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Will There Be Anymore DLC? I Hope So, They Need More Maps


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I think they should release one more DLC, a massive add on with 8-10 maps. 4-5 of the maps should be a free DLC pack and the other 4-5 you would have to pay for. I like a variety of maps and there just isn't enough in the playlists, they better release a Forge Halo 4 version of Hemorrhage which was a great map in Halo Reach for BTB.


Developers these days are damn lazy idiots. I mean, 3 maps per map pack is a damn rip off. Anyone remember Unreal 3?  That game had 47 maps when the game was first released, I will be sure to pick up Unreal 3 on PC, sadly there is only a small community of active players. 


Screw 343 and this stupid trend of only releasing 9-12 maps along with tiny little DLC packs with only 3 maps per pack, damn rip off. A multiplayer fps game should have at least 20 maps at launch and each DLC should have at least 5 maps. 

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I think they should release one more DLC, a massive add on with 8-10 maps. 4-5 of the maps should be a free DLC pack and the other 4-5 you would have to pay for. I like a variety of maps and there just isn't enough in the playlists, they better release a Forge Halo 4 version of Hemorrhage which was a great map in Halo Reach for BTB.


Developers these days are damn lazy idiots. I mean, 3 maps per map pack is a damn rip off. Anyone remember Unreal 3?  That game had 47 maps when the game was first released, I will be sure to pick up Unreal 3 on PC, sadly there is only a small community of active players. 


Screw 343 and this stupid trend of only releasing 9-12 maps along with tiny little DLC packs with only 3 maps per pack, damn rip off. A multiplayer fps game should have at least 20 maps at launch and each DLC should have at least 5 maps. 


I agree will you need   on some of your ideas but I agree with you that we need more dlc in halo 4 3 is just not enough also released to early as well :thumbsup:

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Well, there are no announced immediate plans for DLC, but with all of the other Halo games, there were 3 map packs of 3 maps each released The first couple of months and one slightly bigger one later. So mostly more maps tk come. Also, there is a very good version of Blood Gulch, the map Hemorrhage is based off of,out in the community. It plays exactly like it was in Reach you just need to find it.

Edited by Sikslik7
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/\ and that was because they needed a few maps for the actual game itself


I love how you seem fine with Defiant on Reach having only two MM maps and Noble having 3. Or is it because Reach was made by Bungie so its alright?


Halo 3 is the only game (to my knowledge) that had more than 3 DLC, and every single one had 3 maps.

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