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Dear 343,

from all the competitive community, we need a four shot kill battle rifle.  we cannot just have 4SK settings at tournaments because it would put off all the casual community.  but it is so much better to have 4SK at tournaments because it promotes team shotting, good positioning, if you sprint you will get punished and you also get punished for bad aiming because you cannot get yourself back on track with your opponent so easily.  please buff the BR, for the competitive communities sake.  


check this video out:    

say yes if you want to support us!!! :laughing:

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That's a horrible idea. 

A 4sk BR would be so over powered and make all of the other primaries useless.  

The primaries are mostly balanced, the DMR could use a slight ROF nerf but the BR is fine how it is.  Buffing it would just make it way too over powered.

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No, I think it would make it horrendously overpowered. As for balance issues vs the DMR; just speed up BR rate of fire ever so slightly if anything. Or have the bloom return slower on the DMR. Gandhi is completely off on this one btw. Promotes teamwork AND helps a player carry a team? Cant be both Gandhi. IMO one extra shot more promotes teamshotting and indirectly teamwork if anything.



I can understand lone wolfer style players would like 4sk though.

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People need to stop being so attached to the battle rifle. No one seems to be able to handle the fact that there are better weapons out there, like the DMR. If one weapon is clearly better in most combat situations, its obvious that you should learn how to use it regularly. Yes, you would think that the DMR and battle rifle would be balanced, but its been determined that one is dominant. having 2 UNSC mid range weapons in a game is unusual for us, but its like we're back to only having one now.


It's time to move on then. Living in the past will only make halo a negative experience for you. you can't stop change from happening, and trying to fight it will probably make things worse. I am not against the battle rifle being made more effective, but making it a 4 shot kill will make it overpowered. Then the DMR will become useless, and the argument will just repeat itself again.

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People need to stop being so attached to the battle rifle. No one seems to be able to handle the fact that there are better weapons out there, like the DMR. If one weapon is clearly better in most combat situations, its obvious that you should learn how to use it regularly. Yes, you would think that the DMR and battle rifle would be balanced, but its been determined that one is dominant. having 2 UNSC mid range weapons in a game is unusual for us, but its like we're back to only having one now.


It's time to move on then. Living in the past will only make halo a negative experience for you. you can't stop change from happening, and trying to fight it will probably make things worse. I am not against the battle rifle being made more effective, but making it a 4 shot kill will make it overpowered. Then the DMR will become useless, and the argument will just repeat itself again.


No offense, but I absolutely can't stand this mentality. If something sucks or is unbalanced, you shouldn't just roll over and let it be like that.


A 4sk BR would be fine if the ROF was slower, think halo 3 ROF, but after testing what amounts to a 4SK BR in customs, it kills WAY too fast. Think of a gun that kills so fast you can't escape it, practically. That's the H4 BR at a 4sk.


LOL. You already can't escape anything shooting you in this game due to being slowed down/stunned by being hit.

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If there is a 4sk BR, then it should be implemented only in certain playlists--like Legendary Slayer (check the link in my previous comment). They can also tweak the rate of fire and accuracy so it's more like the Halo 3 BR. But before you get too committed to this idea, hear me out: Halo 4's BR is a 5sk for a reason; the hit detection in H4 is absolutely superb. In Halo 3, getting a 4sk was like getting a no-scope because of bullet hit detection and host connection variances. It was more often a 5sk or 6sk in Halo 3 (except on LAN). And even if the rate if fire and accuracy were modified to be more like the H3 BR, the shielding would need to be changed; getting headshots is pretty easy, so shields need to recharge faster; the player who wins a 1v1 should not be punished because someone cleans him up cross-map because of how good the hit-detection is. People who are good should be rewarded. You have to think about how a 4sk will balance in this new game. Check out the Legendary Slayer thread for more details on how the mid-range weapons could be balanced.

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Umm bad idea.

There is already over powered weapons such as, Assault Rifle

and I dont think they should make Battle Rifle

even more powerful than it already is.

That would just give people an advantage over the DMR but,

I would never chose Battle Rifle over DMR.

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No offense, but I absolutely can't stand this mentality. If something sucks or is unbalanced, you shouldn't just roll over and let it be like that.


I said that im not against the BR being made more effective. There are just better ways to accomplish that instead of making it 4sk. An increase in range and decrease in bullet spread is all that it really needs

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It's entirely possible that 343i will implement a 4sk BR in a new playlist. But like I said, there are other things that need to be talk into account: shielding, range, whether it is available off-spawn; all of these things influence the flow of gameplay. It's more than just increasing the damage.

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No, Gandhi was wrong about the benefits of the CSR system too. A week in everyone gets frustrated to play after like 30mins. People standby everywhere, afraid to quit matches because rank loss. Matchups are worse than ever connect wise, and pop are dropping rapidly. I PREDICED IT.


Game needed more casuals, not a new ranking system.

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If the BR and the DMR were the only weapons in the game than a simple 10% damage boost to the BR would make them balanced. A 10% damage boost makes the BR 4-shot, but doesn't improve its accuracy, spread, or high recoil. Thus the DMR would still win at range because its shots go where you think they will, and the BR would win at close and mid-range because its kill time would be much faster.


They are not the only two weapons in the game though, which makes balancing them slightly more complicated. The BR SHOULD be 4-shot, but it should not keep its current rate of fire if it is made 4sk. There are other weapons to consider. The BR definitely SHOULD be 4sk, but the changes can't stop there.

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