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Halo - Arcoast Tides [Text Based RPG Profiles/OOC Discussion]

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Welcome to the discussion and profile pages topic for Arcoast Tides, the text based RPG ran by Jl1223 X, D-38 Boss, HaloGeek and Axilus Prime! Like in the game topic, there is no need for you to read everything. Here, feel free to just read the profile page rules! Everything else is just to make your life easier, but if you find that you have no need for reading the FAQ and other articles, feel free to just discuss the game!


The game topic is here: [apply url when done]



Newbies and maybe some experienced RPers, this is for you!

Q: What is RPing?

A: RPing is an abbreviation of role playing. Likewise, TBRPG is an abbreviation for Text Based Role playing game. This one you’re gonna play? It’s sandbox. (Meaning the choices of what you do are endless, as long as you can do it.) In this case, you’ll be writing what your character does, thinks, feels, hears, everything, as they do whatever it is they do in a Halo-based setting.

Q: What’s the difference between a normal RPG and this ‘TBRPG’?

A: The difference between a text based RPG and a normal, video game RPG, is that it’s played through TEXT. Words are your controls, sentences are your actions. Everything your character does is written. Kind of like a narrative of your character; each time you play you are adding to one giant story from your character’s point of view.

So, we know it’s an RP, but what makes it a full game? The interaction. This one giant big story is built together by your characters, as they affect and are affected by the other characters of other players. Whether you join another players plot, create your own story arc, or engage in the game’s main story arc, in the end you are interacting with others (Unless your post is like some deep down character development thing :P) post to post. Nice, huh?

Q: Can anyone play?
A: Yeah. You just need a keyboard, a mouse, a computer or laptop that can get on the game, and creativity!

Q: Can I write anything?
A: While there is quite a huge amount of freedom in what you can do in this game, there are limitations that prevent players from playing unfairly, which would then cause other players to be in a forced disadvantage. There are rules to prevent foul play and allow everyone to have fun; these rules are above the FAQ.

Q: Who runs this game?
A: The hosts, or staff, including Jl1223 X, D38-Boss, HaloGeek, and Axilus Prime. These staff are allowed to enjoy the game with their own personal characters as well, but also will have staff characters who will help push the plot along. They run the official game plot lines, as well as helping settle disputes between players and helping those who need help.

Q: Sounds cool! Where can I join?

A: Right here is the game thread! First create a character in your mind. Add imagination! Then, organize it into a good profile, including names, a bio, personality, appearance etc., which, once posted in the profile topic (This one), makes them viable to play! Once that is done, simply get on the main play thread, and start your character’s adventure!

Q: How do I play?

A: As explained before, gameplay is posting back-and-forth with your peers. However, if you still don’t get it, here’s an example between 2 players, in a common 343iTBRPG. (Of course, the locale and characters aren’t playable.....)


IC - UNSC Infinity: Sarah Palmer was having a bad day. A Covenant invasion on this ship, and just when things were getting settled down after an exploding sun. Still, it didn’t stop her from acting like a ninja; in fact, it gave her more of a reason, as she lay crouched, and headed, activ camo on, silently in the direction of where the main forces lay. After all, facial recognition had found somebody she wanted to take down, along with a lot of others. Soon, she found him, and, combat knife in hand, jumped onto the back of Jul Mdama and cut.

OOC: Surprise!


OOC: Hah! You can’t get me until you get on my level!

IC - UNSC Infinity: Jul ‘Mdama grunted as marines peppered him with fire. While the humans still hadn’t progressed to using something other than projectile weaponry, they still have brought down many of his soldiers, and as his shield flared blue, he stepped into cover. Thinking himself safe, Jul checked his Energy Sword - and then fell as a full ton of armor jumped onto his back. Quickly thinking, he let himself fall backwards, and Palmer’s strike was knocked away from his intended target. “Spartan,” Jul angrily muttered as he picked himself up first, and stabbed downwards with his now lit energy sword.

