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CNTRL Team/Community.

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Hello It's me again. As you may of seen I already did a post about the our clan recruiting. But I'm doing another one because maybe this time it will be appealing to people with the use of the "One's" topic: Clan Recruiting Tips, which has been very helpful......


CNTRL Team: we are a clan with momentarily only two members: me and my best friend who are the founders of the clan. So we desperately need new recruits. Our clan will constantly be hosting customs and War Games matches for all. Moreover, we will be occasionally hosting Charity-Matches: they will be BTB's or just Infinity Slayers and maybe some objective games: Extraction, KIng Of The Hill and Oddball. Whoever wins get's a amount of money less than £40 pounds, and you are aloud to choose whatever charity you will give it to.


Our motto is: Team-Work leads to victory and victory is where we shall stand!

However, to join you must be over 11 years old or just 11, you must have a decent amount of skill: good shout-outs, locating positions of the enemy, a decent amount of MLG pro tips and if you can be able to do Ghandi Hopping: 


Online preferences must always be on! You must not be stupid or annoying meanwhile games we take this seriously: only in online games playing with other members, but in fun community customs you may be aloud to get angry. 


If you want to join contact me by either PM on the site or on XBL.......  :thumbsup:

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