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Halo 4 really needs to stop copying...


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Fly a spaceship in space, whilst shooting down robotic aliens?


...sounds awfully familiar...


*cough* Space invaders *gag*


Green spacesuit.... green... I wonder where they got the idea of a hero in green from...


*splutter* Legend of Zelda *cough*


The Covenant, The Arc, Prophets, The Oracle. How dare you betray us Bungie! We believed in you! Copying the Bible, is just as low as you can go. Totally unreligious. Even the name... Halo... the ring above an angel's head? Yeah Bungie, you disappointed us... I wonder what you'll copy in Destiny... Oh wait. It's open-world, has races, has weapons! World... of... Warcraft. Why, Bungie? WHY?!


And with that... all faith is lost.

It seems we can trust no-one. Frauds.

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first off 343 might of copy of of like mw and call of duty but marios games they didn't and halo reach did it so i guess that game wasn't it's own game. i have and idea halo 5 lets take all the cool toys throw them out and give them back the unfair weapons that can't be stop by a pro. i know halo 4 took a lot but keep your mind open they gave us a choice unlike other games that stay the same. and the storyline sucks 343 made the game be it's own game halo reach was it's own game and that what halo is it's own game they may take from others game's but it is at least trying to pull the new in and still keep the old somewhat. 


so just cause halo 4 might look like a copy from other games doesn't mean we can't change our own thoughts about keep your minds open. 

so lets make halo 5 have nothing it's just a title screen oh wait that be copying too since other games have it so lets just drop halo 5 and never see it again 

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