OOC: Yeah, sure. Anyway, short phone post here. Srry!  :P

IC - UNSC Infinity: The sword came, but all it embedded was the floor, as Palmer rolled away, stabbing her knife at Jul’s leg in the process.

IC - UNSC Infinity: The knife stabbed into his leg, in a ***** in his armor, and he howled in pain. Now it was personal. As a squadron of grunts beside him quickly realized that there was someone else in their hallway and raised their pistols to fire, the one who stopped them was Jul. Nobody would take his prey. His four jaws let out a howl as he lunged.



As you can see, the 2 players fought each other, but never auto-hit each other, allowing the other player to respond to the attack. I could’ve gone on and on here, but I find it more fun to be doing it with someone else.

Also, you know the rules about no-auto-hitting, or no controlling others? Well, if what you do is light enough or you have the respect of the other player, its ok to do it. For example, maybe a kick to the shin because they were acting out of order, or a small sentence being said in a discussion.

You might now be thinking, “Oh my gosh! How can I write as good as that?” or, “Heh. Booooring. How can I write posts 10 times epic-er than that?” The answer is simple. Write. Just like any game, the more you play, the more experienced you get.

Q: What if someone is playing unfairly?
A: Tell them, or, if your common sense says its a big offense, or the other person ignores you, tell staff. :)

Q: What if someone accused me of playing unfairly?

A: Ask them how, see if you can work it out, fix it. Read your post again, see if it violates some of the rules. Can’t? Get one of us. We’ll see how you played it, and how you can fix it. The staff you found will send a PM to both you and the accuser, and together work it out. (Unless it’s gone into a big argument, in which case, we just tell you to stop.)

Q: What if I want to create a faction, or plot, or weapon, or species?

A: Faction: Go ahead. No NPC’s unless sanctioned, no big castle or village either, But you want your own faction, a group of players working for a single goal? Go ahead.

Similarly, want to create your own plot? Well, depends. Does your plot have things you want to discuss with staff, maybe approval? If not, go ahead! If yes, then you must tell us. Wanna create a new weapon, never seen before? Well, make sure it’s Halo style (IE technological, like maybe some kind of metal sword that emits an electric burst every time it comes in contact with someone) and not OP. Also, your own weapon AND species requires staff approval. Simply send a message detailing it and we’ll approve! Or disapprove, if it’s too OP, and improve it, if we think it’s possible.

Right! Most of this is done, now on to a guide that shall teach you something you will need if you are to play this game and actually have fun WITH other players:

The 343iTBRPG Common Sense Guide

So I’m sure you guys know what Common Sense is. Right? Well, if you don’t, hopefully here I’ll be able to cram it into your brain - and improve the success rate of that with a little bit of humor. While these aren’t a set of rules that’ll get you a big punishment if you disobey them, if you DO disobey them...that’ll be bad. Why? Well, because it’s common sense. It’s like dividing by zero. You get an error, and if the universe received an error everybody dies. It’s my job to correct it, and this guide helps me prevent it.

-Common Sense dictates that you are not supremely overpowered compared to NPC’s. While your character might have many more qualities, they are actually much closer to an NPC’s level than you think. Oh, you want to rob that bank? Well, it would be easy if not for those 2 guards - those 2 guards who were trained specifically to kick goons like you in the shin and get you trapped in jail for the rest of your life. Chances are, they have just as much if not more experience doing whatever it is you’re doing than your character does. Treat NPC’s like a real character when you post - which brings us to our next point, which is:

-Common sense dictates that a Killable Target doesn’t mean they are an Easy target. How often is it that you see guards wearing a meat sack with the words ‘Gut me’ written on it? Not often. How often do you see people run into banks with pistols and swords, decapitate or knock out every guard inside, and then not even drop a sweat? Only in movies, and that’s for entertainment. There is only one difference between NPC’s and PC’s - PC’s have a human conscience. NPC’s, a bit less. Tossing them away like rag dolls isn’t realistic, especially if you consider the fact that is everybody is a super powered high reaction-timed genetically enhanced super soldier or an alien species of similar power, nobody is overpowered.

