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Second Thoughts...


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I posted plenty of threads giving Halo 4 an incredibly hard time. But, I decided to sit down for hours and hours and just play the game \ get used to it a bit. And, for some reason, after forcing myself to just vibe with it for a while, it started to feel more and more like Halo. I don't know why. The enjoyment level increased and it actually became fun.


However, I do not quite understand why we can't have our CSR at least show up in our Service Record. I really hope that they take this into consideration. It'd be so much more epic, smooth, convenient, and add to the excitement more; and with it only showing in each player's service record, no one can be bashed for their ranks, no one can know for sure what the other person's rank is if they try to sell an account, and I really don't think boosting would be an issue.


Just some thoughts...

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I really appreciate the fact that you gave the game a second chance. Many players decided that they didn't like the changes in halo 4 and they left the game on a shelf to collect dust. Once you begin to get better at the game, it becomes a lot more enjoyable and feels like halo again

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  • you shouldn't say you hate/dislike a game if you haven't played it, especially if your going by what others say. by saying that you actually gave halo 4 a shot, you started to enjoy it for a change

csr is just a number. most posts ive read all complain the same thing, make csr visible in game. you should be happy thats its even in the game in the first place

bashing a rank can happen with or without csr. someone who is sr130 can say to a sr45 "haha, your not even rank 50 yet, how does it feel being a recruit" or something along those lines. by making csr visible, your just encouraging those halo jerks (the ones who t-bag and trash talk) to do the same thing they were doing on halo 3

selling accounts shouldnt of happened on halo 3. by buying an account, your saying that you dont want to work hard to get there. its like obtaining a high rank from the forums and not be able to say "hey, i worked hard for this"

boosting will happen anywhere and everywhere. usually you can tell in ffa when 2 enemies are just camping next to each other killing anyone who comes near them. as long as there are playlists that dont set max party sizes and max local players to 1 like reach's firefight playlist, score attack, there will probably be boosting. unless 343 is cracking down on boosting by watching matches or something else

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