually trying to save after the dream striding part, and freezing my game every time  Always doing it over and over again, thinking and hoping it wasnt going to be the same. Eventually I shut it off for awhile and decided to try not saving after the dream strider part. :X

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Everytime I play H4 with this community.....



Always ends with EPIC FAIL for me...lmao



Another good one..


Pre-Ordering the Limited edition SimCity, spending hours building a city, the game only plays when online and saves to a server, starting up SimCity to find their servers crashed and wiped out EVERYONE's game saves....the new SimCity is EA's biggest FAIL EVER.

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This is my recent one: I was playing CTF on Halo 4, the match was 0-0 and there was 1 minute left. So I grabbed the flag, made an epic run towards our base... 30 feet until I scored... 20... 10... *Disconected from XBOX Live*

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  :realmad:  :realmad:  :realmad: 

Edited by EliteISnIp3r
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This is my recent one: I was playing CTF on Halo 4, the match was 0-0 and they was 1 minute left. So I grabbed the flag, made an epic run towards our base... 30 feet until I scored... 20... 10... *Disconected from XBOX Live*

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  :realmad:  :realmad:  :realmad: 

That sucks

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I was in a custom game with a friend, then took a Scorpion to fight his Mantis.


Then my wireless controller ran out of power and disconnected, which gave him time to kill me and gain the lead before I could get new batteries and reconnect. From there he was able to turn the tables and win.

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This one is less of a game, and more of a console.


About 3 years ago, I was playing Original Xbox. we had a 360, but my brother kept it in his room, and I never got to play it, so I'd play the original all the time. Now, I had bought this one about 3 months after it had been released, so it was old.


I had about 130 hours of music saved on it, as well as over 50 games worth of saves.


I was playing Star Wars: Republic Commando (Big surprise there) And I had just finished killing Sun Fek for the millionth time. then, I noticed the Xbox making weird noises. when I went to investigate, Sparks shot out of the back, and the system shut off.


After I stopped freaking out due to a sudden, Xbox-Related, Fireworks show, I tried to turn it back on.




I tried just about every outlet in my house. The king, was dead.


Now that made me sad. then I realised.... Republic Commando was still in the system. That, made me furious. So I took a Hand saw to it, cut it open, and got my disk out.


Then, I cried weepy man-tears of Gaming Sadness. (Not really. It would've been funnier if I did.)




Alternate story!


Anytime someone tries to say every game ever stole from CoD.

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