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Youtube Video. What do you think


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I have recently started a Youtube channel based around popular Xbox games including Halo 4. What do you think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCh5UyfvY1Q

Edited by RedStarRocket91
Thread locked. A single embedded video with one sentence of text is not sufficient content for an OP. That said, there is some good advice in this thread, so add some text and listen to that feedback and your next video topic might do pretty well!
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I dunno. Do you have a lisp or something? Your voice IS a bit annoying, but I can bear with it so long as it wasn't as squeaky as can be.


In terms of content, I'm confused. You've practically made a series of you just talking with gameplay in the background....and not only that, you evidently don't really know how to use theater, as evidenced by the remaining white name tag in the middle of the screen. 


And then there are those full-retard spots that would've probably been ok if you had fully passed puberty, but until then you should just....not do it. Like 1:06.


I'd say you'd be better off 1. making commentaries when your voice has matured, 2. Make your voice a bit more enthusiastic, 3. Actually have a topic instead of just 'you' talking about 'stuff' and 4. Until your voice has matured, instead make entertainment through editing and not speech.

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Having an annoying voice doesn't actually stop viewers from enjoying your content if it's good enough. I remember when I first started watching some Youtubers I watched one for a bit, stumbled on another who had a really nerdy voice, and at first dismissed but later preferred the one with the nerdier voice. He was a better player and posted better content. He had a sort of dry journalistic style that didn't come with a lot of charm of its own but when you're looking for info on getting better at a game you don't want to waste a lot of time with "style."


I was going to link their channels, but they made BF3 content, which is in a way "off topic."

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Having an annoying voice doesn't actually stop viewers from enjoying your content if it's good enough. I remember when I first started watching some Youtubers I watched one for a bit, stumbled on another who had a really nerdy voice, and at first dismissed but later preferred the one with the nerdier voice. He was a better player and posted better content. He had a sort of dry journalistic style that didn't come with a lot of charm of its own but when you're looking for info on getting better at a game you don't want to waste a lot of time with "style."


I was going to link their channels, but they made BF3 content, which is in a way "off topic."

Kind of true; this would be like saying a girl is ugly but has a great personality.


Post good enough content and people will watch. Very simple.


You just have to factor in the fact that how annoying your voice is affects a part of how good your content is, ESPECIALLY if your content revolves around 'you talking as the main thing with gameplay just as a background'.

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Hey, I think you should try to give the viewer a reason to watch. This does not have to be purely all about skill. What you are doing would be fine if you was... and I hate to say this "Somebody". For example people would just watch it because they want to be more connect to this person. Some people are just naturally entertaining to watch. Some have great personality, which I'm sure you have... and some have great skill in a game. It would be great to have both. Like "Ninja" the Halo pro.


But even if he didn't go pro and have no great skill, just played games being the way he is, people would most likely just say "what a jerk... who this guy think is :/ "


So plan a little ahead before you do a freestyle. For example I'm assuming you play different FPS's, maybe talk about the differences between Halo and Gears of war.. What do you like and dislike. This could actually get people to feel connected with you or hate you more. I would not worry about the voice thing. People will hate it or love it and most will just get used to it. Like what was said above.


Anyway it depends on what you want.. you want big viewers and a fans. Ask yourself what would we like to see you doing. If you just want to have fun with friends making videos, that's fine too. But then you're only making vids for yourself, friends and maybe your friend's friends.



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^^Good points he made. For an inexperience commentator such as yourself, always know what you're going to talk about before recording. Discussing interesting topics can help supplement gameplay that isn't 110% over-the-top. Asking your viewers questions to comment about pulls them in and gives you feedback.

Also, don't try to act like your favorite commentator or someone famous. Just be yourself; stay positive and energetic about what you're doing. It may be difficult for a while (starting a channel is never easy), but giving up will get you nowhere.

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