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(Hopefully) Many of you have read the topic I made about a month ago about the sci-fi universe I am making called Project: Exodus.


Anyway, I was thinking, I may begin to post a couple if weapon ideas here, to begin with, I would post 2. If you are interested in reading my ideas, just post two weapon names listed below.


Atom Shot

Atom Rifle

Atom Launcher

Disintegration Rifle

Gravity Rifle

Gravity Cannon

Seismic Cannon

Pulse Shot


Just two weapons you sound interested in, the most picked two I will post info about to see what people thinks. If you like them, I will post more.

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Class-45 Directed Energy Pistol/Atom (Atom Shot, Decimator)

The DEP/A is one of the first weaponry seen in the war. It uses a revolving clip with six shots, or one overcharge per clip. The standard mode is a three CM bolt of energy that ionises the particles where it hits. It can still cause severe wounds to the body when used up close. The pistol is less accurate at range, making it a close-medium ranged weapon. The overcharge dumps all of the remaining energy into one bolt, which is released and acts as a shotgun. This mode was designed for being held down for self-destruct, but I commonly used against infantry for its extreme effectiveness. It uses the entire clip to use, making the weapon needed to be reloaded.


(Haven't finished writing the GRifle, I've done the other sniper, the Decimation Rifle)



Class-51 Directed Energy Sniper Weapon/Atom (Disintegrator Rifle, Disintegrator)

The DESW/A is one of two sniper rifles systems used exclusively by warrior forces. It is pump-action, where the energy cell is slid back to recharge. When fired, it generates an overcharged bolt of energy similar to the DEP/A, but is much longer ranged and pinpoint accurate. This weapon has the ability to puncture through a Dragonfly (Human Helicopter) cockpit, making these weapons highly dangerous. No matter where the bolt hits, the overcharge will completely disintegrate the person hit. The bolt only seems to have this effect on living organisms, having the same effects as a regular atom bolt on environment. An obvious giveaway of this weapon is the blue laser which depicts where the sniper is aiming. This is to ensure pinpoint accuracy if fired from the hip. It possesses a powerful scope which uses this laser for aiming. It has a battery of 21 rounds, after which it needs to be recharged to be more than a club.

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