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Halo 4 plot theory


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Just to start this out I would like to say that I highly doubt any of this is correct so this is more like a wish then a theory. Having recently grown very interested in Medicant Bias I read alot of theories which were actually considered to be mostly credible. From all of these theories I have gathered that Medicant Bias actually played a huge role in Halo3 by holding part of installation 4 (I think thats the right number.) and possibly influencing where the half of the Pillar of Autumn ,that Master Chief was on, ended up. It is widely assumed that Medicant Bias died when installation 4 fired which I entirely agree with but after what Medicant Bias did to save the chief I am not sure if his story will just be tossed aside.


Anyway what I am leading up to is that maybe Offensive Bias will be in Halo 4, possibly as an enemy since the only reason he was made was to destroy Medicant Bias and since Medicant Bias helped Master Chief so much maybe that would make Offensive Bias consider Master Chief an enemy. If this is true it might account for the ancient "evil" since Offensive Bias' only goal was to completely destroy and dismember another AI which could be considered evil. I am just thinking aloud and with no evidence to back up my claims. Ok feel free to tear this theory apart now.

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Mendicant Bias was destroyed (presumably) when the ark explode due to him being there during the events of H3, You see after the Forerunners activated the rings and killed almost everything, Offensive bias captured mendicant and tore him into two halves. One have stayed on the Ark with Offensive for study and the other was loaded onto a Forerunner juggernaut and was launched into space, the juggernaut eventually found its way to the home world of the prophets who worshiped it as a god, they then activated it and tore a chunk off their home world, the chunk would later become High Charity, the covy home world. When the juggernaut left high charity it still had 1/2 of mendicant on it which the covies worshiped as an Oracle. When the ship made it to earth and later the ark via the Voi portal the two halves of midny were reunited and he assisted chief in activating the replacement halo, because he was seeking atonement for killing his original creators, the Forerunners. There fore due to Mindy most likely being destroyed with the ark along with offensive I think your theory is invalid. Good try though, if you'd like more info check here, http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/032_Mendicant_Bias

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Mendicant Bias was destroyed (presumably) when the ark explode due to him being there during the events of H3, You see after the Forerunners activated the rings and killed almost everything, Offensive bias captured mendicant and tore him into two halves. One have stayed on the Ark with Offensive for study and the other was loaded onto a Forerunner juggernaut and was launched into space, the juggernaut eventually found its way to the home world of the prophets who worshiped it as a god, they then activated it and tore a chunk off their home world, the chunk would later become High Charity, the covy home world. When the juggernaut left high charity it still had 1/2 of mendicant on it which the covies worshiped as an Oracle. When the ship made it to earth and later the ark via the Voi portal the two halves of midny were reunited and he assisted chief in activating the replacement halo, because he was seeking atonement for killing his original creators, the Forerunners. There fore due to Mindy most likely being destroyed with the ark along with offensive I think your theory is invalid. Good try though, if you'd like more info check here, http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/032_Mendicant_Bias

I have read over that page a few times actually. I have yet to read anything on Offensive Bias which I will go do soon but so far I haven't heard anything about him being destroyed.


EDIT: After reading the Halopedia article on Offensive Bias I see no reason to assume that he is dead since it does not say that he stayed on the Ark after studying Medicant. At least according to Halopedia there is no reason to believe that Offensive is dead.

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