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BR and Carbine buff confirmed

Maximum Clutch

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In this weeks Halo Bulletin, they confirmed that the carbine and br are getting a buff. The carbine if going to require one less shot to kill and the br will become a 4sk but have its rate of fire slowed down.



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  On 4/18/2013 at 3:09 PM, Maximum Clutch said:

In this weeks Halo Bulletin, they confirmed that the carbine and br are getting a buff. The carbine if going to require one less shot to kill and the br will become a 4sk but have its rate of fire slowed down.




well this is good news very good news as the so called op dmr is now not so op with these buffs coming in and we will see more carbine and br players in halo 4 now :thumbsup:

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To be honest, I have never really seen the DMR as that OP. I have mastered the BR and DMR so I've spent quite a while with both of them and I think the DMR is fine. When it comes down to it, it's the player, not the gun. It doesn't matter how strong the gun is, if the player can't out the reticle on the head, they aren't going to win.

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The easiest and usefull weapon of the game (his range is wide, his burst are so fast that seems like an automatic weapon and a gigantic reticle to hit 1 of 3 shots in the head) now with 20% nore power ??.

in FFA there is no other weapon, and i always use the AR and ocasionaly the DMR but this is just unfair, with the AR i never win a 1v1 againist  a BR (even on short ranges where they just use his boltshot) even 343 supports this in his bulletin, so i start to play with the DMR to face the BR, but in FFA and team games always get assist medals (mi record is 34) because i been always steal by the br and his 3 shots even when i only need 1 more shot to kill the ennemy.

do the math, 1 less shoot of 5 is 20 % more power, the carabine 1 less of 7 is just 14 % and i dont think that 343 increses the power of the assault rifles more than 10 %, so ?? you really think that this will increase the balance or just make that halo 4 will became like halo 3 and 2. BR , BR  everywhere.

the only gun who can face the br in range and power WAS the dmr, but is no more, i have buyed halo 4 for his variety, not for halo reach with BR and boltshot (also the plasma granades are a pain in the %%%, even more driving the warthog, why 343 dont fix his strength, now is suicidal use the hog) i espect so much of this upgrade but thanks 343, bioshock infinite here i go.

P.D. before you start you call me noob, see my service record (SYLUX 580)  i know what im talking about.

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  On 4/20/2013 at 6:14 AM, Roberto Sylux said:

The easiest and usefull weapon of the game (his range is wide, his burst are so fast that seems like an automatic weapon and a gigantic reticle to hit 1 of 3 shots in the head) now with 20% nore power ??.

in FFA there is no other weapon, and i always use the AR and ocasionaly the DMR but this is just unfair, with the AR i never win a 1v1 againist  a BR (even on short ranges where they just use his boltshot) even 343 supports this in his bulletin, so i start to play with the DMR to face the BR, but in FFA and team games always get assist medals (mi record is 34) because i been always steal by the br and his 3 shots even when i only need 1 more shot to kill the ennemy.

do the math, 1 less shoot of 5 is 20 % more power, the carabine 1 less of 7 is just 14 % and i dont think that 343 increses the power of the assault rifles more than 10 %, so ?? you really think that this will increase the balance or just make that halo 4 will became like halo 3 and 2. BR , BR  everywhere.

the only gun who can face the br in range and power WAS the dmr, but is no more, i have buyed halo 4 for his variety, not for halo reach with BR and boltshot (also the plasma granades are a pain in the %%%, even more driving the warthog, why 343 dont fix his strength, now is suicidal use the hog) i espect so much of this upgrade but thanks 343, bioshock infinite here i go.

P.D. before you start you call me noob, see my service record (SYLUX 580)  i know what im talking about.

343 said they were making the BR 4-shot AND REDUCING THE FIRE RATE. SO they will balance the kill time.  Now, the reason for this is because the BR is supposed to be strongest at mid range compared to the DMR. However, right now it has a smaller kill time than the DMR. Thus making the BR useless in all prospects against the DMR. This balancing change will INCREASE variety.

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 DMR NOOBS YOU WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF MY BATTLE RIFLE AND COWER IN FEAR AS YOU HEAR ITS ROAR OF FURY. Insanity aside, at least there will be more variety and it's nice to know that 343 is addressing an issue that has been plaguing since release, I hope they keep up the good work.

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  On 4/27/2013 at 5:27 AM, FleshBack said:

Uh, there won't be more variety. seeing as how everything is getting buffed (aside from DMR) the metagame will remain virtually unchanged. Just scaled in magnitude.

How will it remain unchanged? It will go from 75% DMR load outs in all game modes, to a good variety of BRs Carbines and Lightrifles. The DMR will still be viable, but won't be seen very much. This is better than the DMR being 100% better than all of the guns. 

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The BR and Carbine needed its damage increased because in previous battles the DMR was without a doubt the strongest precision weapon besides the light rifle. Now i can go toe to toe with a DMR with the Carbine and the BR is just murder, fight a whole team on a small map who use nothing more than BRs and see how much fun you'll have

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