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Challengers wanted!

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I am very interested in doing an 8v8 clan match. However, the match, if we are to do one, will be held on Halo: Reach. Halo 4 is an horrendous game to do clan matches on and it is physically impossible to run a successful clan with such little resources. If you want to play us on reach then I'd be more than happy to oblige and so one up accordingly. Please get back to me regarding this challenge, lest you fall amongst the cowards who refuse to fight for the control of Reach.


-Ultra Veer 'Zamamai

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It truly amazes me how you use the term "coward"! You are the one that wishes to go back to reach due to the fact you can't adapt to a new environment. Honestly you think it's an accomplishment to boast about you beating me on an old game. Hey here's and idea, lets play super Mario bros! Your gamer tag speaks loud and clear... "incompetent"! Also I would like to say my clan is very successful! We all carry a very high k/d! My members respect and follow me for a reason. Even if what you say about noobs getting power weapons and vehicles on 4 is true, it still takes accuracy , teamwork, persistence, and most all skill to perceiver! Welcome to your wake up call noob!

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It truly amazes me how you use the term "coward"! You are the one that wishes to go back to reach due to the fact you can't adapt to a new environment. Honestly you think it's an accomplishment to boast about you beating me on an old game. Hey here's and idea, lets play super Mario bros! Your gamer tag speaks loud and clear... "incompetent"! Also I would like to say my clan is very successful! We all carry a very high k/d! My members respect and follow me for a reason. Even if what you say about noobs getting power weapons and vehicles on 4 is true, it still takes accuracy , teamwork, persistence, and most all skill to perceiver! Welcome to your wake up call noob!

Wow you are truly pathetic. Halo 4 was made for single gamers. They purposely added ordnance drops and locked emblems so clans couldn't function. There is like 90% aim assist in Halo 4 where as the is like 70% in Reach. We did adapt to Halo 4 when it first came out. We all tried it. But then we realized it was the worst Halo ever made. 343 is trying to do their best but the don't care about the players, they only care about the money. You say welcome up to your wake up call???? You should be the on waking up. You don't understand that the reason Bungie didn't help with Halo 4 is because they knew stuff like this would be happening. Halo 4 is truly a crap game. If your clan had any skill what so ever you would transfer back to Halo Reach. Erdu Cololee, Imperial Admiral of the S.G. the most recognized person in the Sangheili community even came back to reach a couple of weeks ago. BTF another amazing Fleet in Halo history came back to Halo Reach. FORJ Imperial Admiral Nuclear Oasis, came back to Reach. Why do you still see Inheritor lobbies on Reach if Halo 4 is so amazing, because most of them have been here since the begging of Halo multiplayer  and they even agree Halo 4 is trash. So here is YOUR wake up call.

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Here we go, I am going to enjoy this. You dare insult me by calling me a "noob" when you are the one playing Halo 4 and saying we should move on to a broken game. We already tried Halo 4 and attempted to "adapt". However, the dreadful game disregarded the fact there are clans and skilled players and turned Halo 4 into another Call of Duty. Nothing about Halo 4 requires skill. In fact, no, that's incorrect. Campaign and Spartan Ops are the most skilled units that game has.


Please, do not try and reference my name with such poor analysing skills, what is that, a first grade analysis? The term 'Incompetent' would refer to someone who doesn't have the skills to do something successfully; the term 'Souls' would be a direct reference to the spiritual or immaterial genetic material of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal. What do we have if we put them together? A selection of spiritually diminished material (bodies) which do not have the skills required to successfully do something. That was basic analysing, you are unintelligent.


Again, please inform me why many people have left Halo 4 and returned to Halo: Reach and Halo 3 if it is outdated as you suggest? You have no evidence to suggest/imply such a thing.

Aren't you supposed to be at school or something? Didn't u say you are 15? Little kid grow some then we can talk. So pathetic you have to get your friends to help you out in an argument. Notice I'm the only one here from my side. Typical noob trash!

Oh yes, gets stomped in an argument = instantly turns into an insulting contest regarding real life. Genius! Why are you calling us noobs even though you're probably really trash? How about you come and prove yourself, big boy? Edited by Incompetent Souls
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Aren't you supposed to be at school or something? Didn't u say you are 15? Little kid grow some then we can talk. So pathetic you have to get your friends to help you out in an argument. Notice I'm the only one here from my side. Typical noob trash!

Veer is not a friend of mine. Veer is simply a person who has almost the exact same opinion. Plus we work together on bringing people back to Reach. I don't need to grow up. I'm probably more mature then you are. Who cares how old I am. Also notice how you change the subject from how Halo 4 is bad to my personal life??? I'm totally the one that needs to grow up here. The reason why you are by yourself is because no one agrees with you idiotic statements. Plus I'm not the one calling people noobs now am I? I think not. If you think I'm a little kid you're wrong. I probably have done more things in the 15 years I have been alive then you have done in your entire life. So before you tell me to grow some or reference my personal life. Why don't you mature first.

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All I can do is laugh. Kid there is absolutely no way in hell you have accomplished more in your worthless life. I'm done talking to a sperm with legs and a big a** mouth. This post is for clan battles on halo 4 so go play reach and keep telling yourself your good. If your friend wouldn't have spouted out his worthless info it wouldn't have turned into this. Then again I understand why... It takes more than 1 sperm to accomplish something. In your case nothing at all.

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Doesn't mister intelligence over here feel obliged to run his mouth? I will continue playing Reach whilst you continue trying to build a worthless clan which will lead to a monument of nothing. Good day to you, illiterate.
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Them's fightin' words. Each post after the seventh one all contain fightin' words. If your clans cannot agree on a battlefield, go with a best out of three grudge match. Have one round on Halo 4, another round on Halo Reach, and the tiebreaker on Halo 3 if required.

This is just my idea even though I'm not a part of either clan involved. You should settle this with controllers than with words on a forum where you can get the banhammer for appearing mean regardless of your true intent. When it comes to video games, words and diplomacy are not good means of resolving rivalries.

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Them's fightin' words. Each post after the seventh one all contain fightin' words. If your clans cannot agree on a battlefield, go with a best out of three grudge match. Have one round on Halo 4, another round on Halo Reach, and the tiebreaker on Halo 3 if required.

This is just my idea even though I'm not a part of either clan involved. You should settle this with controllers than with words on a forum where you can get the banhammer for appearing mean regardless of your true intent. When it comes to video games, words and diplomacy are not good means of resolving rivalries.

Best solution ever.
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