-Common sense dictates that buildings, fortresses and bunkers are not Lego Castles. To successfully destroy one you need to factor in the fact that it will be hard, to successfully infiltrate one you need to know the interior, to successfully overtake one you need to have a force powerful enough to get in - alive. And also, when did you ever get maps that gave you the knowledge of every circuit, wire, and corner inside this fortress? And when did you get all the keys to enter all the doors? And should you somehow realistically acquire this (If so, good job), remember, all 3 of these things require plans, leading to our next point:

-Common sense dictates that plans can be foiled, and never are they perfect. You have a plan to get in? Great. The other guy has a plan of defense, and he probably has a few surprises as well. You’ll need a plan B, and your opponent probably has one too. If your plan breaks down, you don’t continue fighting like a maniac. You leave.

-Common sense dictates that there is no instant movement, ESPECIALLY if you’re doing something like attacking. Walking takes time, most Vehicles on this island has been blown up, and while you may make posts where Insta travel happens, you can’t do it every post, you MUST acknowledge time passed, you MUST acknowledge other players who cross your path, and most of all, you must NOT do something like this.

‘Oh, this guy (Probably staff) made a big castle meant to attack a main village. I want the spotlight, so I’m gonna go in quickly, undetectably, and start throwing thousands of sticky grenades, Grandmas cake, then walk out and live.’


-Common Sense dictates that you don’t have infinite ammo. In a game like this, it’s hard to remember guns need ammo, and the fact that you need to pay for it, and the fact that guns are not only frowned upon, but also you need to pay for THAT, too.

-Common Sense dictates that there is not instant and omniscient intel for you to suddenly have. I mean, think about it. Lets say, in OOC, somebody said their character showers with a rubber ducky. Will you character start making fun of that? Uh.....probably not. Your character shouldn’t know without peeking in the showers, and he/she shouldn’t be doing that too. And, yes, no Meta-gaming, as it is referred to, is allowed at all, please. Unless you’re having an all new/recently created character, and you’ve decided that he/she shouldn’t be full retard and actually have explored or done something. (Receiving mail from others is ok. You just need to write down all of the mail.)

-Common Sense dictates that you aren’t invincible. While you may have armor and energy shields, below that you’re still bone and flesh, and even though your character might lift, so too do the others. If somebody shoots a rocket, you’ll probably be thrown backwards, smash into a wall and maybe break something.

-Common Sense dictates that the laws of physics (and general science) apply to everyone, unless you somehow acquired permission from someone to do something horrendously, ridiculously, ok. I mean, if you are inside a world, and the laws of physics apply to this world, they apply to you. Examples include - You cannot bounce back bullets, you get hurt falling from high places, you get burned when heated. Next time you do some epic feat as you jump off a building, twist around, 5 shot dat n00b in the face, backflip and fall, and land on a car without breaking anything but the car, think to yourself. Is this, physically and logically, possible?

And, finally, out last point:

-Common Sense dictates that not everyone is a winner. It’s very rare for there to be a true winner or loser; However, that doesn’t mean you MUST be a winner. I learnt this the hard way - take your ego and your pride and stuff it in a box and hide it for the most casual times. If you want to get better at this game, you’d have to allow yourself to be criticized, and improve. You’ll have more fun watching as other people start to see the shine in your post more and more, instead of you getting frustrated over how you can’t beat someone up without cheating.


Not necessarily common sense but things I still want to notify you guys on by expanding on, here are some other things I hope you guys read.

1. G-Modding DLC.

Was banned. God modding is a collection of gameplay offenses that are offensive because they are offensively unrealistic. With an sandbox RPG like this one, it’s very easy to start G-modding without knowing it. However, performing it is very unfair to those around you, and is definitely not allowed in this RPG. While there are many, many different types of G-modding, here are the top 3 issues most commonly seen in text-based RPG’s.

