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Halo 4 Waypoint Ranking System Will Not Save The Game


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I have been waiting awhile along with quite a lot of other people for this ranking system that was meant to show up in January 2013. Now obviously that didn't happen and we have been told its now going to be April, Now my problem is not the fact that there is going to be a ranking system it's the fact that its not going to be visible in game, What kind of sense does that make.


I really don't understand why they wish to basically hide your rank from other players, Does 343 not realize that a proper visible ranking was what kept people playing Halo 2/3 for so long.. I understand that they are trying to get more casual gamers but casual gamer DO NOT keep you game going as they are fickle and will always move on to the next newest game.


Also lets be fair Halo going all Exp on us to try and get the CoD players in is never going to work as you still have to have some form of accuracy to play Halo unlike CoD where all you basically need its a full automatic and spray and pray...



Halo CE was the Reason I bought an Xbox / Halo 2 was the Reason I Kept it / Halo 3 was the reason I bought a 360, Now since Reach I have been left wanting a good online MP game with a Proper ranking system which just seems like it is never going to happen.


343 needs to realize  that Reach failed a it had now visible ranking system just a Terrible arena and putting a none visible ranking system in Halo 4 is not going to bring back the competitive players because they have already long gone back to Halo 3 where winning means something..


I believe it should be a Social playlist for the casuals and a VISIBLE ranked playlist for the people that like to play with people of a similar skill and have good games where if you win you rank up and if you lose you get  punished by ranking down.




Last thing, I also believe that the lack of a ranking system in this game and lack of other game being difficult to complete is fully based on most New/Younger gamers wanting something just for playing and not wanting to better themselves/ Improve.  I know this does not apply to all but IMO at least %90 of these people are like this.


Anyway 343 you need to get thinking about making Halo 5 amazing otherwise you be ****** as a lot of people are getting tired of this ****.


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i dont care about ranking much but yes, ranking should be visible to everyone in game. i couldnt play halo 2 online much and got to a rank of 6. halo 3's ranking system i didnt care for. highest was 31 and no matter how hard i tried, couldnt get higher. plus all the messages of "selling 50's". hopefully this doesnt start again (the selling 50s)

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The Reason you got stuck at level 31 is because the ranking system was trueskill and the would have been your trueskill rank for whatever playlist you where playing in at the time... That's the way it works so you must have been losing and winning around the same amount making it harder to rank up... 


But yes Ranking need to be Visible .. 

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1. There's no reason to imply that CoD takes no skill. I would rather both fanbases respect the other game properly.


2. There's nothing inherently wrong with a exp system like what we have, only it probably should have a higher cap, and be accompanied by an actual RANK. You know, like all the cool games now. Starcraft, League, and even Blops 2 has it, and it works very well.


3. The stupidity of the proposed system has nothing to do with anything else. It should be changed, but everything else would be fine with it.


4. H4 doesn't need saving, just a nice boost, which I agree, it will probably not get. People are too drastic with their words, and it makes them less credible. H4 is still one of the most popular games on xbox, and Halo games always will be. Just because it's shrunk down a bit because of CoD and silly decisions doesn't mean it's not still a huge title that "needs saving". Not that aren't lots of things I would do to improve it.

5. Ideal system: Just add leauges/ELO. Like what SC2 has. Reach basically had it, though it was executed terribly. ELO should always be based of W/L, because that's how it works. Otherwise you get awkward problems (like Reach).

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