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MORE BIG TEAM SLAYER MAPS would be nice. ...and relevant.


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Isn't is strange that the most used playlist, with more than double the population of any other playlist at any given moment in time on Halo 4 War Games, has so few maps compared to say, Capture the Flag??


I have all the map available Halo 4 packs but they do not solve this issue even when they come up more often in the queue. 

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halo 4 on disk has 6 and depending on how u look at it seven along with the 3 forge areas/ not counting forge island but along with forge island is 11 maps along with castle and crimson is 17 big maps to play on it that not enough for you?



oh, there are plenty of maps to play on....


the problem is that the same 5 or 6 maps come up in every vote

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oh, there are plenty of maps to play on....


the problem is that the same 5 or 6 maps come up in every vote


yes the same 6 maps come up but 343 are adding forged community maps into the mix and every once in a while a dlc in there as well is a good mix anyway there are more big maps than small maps anyway in my option halo 4 needs more small maps :thumbsup:

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The reality is not that many people have DLC maps.  I would get them but i only go on BTB with friends and only 1 of those has DLC so its a waste of time for me at the moment.


The addition of more community forge maps would be great though, i thoroughly enjoy settler.

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There seems to be more than enough 4v4, they are easily forged, negating the need for more official. Add to that the constant complaints of Certain Affinity/343's map building...


I'm going to narrow this down



In big team, these maps are possible.


















Removing maps that rarely come up







Narrow this down to what is voted for every time





In short, we have two maps to play on. Four at best that even show up.

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The problem is none of the big team maps are as good as Exile or Ragnarok, (although if its an unbalanced team Ragnarok is no fun, just like the situation in Valhalla.) Castle maps can show up in Big team? That's the only game-type I play and I NEVER, EVER see those DLC maps as even an option to be voted on.

We need more Small Maps. Forge Maps suck anyway, they always lag whenever you play on splitscreen. Turrible.


This is a huge problem that I feel isn't talked about much. The game is super not optimized for split screen. It works well enough on maps where there isn't much geometry like Ragnarok, but get on a map like complex (which sucks even at 100% smoothness) and you've entered a framerate nightmare.


You think playing in internet lag is bad? Try Framerate lag as bad as going down to what appears to be 15 frames or less on most maps.


The problem I have with this is Halo has always run JUST as good on split screen then full. Hell I actually PREFER halo 3 in split screen as there's no slowdown and your spartan feels faster (its an illusion of split screen but I like it anyway). It was the above and beyond the best split screen multiplayer games and my friends were some of the select few that were actually good in split screen. We don't play split screen Halo 4, because of the above reason; and among my friends, I am considered the framerate *****, but when they agree with me there's a problem lol.

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There's excellent remakes of old Halo maps forged. I can't for my life understand why such maps aren't already in rotation. You have Stranded - a supercool remake of The Cage, you have a great The Pit. There's a great Ascension (Pinacle), and a great Sanctuary (Asylum). Why the hell arent these maps in regular playlists? People know them ffs. This guarantees a success.

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Halo 4 BTB Playlist is a joke. 60% of the games end up being Exile or Ragnorok, I have all the map packs yet I NEVER see Shatter or Wreckage anymore, they were a waste of money anyway, 3 maps per map pack is a damn joke alone and now I can't even play them. 343 better do something about this Im getting sick of those idiots, I want a real forge and a new Halo 4 version of Hemmorage which was a great BTB map in Halo Reach. 

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I love how the only forge map 343 puts in the playlist is there own map settler, which is completely unbalanced and boring. I literally dashboard EVERY time this map is voted for. There are so many amazing community BTB maps out there like big freeze and axiom which are much more deserving.

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I love how the only forge map 343 puts in the playlist is there own map settler, which is completely unbalanced and boring. I literally dashboard EVERY time this map is voted for. There are so many amazing community BTB maps out there like big freeze and axiom which are much more deserving.


You don't have to dashboard, just wait and see what people vote for and if it seems impossible that any map except settler would win, just press B to exit. If you don't vote, you are able to exit before the game starts.

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