-Invincibility: Any time where you get hit and it doesn’t affect your later actions, any time where you never get hit, is an issue of invincibility. If you think getting hit by a bullet and not being affected by it is ok, you have issues. It’s not allowed, and please, don’t do it.

-Puppeteering: Where you control another player. There are many forms of this, such as forcing another player to get hit (By, for example, posting the hit actually hitting it’s mark), or making them do something stupid (For example, you escape prison, and you post that the PC over there who is a cop does nothing. If you are to puppeteer, please get permission.

-Going Super Saiyan, Evolving, etc: Where you unrealistically power up your character. I mean, think about it. You’re fighting an opponent who probably outnumbers you, is stronger than you, more skilled than you, more experienced than you, and rather doing the natural thing of retreat, you instead pull out super powered energy beams out of your butt, screaming as you do it. This is frowned upon, but performing it won’t get you a big fat warning AS LONG AS YOU HAVE PERMISSION FROM A GM AND YOUR OPPONENT.

2. Meta-gaming.

This is where you manage to gain information that you know, that your character shouldn’t. Many times, this happens subtly. For example, if there’s a guy in active camo in the corner, how would you know? Only if you walk over and kick him in the face, and doing that is probably something your character won’t do unless he knows. There are also other examples of meta-gaming, for example getting your character ready/altered for a future event you know will happen in-game but your character shouldn’t. Another example is knowing the name, abilities, skill, etc. of other people your character hasn’t met at all. Sometimes this is subtle, and sometimes this is very obvious, but it’s the reason we have ‘IC’ and ‘OOC’ to distinguish between you talking or your character talking. Don’t meta-game, as it is both unrealistic and unfair.

Character Profile Rules and Regulations

Here is where you can post a profile for your character; this is required before you can play the game. You do not need approval in order to play; however, Staff will be keeping an eye on your profiles and ask you to change it if needed. There isn’t a pattern for your characters creation; they can be practically anything, anyone, and of any side of good or evil, and of any faction, even your own. If you need help, feel free to look at other profiles, and also PM staff.

General Rules

-You are allowed 1 post for you to edit all your character profiles into. This makes it easier for everyone to access your profiles.

-Your character MUST be something from Halo. That isn’t to say it must be an official species from Halo; it just means it must be something that could be expected from the Haloverse.

-You cannot be a canon character. No RPing as Master Chief. You can be your own Spartan II though.

-The most important rule: Your characters have to be reasonable. No godlike beings of amazing powers. They MUST have a weakness that can be exploitable; I would suggest one mental weakness and one physical weakness.

-No creating tens of thousands of characters to create an Army. Those are what NPC’s are for, and if you really want an army, you can PM staff with a valid reasoning and we WILL discuss it with you. Unless your reasoning sucks.

-Your profile must have a good description of how your character looks, or, if not, a understandable drawing/image.

Suggested Profile

Unsure of what to put in your profile? The following fields are suggestions for you to follow. Please create a profile very similar to it, or the exact same.


Species: (Your own can be added here; must be pre-approved by staff and reasonable.)



Alignment: (Good, Neutral, Evil. Can name a faction as well.)

Skills and Abilities: (No need to be too specific unless there are certain things your character is just amazing at/nobody else can do)


(Preferred) Weapons and Objects: (Special Items addressed later on)



Special Items

Each character is allowed 2 special items that help you customize your character. Maybe it is an utility belt that holds cool stuff in it. Maybe it’s a scanner that can analyze an opponents muscles and bones to look for weaknesses. Maybe it’s a device that allows manipulation of gravitational fields in close range. Either way, these special items can just about be anything, as, in the setting, you need to be developed, or else you die. Special Items should generally be something that can be in Halo, but not something that, say, is purely Forerunner (Unless, for example, you picked up a small device from the floor). This can be stretched a bit, but not too much. Special Items MUST be pre-approved by staff before being allowed to be used.

Also, a something else for you guys - Stealing weapons are allowed, so stealing special items is as well, but you are not allowed to have your character steal from another one of your characters, just so you can boost the fighting capability of one character. And - obviously - don't do so in some crazy, unrealistic, god-modding way.

