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  On 4/28/2013 at 9:24 PM, BaconShelf said:

I think it's a good idea, but paying for it is an incredibly stupid idea. Why should we have to pay anything?

Like I said, if it was a bartering system there would have to be some sort of currency. But, I know what you are saying. We already have the Fileshare system. So, when a custom object is complete you would upload to your Fileshare. Then, like maps and gametypes and screen shots, you could search custom made forge objects on Waypoint. But, just to be clear, the credit system would not be money, if that ever happened. But that is not the point. Forget that part of this discussion--focus on the idea of creating custom objects and being able to share them with others. That's what we are really talking about here, Bacon. :)


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I like that. It's just again, any kind of money; as bigger/ well known forgers get lots, smaller less known get next to none and cannot get them. If they were just downloadable, like maps, films etc, it is a brilliant idea. No currency at all though.

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  On 4/29/2013 at 3:13 PM, BaconShelf said:

I like that. It's just again, any kind of money; as bigger/ well known forgers get lots, smaller less known get next to none and cannot get them. If they were just downloadable, like maps, films etc, it is a brilliant idea. No currency at all though.

let's just forget the market idea for now. Let's talk customized forge objects. As Goldeneye was saying, it would require new forge objects that are like pieces or fragments that we can use to put together and create new objects. When you add my idea of Batch Rendering, where you have the ability to "render" these objects, which would wipe textures and eliminate unseen internal object faces, and the final stage would be adding texture/skin and perhaps other details. This level of forging would be epic. Truly! CV

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hello bacon, crimson... everyone else. i love these ideas all stated and i love batch ideas the best.


the thing since i got good at reach that still pisses me off now is you know when you try to align two structures together but you just move a little too fast and too high or low while trying to align them when you press the or even slightly tap the LB and RB? and the structure keeps being just a little uneven? well i know magnets was supposed to fix that. but my idea that i think would help a lot would be when you hit the buttons you move up or down slowly so you can stop at the right place to make the structure even. and if you need to move fast in it you hold down the left trigger. get what I'm trying to say?

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one thing i just noticed..... how hard it is to free hand on the (Z) axis... all we have is the L&R bumper and the seems to move the item to far one way or the other.... another reason the re-zero feature would be so great. get it close re-zero then use the grid coordinates..... but i think im hung on my "fragment editor" idea. the options are endless. and adding magnet points on those items would making assembly of objects a breeze.   

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Addendum to Wish List item on Improved Magnets:


*Dynamic Magnetic System: This new system would be:  1. An improvement of the current system, with points in pairs at the corners and mid points of object edges in a uniform way;  2. The ability to activate/deactivate magnets, either as a whole, or selected groupings of magnetic points, allowing for rotation along certain axis points;  3. Addition of magnetic plates, which would be magnetized sides, rather than just points. The plates on objects would form polygons that could be expanded or collapsed. For example, you want to have objects slightly merged, you collapse the magnetic polygon dimensions; 4. You would have individual magnetic points and magnetic plates available in your inventory. These could be used for custom made objects, for example, or aligning natural objects, etc.;  5. Magnetic plates can be set to three basic forms: Circle, Triangle, Square. Each can have dimensions adjusted symmetrically (locked), or asymmetrically (select axis locked), to create ovals, rectangles, longitudinal triangles, trapezoids, etc.;  6. You could use magnetic plates of points to form limitless 3-D shapes, that could become the "core" of new custom objects;  7. Building upon what was mentioned with the second point, with magnetic plates you would have different properties with different magnet strengths ( weak, medium, strong); 8. Another aspect of the new magnet system is "chaining." Chaining is when three or more (usually more are link via the magnet points/plates and can be moved as one from a stationary position. The chained objects (i.e. several 1x1 blocks) can be moulded in two specific ways: a. Chained objects can be formed into pre-set forms (triangle, square, circle, polygon, hexagon, octagon, etc) or grab-dragged and  twisted into organic, fluid forms. Using the batch-grab tool described earlier in this list the monitor can move the chained or batched objects and rotate them as a unit. This could come in handy for both functional and purely aesthetic purposes. Especially using tools like Invert/Mirror.



  On 4/29/2013 at 10:08 PM, BaconShelf said:

@masterchief93 cannot be done due to tech limitations, balancing and need. Do we need a Wraith, Wolverine, Scorpion, Cobra, Locust and Grizzly as MBT's?

I think your right. I would, however, like to be able to have more than 8 of a particular vehicle, just for minigame purposes. Race is the obvious one, but I want to create simple map for a furious 16 Banshee dog fighting battle, either Teams or FFA. That would be just incredible if I had that option when building  a map. 



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  On 4/21/2013 at 11:00 PM, CrimsonVolver said:

Below is a summary of requests for the Halo 5 Forge by the 343i Forums community. I took the time to gather unique ideas from two separate discussion threads: This one by Urban Bobcat, and this one by Squally DaBeans, with a few addional suggestions I have of my own. I wanted to pool together the various Forge suggestions by the community for Halo 5 as a preparation for a new thread I plan to compose stating the argument for greatly expanding the Forge capabilities and the community role in aiding with the design of DLC, and how this can work to both the benefit of 343, the Forging community, and a way to assist in reviving Halo to it's rightful place at the top of FPS multiplayer games. Once I start this thread I will update this one with a link to that discussion.


