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Did not chose Specialization the halo 4 game did


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Ok I reach level 50 . So while waiting for the next match to begin , I was looking over the specialization. So the match start and I finish the game. While waiting again for the next I notice that the game chose a specialization for me. What the f????? I didn't want that specialization. I try looking for an email or contact number for 343. I call Xbox and they suggested that I write this forum. Please 343 help me reset this

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I'm not positive, somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure after SR 50, your first specialization has to be wetworks.


no It

 does no have to be


Ok I reach level 50 . So while waiting for the next match to begin , I was looking over the specialization. So the match start and I finish the game. While waiting again for the next I notice that the game chose a specialization for me. What the f????? I didn't want that specialization. I try looking for an email or contact number for 343. I call Xbox and they suggested that I write this forum. Please 343 help me reset this


no u cannot rest it much be a glitch or something maybe there is a fix but I don't know of one maybe turn of your console if it is still on and see if it has reset but maybe u accidently clicked wetwork by mistake

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I'm not positive, somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure after SR 50, your first specialization has to be wetworks.

no. your next one is up to you



Ok I reach level 50 . So while waiting for the next match to begin , I was looking over the specialization. So the match start and I finish the game. While waiting again for the next I notice that the game chose a specialization for me. What the f????? I didn't want that specialization

what specialization? you didnt exactly say the name of it, but everyones been guessing wetworks since its the next one on the list. if you complete that specialization and it happens again, then theres nothing you can do about it except rank up and try to complete all the specializations


you also get a prompt asking if you want to enlist in that specialization with "yes" and "no" choices. maybe you accidentially double tapped "A" thinking you would see more details. if that was the case, tap your a's, or any button, slowly as you never know what will happen (unless its combat, then tap away)


hope that helped

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  • 2 months later...

My best guess is that you might have accidentally selected a specialization. If not, I'm just going to assume it's a glitch then. If you don't pick your specialization, usually what happens is nothing. You stay at the same level and gain useless experience. It shouldn't ever just select a specialization for you. If it's really such a big deal, post in the glitches/bugs forum on Halo Waypoint.

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