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When are you going to fix your broken game?

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for the past two days now I have had awesome games where I didn't die at all in h4 matchmaking or only died once, now for some reason unknown to me it doesn't record these games but it sure will record my bad games were I die more then 4 times. what is the deal with this? do you guys want the halo universe to hate you even more for the things that are broken and still haven't been fixed. seriously getting fed up with you 343 this never happened with Bungie so you should be ashamed of yourselves, its bad enough you made this game for kids who couldn't make it past a 1.20 k/d in h3 or halo reach that are now supposedly the best h4 players in the world. 343 you should really start to listen to the people who have played halo games for more then just h4, the die hard halo fans who actually have skill have over half of them gone back to halo reach. what's that say about you.

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Well, honestly playing video games, in my opinion, isnt about skill, ranks, and competition. Its about having fun, communicating with friends and getting away from the stress of life. I find that they pass time in an enjoyable way. We should all understand that not every game is perfect, and that the people that put their lives and souls into creating these games, are a benefit to society.

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for the past two days now I have had awesome games where I didn't die at all in h4 matchmaking or only died once, now for some reason unknown to me it doesn't record these games but it sure will record my bad games were I die more then 4 times. what is the deal with this? do you guys want the halo universe to hate you even more for the things that are broken and still haven't been fixed. seriously getting fed up with you 343 this never happened with Bungie so you should be ashamed of yourselves, its bad enough you made this game for kids who couldn't make it past a 1.20 k/d in h3 or halo reach that are now supposedly the best h4 players in the world. 343 you should really start to listen to the people who have played halo games for more then just h4, the die hard halo fans who actually have skill have over half of them gone back to halo reach. what's that say about you.

what do I say?

I say go back to reach like me much for fun for example in big team in reach a feel that I am in a big team battle in halo 4 I feel like I am in big slayer there is a lack of teamwork in big team there and vehicles  :thumbsup:

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When are you going to fix your broken game?



This isn't actually the official 343 site, just a fansite. But honestly take a chill pill dude, it's just a game 343 did it's best and is continuing to do so. You should cut 'em some slack since it's their first one but if there's a problem just report it to them. Don't start complaining, especially when there's an update coming out to balance the weapons. I hate seeing people fuss about stuff when they know the very things they're complaining about may be fixed the next update.

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Well, honestly playing video games, in my opinion, isnt about skill, ranks, and competition. Its about having fun, communicating with friends and getting away from the stress of life. I find that they pass time in an enjoyable way. We should all understand that not every game is perfect, and that the people that put their lives and souls into creating these games, are a benefit to society.

thats so true people  need to quite being like so anal about winning i mean yea you should try some but winning isn't everything

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To two of you I understand this is there first attempt at a halo game which I respect what they were able to do with it. winning and k/d and not getting lag or kids with modded controllers makes halo fun for me, its hard to explain put simply though the type of person I am and what I have been through in life halo is my escape world were I want to win and I want to continue bettering myself. in halo I am my own force to be reckoned with just like you guys probably feel the same towards yourself. I realize there are future updates and other sorts of remedies to some of the problems, but I have waited since the game came out for particular things to be fixed and they still haven't. I even went back to reach and black ops 2 and took a break from H4 but it just wasn't the same, I love the challenge of at least attempting to try which I don't have to on reach at all anymore sadly :( lol. I basically want to see halo 4's multiplayer to get fixed in certain areas and in certain aspects, my most major issue is the utter lack of search prefferences I mean come on man I know It at least irks most people, I don't appreciate the fact that I have very good stats getting me matched against cheaters, lag switches, mods, or modded controllers at least 80% of my games im sorry but that's a joke plain and simple. another thing is I used to play split screen with my wife alot on other halo games but now I can not because of the ridiculous frame lag on all the forge maps and some select 343 made maps. trust me im not being a hater I just want my opinion to be heard and I want to know what other peoples opinions are towards the issues they have with halo 4 also. please do not post any more comments stating im trying to "complain" I bought the game its my right to since im not trying to make an argument between people or blatantly bash on 343 because im not. good day to you all :)

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Wow O_O

To two of you I understand this is there first attempt at a halo game which I respect what they were able to do with it. winning and k/d and not getting lag or kids with modded controllers makes halo fun for me, its hard to explain put simply though the type of person I am and what I have been through in life halo is my escape world were I want to win and I want to continue bettering myself. in halo I am my own force to be reckoned with just like you guys probably feel the same towards yourself. I realize there are future updates and other sorts of remedies to some of the problems, but I have waited since the game came out for particular things to be fixed and they still haven't. I even went back to reach and black ops 2 and took a break from H4 but it just wasn't the same, I love the challenge of at least attempting to try which I don't have to on reach at all anymore sadly :( lol. I basically want to see halo 4's multiplayer to get fixed in certain areas and in certain aspects, my most major issue is the utter lack of search prefferences I mean come on man I know It at least irks most people, I don't appreciate the fact that I have very good stats getting me matched against cheaters, lag switches, mods, or modded controllers at least 80% of my games im sorry but that's a joke plain and simple. another thing is I used to play split screen with my wife alot on other halo games but now I can not because of the ridiculous frame lag on all the forge maps and some select 343 made maps. trust me im not being a hater I just want my opinion to be heard and I want to know what other peoples opinions are towards the issues they have with halo 4 also. please do not post any more comments stating im trying to "complain" I bought the game its my right to since im not trying to make an argument between people or blatantly bash on 343 because im not. good day to you all :)

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