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Tale of Breeze (story in progress)

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((Hello there. If you didn't know already I'm pretty new around here, and have really been captivated by the fanfiction. This is my first attempt at a "story." So please don't expect "Eric Nylund" writing. I am trying something new, as I have always just stayed in the shadows, reading, and observing. So thank you for taking the time to read this. Commencons! Let's begin!))

Tale of Breeze

"He's been out for quite some time now. We need to let him rest."

" I just don't understand. Why would he do this? To put himself up against an entire fleet! It's ludicrous!"

"It's what he was trained to do. Being determined to die in battle is better than hoping to survive."



His eyes fluttered, viciously under his eyelids until they swung open, like curtains on a window. It was nighttime.

He remembered that he had been dreaming, but he didn't know what about. Sitting up on the comfortable, silk bed, he looked around this new environment. Next to the bed was a table, with an old-fashioned lamp, cluttered with paper. He switched the lamp on, barely illuminating the room. Besides an old, wooden rocking chair in the corner, a window with the curtains drawn, and a door on the far side of the "apartment," the room was absolutely bare.

He turned his attention to the papers on the table and noticed that black ink swam across them in elegant, cursive writing. He debated whether or not he should read them. but curiosity got the best of him and he grabbed one.

It was a letter. It read:

Greetings brother,
If you are reading this then the medic made his promise to deliver it, as I offered him my sidearm. I wrote this letter to inform you of the incidents that have occurred and it is my understanding that Dr. Wilson visited you and told you about the invasion. I can't imagine what must be going through your head. It feels like yesterday I was running through mom's backyard smiling and waving, playing with my "toys." The toys have changed now. Guns are my new toys. I have so much blood on my hands now. At first it felt wrong to kill, but when I saw those monsters murder my friends, bashing their skulls in felt so...... right. Please don't.......

The rest of the letter was stained with what appeared to be red wine. Wine?

He didn't recognized the place, which is the thing that concerned him the most. Though when he stood up to peer out of the window, it felt like deja vu. He could see nothing in the pitch black night, not even the silhouette of a tree. He tried to recall what had happened the day before, that is if he was only asleep for a day. But he couldn't remember "anything."

He then heard a loud thud, coming from somewhere in the "building." He backed away from the window, placing the letter neatly on the table. He tiptoed over to the door wall, making his way towards it. Pressing his ear against the door, he listened for the sound again. This time the clamor was much louder and appeared to be right outside of the door.

Just as he was beginning to creep away from the door, it burst open and flung across the room into the opposite wall. A figure emerged through the entrance, ducking, as he was standing about 8 ft.6 in tall. Its skin was a dark gray, coated with medium brown fur. Before he fully processed this strange creature, it turned its head, ever so slowly that time, itself, seemed to slow down.

He was sure the "ape" could hear his heart pounding. He stood motionless, as two, menacing eyes stared through his soul.

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The sun shined through the window pane, illuminating River's face. It had been a peaceful slumber; one that he would remember for a very long time. Birds chirped, flowers bloomed, and the sky was cloudless.

River jumped out of bed, running into the kitchen.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

"Good morning, River. Did you have a nice sleep?"

"The best!"

"Good. Come, sit down and eat. You need your nutrition. We have a long day ahead of us."

River's mother retrieved a bowl from the cabinet and had just started to pour the oatmeal in it when she glanced at the picture that was posted on the refrigerator. It was a middle-aged, handsome, well-built man, standing in a field, wielding an axe. He leaned on a tree stump, flexing his arm. His smile was the best part. It seemed to stretch from ear to ear, flashing his flawless, white teeth.

River caught his mother's line of view.

"Mommy, when is daddy coming home?"

"Finish eating Riv. Then go outside and play. It's a beautiful day."

River reluctantly rose from the table and started walking towards the door.

"You didn't answer my question, mommy."

With that, River ran outside.

