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New Update Says There Is New Forge Maps, There Is None!


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I started my Halo 4 today, saw the update screen pop up saying they added new forge maps to Team Slayer, Team Objective and some other game modes. I start up team objective, I see Settler in the voting options, I quit. I start up Team slayer and see Simplex in the voting options so I quit. A guy in that game also told me I have been playing for a while and I have seen no new maps.


So I am back to playing repetitive big team battle where most people vote for either Ragnarok or Exile or Settler, where I rarely get to play the map packs I paid for because they rarely appear in the voting options. I play big team battle 1 day then play any other game mode the next day, I was looking forward to new maps but there is none.


This game seriously needs more maps. They should release a free map pack with 5 maps, that would be great. Each play list should have at least 10 maps, 7 non forge maps and 3 forge maps.


Liars 343, Simplex and Settler are not new maps, even if you put them in different game modes.



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The maps are there, the map voting cycle though is pretty much all premade, or all forge maps. Today I played 4 games out of 7 in the new maps, so I really don't see your problem.

Edited by Sikslik7
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No, there are definitely new maps. That is pretty much why stopped menfrom playing cuz Infinity Slayer was the only "forge map free" playlist. Now that laggy forge maps like simplex, shutout, and opus are in the playlist I am pretty much done with this game.

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@OP There were new maps added, so it maybe just have been luck if the draw. Some maps like Shutout and Simplex were simply (ha) updated. I would appreciate if you did more research in the future before calling the people who work so hard at 343i liars.

Source: http://halo4nation.com/multiplayer/matchmaking-update-5-6-13-new-maps/

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I don't play 4v4 playlists so I wouldn't know but after playing SWAT and Doubles, I'd say there is a lot more. I wish they'd add more in big team though, there's like, five maps on that.

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