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Cererus II

Rayner Sutardja

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ablesirthomas, i didnt get any feedback, i mean i just want some feedback, so give me feedback. i need feedback because i like feedback. i want feedback. you didn't discuss my map when we met online. can i at least have feedback. something.


ok, so... here i go again



Hi! i'm n0mnom321, and i would really hope for you guys to help me test this map, as my time is very, very limited i'm 15, and i can only play on saturday mornings.
Cerberus is an interesting dominion map, with aesthetic cannons that landmark Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie(hence the name Cerberus). Alpha is partially underground, beneath the station. A wall blocks Alpha from Charlie's sight lines. Bravo has a good view of Charlie but since a considerable part of alpha is underground(alpha's terminal is underground and the red team respawns underground), bravo's 'sight lines' on alpha are a little bit limited. However, bravo' position is almost directly over alpha, and this gives bravo an advantage as players can drop down on alpha and invade easily. Bravo also has a mantis which is very effective in the station corridors of Alpha. Bravo has direct sight lines on Charlie, but Charlie has a scorpion turret that is effective against the mantis and bravo's banshee. Thus, bravo has an equally considerable advantage over both Alpha and Charlie and the bravo dilemma is more interestingly implemented.
Charlie's strong defense against attacks from bravo's direction(charlie has 2 turrets and one stationary scorpion with 2x damage) is balanced by it's vulnerableness towards alpha. There is a teleportation system from alpha to Charlie, and it is a one-way teleporter. This advantage, however, is partially 'neutralised' by the fact that the other Alpha/Charlie flank, achieved via a corridor connecting alpha and Charlie, leads directly to alpha's terminal. Thus, Charlie's best bet against Alpha is to guard the teleporter channel, while Alpha's best bet against Charlie is to guard the corridor connecting alpha and Charlie.
I put a sniper at bravo's terminal, which is a vantage point, and this may be bad in the perspective of risk versus reward, but I found in matchmaking that players would try to push the terminal as fast as possible and run away. This was not really good for gameplay, especially for that person's teammates. I therefore put a sniper there to motivate players to protect the base that they are capturing. Also, be sure to watch out for the mantis that rises out of it's chamber when bravo has been captured. The map does not have the lighting glitch, as it does say 'generating lighting', but the are 2 parts of the map with 'moving shadows', which is the station corridor near Charlie, and one of the blocks near alpha. However, I think that these are neglectible.
Entrances to Alpha's terminal:
Above bravo, 2 entrances lead downward to Alpha's terminal via station ramps, one side entrance and one main entrance. there is a general defence turret outside and another turret at alpha's main entrance.
Alpha/Charlie corridor route
Entrances to Charlie's terminal:
Alpha/Charlie teleport channel
Alpha/Charlie corridor route
Main entrance(guarded by scorpion turret)
Side entrance
Entrances to Bravo's terminal:
Teleporter flank below base terminal
Gravity lift from below to teleporter room, there is also another gravity lift leading directly to Bravo's terminal.
2 main ramps from behind, which makes defence against attacking scorpions and warthogs crucial, as the ramp is very big. There are 2 turrets guarding this flank.
Bravo has one mantis, a banshee and a scorpion stationed underneath(the scorpion is not a vehicle pad, so it can be taken by other teams), alpha has a rocket hog and a scorpion vpad and Charlie has a gauss hog and a scorpion vpad. Using vehicles is fun on this map, as there is quite a bit of open area around it.


err, you may think the map is very open, but trust me, sightlines are not as they seem.


i actually played KOTH and slayer here and we had a blast.

the teleporter to charlie is at alpha's aesthetic cannon, near the generator.


sorry, not cererus II, cerberus II. the map name is Cerberus II. the link is wrong. here's the working link:




please just give me some FeEdBaCk.

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When I tried to give you feedback over live, my party waited in forge for 30 mins. We were trying to talk about your map but you weren't responding. I'm not sure if it was a technical issue or what, but we could not hear you. My friend just got mad and "deleted all" in your forge game.

With my time on your map I can tell you your map does suffer from the lighting glitch, due to your almost maxed out forge budget. Also your layout is very confusing, players will have a hard time moving/ fighting on your map. Also your base terminals are far to exposed leaving no room for any kind of defensive strategy. Your 'AA guns are well forged and you have good design intent. If you would like to discuss more msg me on live, but you will need a headset. Hopefully we will be able to hear each other this time lol .     

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I could hear you guys talking, but somehow my kinect did not want to work. Anyway, what do you mean by the layout is confusing? I tried to make the base terminals hard to defend, but I guess I overdid it. I'll send you a message when I've finished fixing the map. By the way, the map says generating lighting when I go to player mode, so I don't exactly know if the map has the lighting glitch or not.


The map is too complicated?


I tried to make the terminals hard to defend because in matchmaking I found that I hated it when people camped at the base.


Do you think the map will work for BTB?


Have you guys tested the map?

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The map would not exactly work better for BTB, it is just that your forging seems to be more complicated than it needs to be. Simplify your designs and put them to the test by comparing them to the maps in matchmaking such as longbow or exile. Does it play like those maps? Also your gun Has way too much budget on it but the map would play terribly but the map would act as more of an aesthetic map more than anything.

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