River's mother crumpled to the ground, bursting into tears. She crawled over to the picture on the refrigerator, pounding her fists against it until they started to throb.

River loved his father, but the sad truth was that he knew he wasn't coming back.

--end of flashback--

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Everything around him seemed to disappear. It was just him and the beast, and that is all that mattered.


The creature grumbled a low, menacing growl, that was anything but reassuring. River, his hand trembling, crouched down, and began to move backwards along the wall. To his surprise, the monster stood in place, almost statue like, his eyes "seeming" to rest on River.


As he approached the back wall, he glanced at the window; his only escape route. Suddenly, one thing came to his mind: Ripper.


It was a peace of the past that found its way back home. He wasn't alone. He remembered constructing a make-shift blade sometime during his past.....but when? He called this blade (constructed of sharpened glass, and twigs) Ripper. He also remembered that he kept this weapon at his side at all times, if possible. This time it wasn't.


Facing an enemy unarmed is something River wasn't looking forward to doing, but some say that a man's best weapon are his fists. Or his heart. But River doubted a hug and a kiss would do him any justice.


He decided to play the stealth game. Since, the beast appeared to have not seen him, it was best to stay in the shadows. The ape -like creature, awakening from his "statue state" had decided that there was no threat, growled, and backed out of the room.


River had never liked the darkness, but now he wanted nothing more.


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Creeping down a dark hall, heart -thumping, on a cold night was terrifying. Especially since he didn't know what was lurking in the shadows. The slightest bump or gust of wind was like a storm of fear, destroying River's insides.

As he continued to walk, he noticed a common trend. The doors had numbers posted on them; room numbers. 202, 203, 204, 205....he counted. They seemed to never end.

Finally, at room 215, the hall turned sharply, revealing another long passageway. Where's an elevator when you need one, River thought. After a long journey, running past countless rooms, he finally reached a door, with a sign that read "To roof."

River pushed open the door, a screeching creak echoing off of it. He ran up the first flight of stairs, found that the door to the 3rd story was locked, and continued to ascend.

During the run, he found that the building had 9 stories. River kicked the door leading to the roof open. He sprinted to the edge, looking down into the dark abyss below.

He suddenly envied the birds, soaring gracefully in the sky. No fear of ever falling down.

River spotted a ledge, about two stories below him.

It might get me killed, but it's worth a shot, he thought.

River crouched down, surveying the area. If he jumped too far, he'd miss the ledge and plummet down to his death. He needed footholes.

He turned around, scanning for something to carve out the holes with. He then spotted a piece of metal, lodged into the ground. Pulling with all of his might, the metal came loose, sending him tumbling head-over-heels until he fell over the edge.

Panic shot through River in the few seconds that had passed. His hand had found a crook in the wall. He hang on desperately, trying to think of what to do next. He then decided to lodge the piece of metal into the wall, making another hand hold.

He kicked the wall, using all of his strength, creating a hole slightly smaller than his foot could rest on. He decided to try anyway. His foot barely hanging on, he dislodged the piece of metal, and struck another area of the wall with it, a foot below him. He dropped down a couple of inches, letting his hand rest on the hole he created with his foot.

He then kicked two footholes, letting his feet rest in them. He had made it down one story. One more to go, River thought.

Just as he was beginning to descend, the piece of metal gave way, slipping out of River's hand, eliminating his only hand hold. His heart began to beat faster and faster, as he plummeted down. He tried desperately to find a crack in the wall, but was not successful. The ledge came into view. He reached for it, but his fingers brushed past it.

This is it, he thought.


His eyes flung open.

River attempted to sit up, but he found that his back was sore. How am I still alive? Surely, a drop like that would have killed me, he thought. His question was answered, as he glanced around him, finding that he was resting on a balcony. He must have not seen it, when he looked down before he started to climb. If inanimate objects could hear, he'd definitely thank the balcony.

He then thought of the years in the past when his mother offered to take him to rock climbing classes. I should've said yes, River thought.

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