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175HF. (175 Halo Facilities.) A nice, comfortable and PG (pro gaming) matches occasionally.

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Hello it's me. This is probably my 3rd post for clan recruiting! As you have heard or seen in my 1st & 2nd topic posts on this section, I had left my old clan (with my friend), due to its loss of Halo reputation. Now me and my friend are back again. But setting up a new facility called, "175HF" or "175 Halo Facilities." Our facility is very small at the moment. We only have three recruits at the moment, and all are very good. If you want to join be quick/join now! Because we are only, at the moment, going to have a maximum of 12 players in the facility. So that means there's only nine spaces left! If you want to join, PM me on here or FR me, then send me a message about it, on XBL.


Me and my friend, both live in the UK. So for those americans out there, you can join, but you won't be able to play as much play-dates or clan matches with us. So whoever is British on this site please join! 


I hope you will join us! -OVER-&-OUT- :)

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