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Anybody Have Tips for Lone Wolves?


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I have been playing a lot of Lone Wolves lately trying to see how high I can get. I am a 40 now and I would like to get a bit further. Problem is getting from 35-40 was a HUUUGE pain in the a**. I was getting lucky to place 3rd in a lot of games, so I know I am probably not 50 material. Either way, I would at least like to see if I can make it up there.


Like, most of the maps that come up for me are Epitaph, Construct, The Pit, High Ground, and Snowbound. I hate Snowbound as everyone always rushes the underground tunnel and you are forced to fight there for you kills. Really bugs me.


So I guess I am just looking for general tips to get me from 3rd or 4th place to at least a solid 2nd. I win a game every now and then, but not as often as I like. I have a feeling it is my tactics that are keeping me from the higher places. Your thoughts?

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Tip: Stick with your teammates :troll:

Just kidding... 

Alright, first, try not to die many times because you give more chances to the enemies to win. Second, pay close attention to your environment, your radar and of course, your vision. Judge when to extend (exit your cover and attack an enemy when you have more chances of winning) or over-extend (exit your cover and attack while you have very low shields).

Also, don't be afraid to steal any kills; remember that it's free for all. If you're in an area where lots of enemies are gathered attacking each other, spam your nades or / and snipe them from a safe distance with a precicion weapon.


I hope these helped, it's been a while since I played Halo 3...

P.S. You can also search online for guides, some of them are really useful :)

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Take the high ground, but not the ground everyone goes for. Pick up the BR, sniper rifle, or carbine and go there.


For example, on Epitaph, everyone flows to the two opposite ends or the middle. My suggestion, get up on the jump up to the rockets, but not on that platform. (ie the inside stair cases where you jump up to it) You have a decent view on about half the map, and you have height advantage over anyone coming through the middle. You will pretty much always have 1 or 2 shots on someone before they see you. Plus if you go down the stairs, there is two spike grenades, enjoy!

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First thing you wannando is when you sawn, go badkwards 8 steps, turn around and you might find a really good, high spade where nobody can see you, once you do that, if you see a sniper get it! Go back to the spot wait and then crouch. 2. Shoot z'em crazaaaay! 3. If that method doewnt work and die like a termenator malfunctioned and never knew it, well here is another method i have for you. If you shoot at their feet they will aim lower to your legs, if they do shoot at the neck or the arm, its close to the heart and and a headshot. 4. If the trick doesnt workl ask my nextdoor neighbor her username is Cortana UNSC on tuis website! :D!

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