Playable Species

Default playable species + What they usually have as a character (Perfectly customizable):

-Spartans + MJOLNIR Armor

-Sangheili + Combat Harness

-Humans + Clothing

-Jackals + Shields

Customized Species: You are allowed to send in a PM (Like with Special Items) to a staff member asking if you can play as a custom species. The Origin must be one that works - for example, they were one of an experimental race of the Forerunners.

If not approved, it can be discussed with staff and we will tell you WHY it wasn’t approved.

Weaponry and Vehicles: Keep it realistic; don’t hoard weapons. You can be a weaponsmith, but please, try not to keep 10 rocket launchers hidden in your closets. Similarly, don’t keep 10 tanks in your house.








Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy playing the game!


-Arcoast Staff

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MacMillan Military Solutions. A.K.A. MMS – Alignment: Neutral, Species: Mixed.


Back during the war with the Covenant, when he was 18, Master Sergeant Tyler Mitchel MacMillan served as an ODST, fighting in New Mombassa during the assault on Earth. Seeing the destruction and death, he decided the UNSC were not capable of protecting its citizens, and left the Military. His entire squad followed suit, having seen the same horrors of the Covenant attack. Secretly, they recruited like-minded Civilians, Military personnel, and scientists. Eventually, they had gathered a large following.

He and his initial squad pooled what money they had, and purchased a ship. They left Earth, establishing a base of command on an uninhabited planet, they had named Ulysses, after Ulysses S. Grant, The famous U.S. general from the American civil war.


After a few years, the universe knew about MacMillan Military Solutions, a Militaristic Society, and a Bastion of Civilization, Taking missions from the highest bidder, with an 80% success rate.


All able bodied people must serve a minimum of two years in one of MMS’s military branches, whether it be the Navy, Air force, Army, or, if you are lucky enough to be chosen, Razgriz Brigade. MMS welcomes all species, as long as they leave any political ties, and Ideologies, behind.


MMS’s Navy is the smallest of the Branches, only made up of 5 “Gwan Yu” class frigates, and 800 Modified Su-47 “Burkuts” What it lacks in numbers, it makes up for in tactical brilliance, using Guerilla warfare and ambush to effectively wipe out forces 10 times its size.


The air force is much more developed, and Is Ulysses’ first, and last line of defense. Equipped with 5,000 Refurbished Falcons, and 200 “Burkuts” It is small in size, but deal massive damage with specialized bombs, combining Covenant plasma, and conventional warheads.


MMS’s army is the largest, most used branch, at 15,000 Active soldiers. With every one in four being a non-human. Due to racial tensions, most of the Companies are segregated, except for Argo and Patton Company.


The companies are as follows:


Outsider Company: Made up of Human’s who were deemed “Risky” But were still able to serve. Most people in Outsider Company wear the name proudly, as Outsider has an impressive list of achievements to their name. Numbers: 500, Mostly men.


Jubyur Company: Jokingly refered to as “Jub Jub” For its first year, People at H.Q. thought this battalion of Grunts would be wiped out in its first mission. 2 years later, this Hardened battalion of Unggoy is owed more drinks than any other platoon. Their missions almost never enter open fighting, as their penchant for explosive ambushes borders on Overkill. Numbers: 250, all Unggoy.


Lightbringer Company: The Sangheli Company, Suited to city clearing operations. Utilizing their modified energy swords, they strike fear into the enemy, before cutting them down with a minimum of fuss, then disappearing as quickly as they came. Numbers: 1,000.


Argo Company: The Armoured Battalion, composed of 100 “Granite” Tanks, and 50 “Kobold” Plasma Artillery units. Numbers: 250.


Meteor Company: Basic human infantry. Most of them are Civilian Militia, who distrust most of the Alien races. They don’t have a particularly impressive rap sheet, but they make up with it with enthusiasm. Numbers: 3,000.