Read through the summary and add any additional suggestions you may have below if there is something missing, or you are inspired by what you read and have some new thoughts or expanded ideas from the list. I will eventually create a new thread with the expanded list.


Here is a summary of what several 343i community members have requested to be part of the next Forge:



List of useful suggestions for updated forge:


*Precision editing and zoom

*Batch Grab: Ability to grab/move a set of objects all at once.

*Batch Duplicate/lock: Duplicate Batch-grabbed items and lock/unlock items as a group.

*Batch edit/advanced settings: Ability to edit object properties for batched objects.

*A-symmetrical objects like buildings/ramped platforms, stairs, etc should have mirror objects for building symmetrical maps.

*Bring back Vamperism! That custom option was unique and fun to implement in custom games

*Dynamic objects like elevators, sliding doors, adjustable light bridges that can be activated/deactivated, gates, activation switches, etc

*An object that can allow the forger to place doors/openings in walls/blocks

*Ability to edit terrain, add weather conditions, change time of day (night/day), add AI (Spatan Ops/Firefight game modes), add water, etc in a similar fashion to the Far Cry 3 map creator.

*Ability to revert to a previous version of a map.

*Interchangeable pallets

*Updated coordinates and rotational points system. One example of this would be having object specific rotational grid dynamics, or a rotational grid that changes with object rotation

*Expanded canvases

*Ability to change or edit and import custom object textures.

*Add Spartan Ops/Firefight to custom game mode options.

*Ability to Forge on Spartan Ops/Firefight maps, and make all maps forge worthy for Wargames an Spartan Ops/Firefight, and forge Spartan Ops/Firefight maps

*Use of Bots and Bot paths/behaviors, which would fit in nicely with being able to forge Spartan Ops/Firefight maps

*Ability to expand dimensions of certain objects, such as blocks and natural objects.

*Expand the varieties of types of rocks/trees and other natural items.

*Spherical object shapes for objects, vehicles, trait zones and spawn items.

*Spherical objects

*More dynamic grid options, such as expandable spheres/cubes/tetrahedrons and other 2D/3D polygons. This options would be useful esp if 343 does not allow terrain manipulation.

*Expanded solids besides blocks, such as the pyramidal stones in H3 Sandbox.

*A Forge Budget that does not come with specific object limitations per pallet. There should simply be a budget with less limits to specific objects. This would come in handy for those maps that require more bridge/platform pallet items, for example, or more natural objects.

*Ability to customize the loading screen screen shot in custom games for maps/custom game modes.

*Expanded options in Advanced settings for objects/vehicles/spawns, etc. One of these would be seeing customized gametypes show up in Advanced settings, rather than just Slayer or CTF/Flood. This would allow Forgers to have multiple Slayer or Flood variant modes in a single map, rather than having to make multiple versions of the same map to create various game types with specific spawn locations and object/vehicle spawns. Ability to apply multilabels to specific objects or spawns. An example of this would be designating spawns or vehicles to appear in multiple gametypes, and not spawn in others.

*Bring back Assault, multiflag, neutral flag/bomb, VIP, Juggernaut, Race, Invasion, Stockpile, Headhunter and other custom game types

*Improved magnet system and ability to custom add specific magnets.

*Ability to lock specific/multiple coordinates so the object will move along a specific plane of direction. For example: if you only want to elevate or lower an object, or move along a certain diagonal plane, etc.

*Ability to mirror/invert duplicated objects for faster symmetrical building

*Ability to use a spawn/trait zone system that can label call-out areas, such as with the standard maps in Reach. “Elbow” “Blue Room” “Infirmary” etc. There could be standard descriptions or custom labels.

*Customizing loadout labels

*Ability to turn on/off the fuzzy loadout screen, and other effects

*Hybrid gametypes: being able to create gametypes that include more than one gametype (like CTF/Dominion/Flood, etc.

*Expanded use of trait zones connected to gametypes, such as trait zones that can be activated with gametypes, such as in dominion. One example of this would in the classic pc tank game Tanarus you had CTF combined with a type of Dominion. The dominion aspect was these recharge stations where you could repair your tank, reload/modify weapon loadouts, charge batteries, etc. They start out neutral, and teams expand their territory by capturing drone sites. If you come near an enemy recharge station you will have batteries affected, and the drone above the station would shoot you. You could not use the station until you captured it. So, from a Halo perspective, if trait zones could be tied to gametypes like objective items/targets in dominion or in the older Territories, this would be interesting and add a new level to the game.

*Keep Green Screens

*Make Gravity Zones expandable like trait zones

*Allow Forgers to have more control over modifying gametypes similar to how hackers have created modded gametypes like Gravemind, but make it official.

*Flood mode similar to H4 (visually speaking), but with ability to turn on/off weapon usage, as seen in modded Flood gametypes.

