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A nice atmosphere for maps


Go near the water and put a block just and top of it. Then make walls around it to see; there is mist around water. This can make a good eerie setting for flood maps.


Screenshots later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i love the fog for some of my maps and here's what you do

  • place a wall coliseum, laying flat, as close to the water without going into the water
  • add the roof
  • create some walls

wherever you dont see sunshine peaking in, you will notice the fog on the ground. ill try to get a screenshot up in the next hour and put EDIT above the screenshot when i add it


EDIT: notice the light blue area just above the water and on the lower part of the island. that's the fog. there will be that light blueish effect, or fog, wherever there's walls and/or a roof blocking the sunlight. the fog becomes more noticeable if you make a box on the water (no sunlight gets in)


for the example seen here i used the following

  • 5 Wall Coliseum's, flat for row 1 of ground
  • 5 more W.C.'s, flat for row 2 of ground
  • 3 W.C's, tall, middle, for wall
  • 3 W.C's, flat, middle, for roof
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Using the underwater glitch can make a lot of eerie fog if you use some special effects.




I used the Next Gen effects to make the water look grey, but everything else retain some of its colour. Hence, you can see the Binary Rifle beams (and teleporter lights) clearly, yet you don't think you're swimming.

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