Patton Company: MMS’s Army’s main force. Patton Company is the primary company, made up of all races. To be in this unit is to contribute to MMS’s continued survival as a society, and all members work together well, or they won’t come back. Numbers: 10,000. All races, both genders.


Finally, there is Razgriz Brigade. The best of the best, led by Tyler MacMillan personally. Only the best of the best make it here, and they are very selective of who they admit, with new members being chosen by the current members. They are mainly Human and Sangheli, but there are a few Kig-yar, and surprisingly, 2 Unggoy. Numbers: 30


Most of the major decisions that affect Society or Military, are made by the board of Directors. Tyler MacMillan appointed several people to run MMS’s day to day, to allow him to continue working in the field. Members are elected to the board by either Democratic Election, or Military Promotion. The board consists of 10 members, who vote on major issues, deciding by Majority. In the event of a stalemate, the decision is passed to MacMillan.


Play on MMS if you want to:

Play as any race (EVEN YOUR OWN!) and interact with all races on a friendly level.

Play in a heavily Military based style.

Earn the chance to be promoted to the Board of Directors, and influence MMS’s future.

Make your own technology, or use older tech that has been upgraded.

Have no affiliations, Idealogy’s, or causes, just the job.

Play both sides against the middle.


And Here's my Staff Char:



Name: Tyler Mitchell MacMillan

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Weakness: Human things. you know.... bullets... broken bones... the things that kill humans. Also has an addiction to Cigars.

Alignment: Neutral, C.E.O. of MMS

Skills and Abilities: Excellent strategist in Small Squad Tactics. Top marksman with almost any weapon type (As long as they are human) Talented driver.

Personality: Off the job, MacMillan is that drinking buddy everybody wants. He cracks jokes, he'll buy you more drinks than you can stomach, and he'll even play wingman for you. But in the field, he's a separate person. Calm, Cool, and collected, his top priority is to make sure everyone comes home. He has a strong dislike for those in MMS who are only concerned with the money, for when he founded it, it was on the basis of protecting it's people, not making money doing other faction's dirty work.

(Preferred) Weapons and Objects: M-8A, Refirbished XM8 assault rifle. Fifty-seveN (Refirbished Five-seveN Pistol) Gauss Warthog.

Appearance: Comparatively short for a human, at 5 foot 7, and small at 150 pounds. He has short messy black hair, and sharp green eyes. He tends to switch between a full beard, and a thick chin scruff. He's not muscular, and actually looks underfed.

Backstory/Bio: Serving as an ODST when the Covenant attacked New Mombassa, Ty saw first hand the failure of the UNSC to protect it's people. After that job, he and his squad, Along with a few Scientists, Families, and other Military personnel who were fed up with the UNSC, went AWOL, taking a ship off planet, and establishing themselves on a new planet; Ulysses. Now, MMS is a strong force in the galaxy, and known to all as a bastion of society. MacMillan still works in the field, leaving the politics and Day to day to other, more qualified people, stating: "I'm just a dumb grunt. point me at something, and I'll kill it. leave the Pencil pushing to the softies."

Edited by D-38 Boss
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UNSC Galactic Arcadian - Alignment: Good

Rank: Commands all UNSC forces, but is below FLEETCOM in terms of power.


When the UNSC was formed, along came HIGHCOM, and then FLEETCOM. However these commanding branches need a Supreme Field Branch, one that could send forces on a moments notice, fit with the best soldiers and officers and scientists and so on. They called it the Galactic Arcadian. The Commanding Officers of this branch were made to form a Council of Five. One Chairman, Tactician, Scientist, Politician, and Military Officer. This worked out well, and the UNSC had a lot of victories because of this plan. However, when the Galactic Arcadian decided to travel into far reaches of the Galaxy, they were lost and couldn't contact FLEETCOM or anyone. Luckily, the Arcadian took 30% of the UNSC's military, and that was still A LOT of troops. Most of them were serving for life. Even though they were gone, the Arcadian had luckily set up first, so they took a lot of the land. 