Expanded Flood Gametype options, such as in previous versions (Halo 3, Reach)

*A Custom Game option similar to Invasion, where there can be multiple rounds, like Flood, but with each “round” customizable. This would be a take on the hybrid gametype idea. Basically, allow Forgers to create a gametype with multiple rounds, each round a different gametype, like Invasion, but, say, the first can be CTF, second, Assault, third Flood or Infection. This is just an example of what could be done. There are almost limitless options or variations.

*Expand the advanced customization options with trait zones (such as with the suggestion above to be able to add trait zones to objectives like Dominion).

*Better selection of man cannons, and perhaps an option in forge to customize the thrust properties of specific man cannons.




love the idea but we're asking for a lot let keep the focus on custom maps not spartan ops or firefight maybe they can add a choice whether to add ai that help you. beside spartan ops or add skulls to spartan ops but we are far away from having the forge of are dreams. and i doubt most of 343 will do if more people hate it who knows maybe forge will be gone. but i love a dreamer who thinks that forge can be much more and that is what i look for when i need help on maps is a master at showing this is where you need to do. 

keep this thread alive people lets post this to 343 maybe they listen to the halo fans and not the black ops fan that never once touched a halo game till now. 

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  On 4/30/2013 at 5:12 PM, CrimsonVolver said:

I removed Spartan Ops from the wishlist already in my updated version not yet finished. Firefight mode is under the Wish We Had But Can Live Without list. CV

aww ok theres a lot of thing in there we want but in the end if 343 decides to say no and listen to the nonhalo fans than they will be having riots utside there door step. 


we should talk sometime on xbl i really want to see your map i saw someone review it and i want to try it out 

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  On 4/30/2013 at 5:30 PM, Banehalo said:

aww ok theres a lot of thing in there we want but in the end if 343 decides to say no and listen to the nonhalo fans than they will be having riots utside there door step. 


we should talk sometime on xbl i really want to see your map i saw someone review it and i want to try it out 

This is just a wish list of sorts. A compilation of community ideas for Forge 3.0 and beyond. I am creating two lists in the update: one is "What we need most" and the other is "What we can live without, but don't want to." No matter how vanilla or radical any idea, even if 343 looks at this compilation and is inspired, it is up to them what is realistic, and what is not possible or practical. As a community it is our job to dream, to conceive of something greater than it is now. And we do it with every new Halo and every new Forge.


So I would say. think of something that seems crazy that you would like to see in a future updated forge, and post it. We are reading, even if they are not.



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  On 4/29/2013 at 10:45 PM, haloman 2 said:

hello bacon, crimson... everyone else. i love these ideas all stated and i love batch ideas the best.


the thing since i got good at reach that still pisses me off now is you know when you try to align two structures together but you just move a little too fast and too high or low while trying to align them when you press the or even slightly tap the LB and RB? and the structure keeps being just a little uneven? well i know magnets was supposed to fix that. but my idea that i think would help a lot would be when you hit the buttons you move up or down slowly so you can stop at the right place to make the structure even. and if you need to move fast in it you hold down the left trigger. get what I'm trying to say?

Yep. This is why giving us back precision editing is at the top of the Wishlist. Fix it, for Pete's sake! There is only so much you can do be raising your monitor above the object. That is, by the way, how you precision edit on the horizontal plane in Halo 4. Just move your monitor directly below or above the object, and you get a sort of precision editing effect. But this does not work with lowering or raising the object, and that's often when you need it most, and with object rotation. CV

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OK. For anyone who is following this, or just jumping in, be sure to go through the Wishlist, which I have just finally updated. Keep adding your thoughts and check out the link to Urban Bobcat's thread where they are constantly talking about evolution to the Forge. I am using this thread as both a collector of community ideas about Forge, as well as a think tank for new innovative ideas. Read the Updated Wishlist! :)



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  • 3 years later...

Reqs in forge. We'd love to see and have the options of adding any and all req vehicles and weapons in forge. Would help to open whole new world's and opotions for players. Example...the new warthog req with more speed is perfect for racing maps. Or the additional gun mixes for custom game fights and modes. Being able to test things before using up your limited supply in a war zone map. This is undeniably an amazing feature to have. I see that reqs will be added to forge soon enough but please don't limit usage to only if you've unlocked them. Forge is for free and unlimited uses. Limiting that would be a crime against imagination.

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  On 6/1/2016 at 9:33 PM, Taylor Potts said:

Reqs in forge. We'd love to see and have the options of adding any and all req vehicles and weapons in forge. Would help to open whole new world's and opotions for players. Example...the new warthog req with more speed is perfect for racing maps. Or the additional gun mixes for custom game fights and modes. Being able to test things before using up your limited supply in a war zone map. This is undeniably an amazing feature to have. I see that reqs will be added to forge soon enough but please don't limit usage to only if you've unlocked them. Forge is for free and unlimited uses. Limiting that would be a crime against imagination.

Maybe it'll be there soon? I doubt they won't do it.


Stasis has a Recon DMR.


Super Fiesta was a thing.

Truth used to have Prophet's Bane.

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