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Why not just give the BR and Carbine a range boost?

Chris Hansen

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The DMR has several advantages over the Carbine and BR, like only 5 actual bullets needed to land a kill or the insane magnetism, or the fact that shooting someone to death at any range besides point blank including the range of the BR and Carbine is easy.


My proposed buff to the other two rifles is just to make them have the same range as the DMR. I honestly think the DMR will still have the advantage but at least it will be on even range ground. I used the Halo 2 carbine the most out of the versions of the rifle and what made it so good in halo 2 was it's firing speed and the same range as the BR. It fired EVEN faster then the halo 4 version but more importantly it had the range to back it up at a cost of slightly low accuracy at range rapid shooting. The BR will still be balanced except those frustrating times you decided to use a BR in big team, your getting picked off by double its range by the DMR.


Anyway, I thought long and hard about how to solve this "DMR is better then the other rifles" problem. And don't kid yourself if you think the other rifles are fine.

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Although this sounds fine, it isn't the range that is the problem. The problem is the scopes and spread.


With the BR, the farther away the target, the more the shots spread, so a less effective burst over distance.


With the carbine, it deviates from it's original angle of firing a little bit, but not by much.


If 343i fixed the scopes and lessened the spread for long distance, it would be balanced long distance, but would screw up the close range conflict.

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the rate of fire will also play a role in this. the carbine can fire in very quick succession, but you need to land 7 shots for the kill. The BR has a slower rate of fire than the DMR, which is also a major disadvantage.


Increasing the range of the other weapons would make a difference if the bullet spread was minimized, but the DMR would most likely remain dominant

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Is the problem still that the DMR has a faster kill time at medium range than the other two? If it is, then I don't see how giving the other two longer range will help.  You'd then have one good all-purpose rifle (DMR), one good long-range rifle (Light rifle), and two rifles that suck at everything other than being quirky (BR and Carbine).


Last I played that was already the situation, the DMR was a good all-purpose rifle, the Light Rifle was great at long range where it could remain scoped, and the BR and Carbine suck at everything but SWAT. The problem the BR and Carbine have is that they're not good at anything, if both got a 10% or so damage boost they'd win at mid-range due to high damage and lose at long range due to lower accuracy. That's how I always wanted it to be done. They need to have better kill times in mid-range than the DMR, but lose at long-range to the DMR and Lightrifle.


Remember always that there are many ways to tweak a weapon's performance, and in the case of the BR for example the lower accuracy and higher recoil is ALL YOU NEED to keep it from performing well at long range. It doesn't need any nerfs or tweaks other than a damage boost. Tightening its spread won't make it kill faster, a damage boost will though.


I've never felt that the BR and Carbine should be able to compete with the DMR at long range though, they're mid-range rifles and it's a long-range rifle. DMR should lose to them at mid-range and they should lose to DMR at long range. The idea of trying to get them all equal at everything sounds like it would make them all much less interesting.

Edited by Bloody Initiate
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i agree the BR`s accuracy due to the large reticule is shockingly bad, it should have a finer range like the DMR thats why i use the BR as a backup weapon as the DMR`s potency is far more superior. i like the carbine better than the BR because of its accuracy and range or maybe for its lime lazer ;) but the BR is definatley a short range weapon which should be in theory as affective as the DMR or carbine. i hate the BR`s large reticule.

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if u made the brs range longer there would be no point in a dmr at all and now that I think about is a good thing as most player use the dmr in halo 4 it would force players to adapt and pick another weapon but the range isn't the problem with he gun it stomping power is so instead to this the br needs a 4 shot kill  

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I sugest if you use a BR at long range put Stability on (if you have it): because when you shoot with it you will recognise it recoils quite a lot, that makes it harder for you to get a better shot at someone. The Carbine though must definitely be better at long range. However, that would cause a problem because the Carbine literally rapid fire.

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  On 3/30/2013 at 10:57 AM, Chris Hansen said:

The DMR has several advantages over the Carbine and BR, like only 5 actual bullets needed to land a kill or the insane magnetism, or the fact that shooting someone to death at any range besides point blank including the range of the BR and Carbine is easy.


My proposed buff to the other two rifles is just to make them have the same range as the DMR. I honestly think the DMR will still have the advantage but at least it will be on even range ground. I used the Halo 2 carbine the most out of the versions of the rifle and what made it so good in halo 2 was it's firing speed and the same range as the BR. It fired EVEN faster then the halo 4 version but more importantly it had the range to back it up at a cost of slightly low accuracy at range rapid shooting. The BR will still be balanced except those frustrating times you decided to use a BR in big team, your getting picked off by double its range by the DMR.


Anyway, I thought long and hard about how to solve this "DMR is better then the other rifles" problem. And don't kid yourself if you think the other rifles are fine.

No, this is stupid. The DMR has a range advantage and is easy for a marskman to use but it doesn't mean it should be changed or other rifles to be changed to it.

The BR can easily be used at long range if you care to aim, so can the carbine. The purpose of the carbine and DMR is completely different, so is BR to carbine and BR to DMR.

Besides, forgers sometimes enjoy implementing BRs into zombie games as DMRs have a ridiculous range.


  On 3/30/2013 at 10:57 AM, Chris Hansen said:

My proposed buff to the other two rifles is just to make them have the same range as the DMR.

 Propose to Waypoint, not us.


Put it this way, if you can use the DMR better than other rifles, use the DMR.

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  On 4/12/2013 at 11:15 AM, JC13999 said:

I think you guys are all wrong I can kill most dmr br and lr players with my carbine. skill can play a major role in this it takes more skill to kill with the br or carbine

You're playing bad kids, then.


DMR is statistically better than all other guns apart from LR zoomed.

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  • 1 month later...

I sort of agree with Initiate, giving a 10% damage boost to the BR might give it more dominance in mid/ close-mid range over the DMR. however, a 10% boost to the carbine might be a bit overpowered, as the carbine (at least from what I can tell) is extremely powerful at medium range due to its relative accuracy and ROF. maybe I'm just playing against people that have no idea what they're doing, but i can usually beat a DMR at medium range with a BR or Carbine. but a 10% damage boost for the BR and the Carbine makes sense to me, as with both weapons poor accuracy at long range still gives the DMR distance dominance, but if you can get in medium/ close-medium range it will more likely than not loose out to both. but like JC13999 said, skill plays a major role

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/21/2013 at 4:06 PM, RelevantEagle22 said:

well from the new update that we had i can see that the battle rifle is pretty much the new DMR

Yep it seems as if people actually use the BR now. Before the update it seemed as if no one used it.


I think that the update was the appropriate way to buff the BR. Rather than increasing the range they really increased the damage up close where as the dmr is not quite as easy up close.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Why not? Because both weapons would always decimate the DMR and LR, even at long range, if that were to happen. Its balanced how it is so just keep it. Hey while you're at it, let's make the AR headshot capable /sarcasm.


On a serious note, people should instead be thinking about ways to balance the Sniper and Beam Rifle. I say either the Sniper should be changed to have 5 shots per clip OR the beam rifle could be changed to only be able to fire two shots rapidly before overheating (right now you can fire three if you fire extremely fast). I also think on top of either of those choices, the Beam Rifle's bullet magnetism needs to be drastically lowered.

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