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new DLC


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this is a terrible idea why because lets say player a meets player b in a slayer game on haven for example and player a has no weapon dlc and player a does player a has a unfair advantage in he fight or lets that this armour ability dlc lets say this pack includes a ability to run faster for 10 seconds  player a meets player b again player a runs away and activates his  ability to run faster player b shoots hit and get him one shot but player a escapes see what I mean unfair advantage and that my sir is not what halo is about at all but this forge dlc and doesn't sound half bad

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Surely the DLC's for the weapons everybody can get at a decent rank.....like...lets say.......SR12. Anyways. i do think this is a terrible idea: the game would start to turn into CoD. Plus like what Caboose said one player would have an advantage, and the other.......wouldn't at all. Who would win? Obviously the one with a perk!

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