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the struggle for Protector

Victory Element

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probably the most coveted and most challenging helmet to earn in halo 4 is the protector helmet. The first skin can be earned through the commendation of UNSC loadout mastery, and the second skin is earned through universal weapon mastery  



i am shooting for the first helmet at the moment....


So far i have the DMR and BR at full mastery. I need around 500 more kills with the magnum, 350 more with frag grenades..... and then the assualt rifle..... :wallbash:


I still need close to 1250 more kills with that weapon. I am here seeking advice for the best way to achieve those AR kills. The new forge FFA playlist seems pretty decent for getting assualt rifle kills, but i dont feel like playing that for the next 3 weeks.


If you have any advice for getting assualt rifle kills in mass proportions, please leave a response. I also need advice for a gametype to do this in

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Believe it or not, I use big team battle. I wait until the enemy clusters and spray from a doorway or crevice nearby while they engage my teammates. Not only do I score big for double triple and overkills most of the time the enemy has no idea I was even there. I use that with the perk firepower so I can use my DMR to battle my way to my camping spot so I can engage at those long distances. Once I'm in place, the body count is relentless and I find myself running out of ammo before I am killed. That's always worked for me. Only drawback is most of the maps are made for long range combat rendering this method ineffective of you were to try and run and gun.


Try and control pivotal choke points with more than one way to escape should you get cornered. That's worked for me but to each his own. Hope this helped.

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