The UNSC imagined that they were going to be the heroes of the galaxy, and wanted to be the ultimate good-doers. That is what the commitment of being in the arcadian is.



The UNSC established a powerful military that took most of the galaxy, but clashed with the Covenant. It has a very large army, large navy, and a large airforce. Every single soldier is trained to the peak of all types of warfare and how to defend against it, making the Galactic Arcadian a force to be reckoned with.


Each soldier is required to serve a minimum of five years, however most have stayed for life. You start off as a Private and could, one day, become part of the Council of FIve. The military welcomes everyone, as long as all previous thoughts and creeds are left behind.


The UNSC's Army is the most active branch, with at least 25,900,000 TOTAL personnel fighting for it. They are the ones who are on the ground, fighting the land battles with tanks, vehicles, and all sorts of land technology. However, since the Galactic took thirty percent of each branch, 7,770,000 were taken on this journey. So here, 7,770,000 Army forces are deployed with the Arcadian when it was lost. The Arcadian took 50,000 of all the UNSC's land vehicles.


The Navy is large, but not as large as the Army. Its personnel totals up to 5,000,000 TOTAL. However as stated before, 30 percent was taken so 1,500,000 are active within the Arcadian. The ships that the Navy has are 10 Supreme Cruisers, 150 'Jauken' Class Frigates, and 3500 modified Sovetins. The percentage taken counts for ships as well, so deployed with the Arcadian it ended up as 3 Supreme Cruisers, 45 Jauken Class Frigates, and 1,050 Sovetins when it was lost.


The airforce is one of the primary developed things in the UNSC. It has about 500,000 active personnel. Of course, 30% of that is 150,000, and that is the number the Arcadian took. It contains about 25,000 pelicans, 25,000 Falcons, 25,000 sabers, 25,000 broadswords, and 25,000 of most of the UNSC's air vehicles. However 30% was taken by the Arcadian, so deployed with the Arcadian was about 7,500 of all air vehicles.


All species' were able to get along pretty well, so there was just one major Company, Alpha, but a lot of different squads, brigades, divisions, whatever were also created as well so the military wouldn't be jumbled. (You can create those)


Play with the Galactic Arcadian if you want to:

Play as any race you could possibly want to

Work in a military style and with great power

Become one of the Council of Five, if you earn it

Create your own weapons, tech, vehicles, equipment

Must be good, and want to put things right in the world.

Be the good guys!

Play in the largest and most powerful army in the Galaxy.

Come up with your own tactics, make plans, influence history

Have a great time!

Edited by HaloGeek
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Name: Jason Krenakov

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Weakness: Arrogant sometimes, focused, commanding. He wants a lot done in a little amount of time. All the usual things that kill humans.

Alignment: Good - Galactic Arcadian

Skills and Abilities: Jason is a very smart man, thus his skills of leadership and tactical brilliance make him a great chairman. He is actually a very capable fighter, carrying some weapons to defend himself. He also learned how to hack and how to outsmart many of his enemies. Because Jason was a civilian, the UNSC enhanced his body so he could fight better and run away quickly if he needed to.

Personality: Jason is very cold. He is open to suggestions and is a great leader, but has his times where he needs to be alone. A lot of his brilliant plans that won wars were formed on his own, with sometimes some help. That shows who he is of a person, and the other Councilpeople have taken an acknowledgement of that. Sometimes Jason can be fun and easy going, but this is a rare case.

(Preferred) Weapons and Objects: A Combat knife, frag grenades, a modified plasma DMR called the GX 'Canine' and magnum.

Appearance: flynn.jpg

Backstory/Bio: Jason joined the UNSC around the time of its creation, and served throughout the first human-covenant war. He quickly rose in the ranks for his great service and leadership. Eventually he became one of the Highest Admirals in a Fleet, but HIGHCOM wanted him for the Arcadian. They put him as the Chairman of the Arcadian Military Council of Five, and he brought the UNSC more power and glory then every before. However the Arcadian was lost, along with him, and he had 30% of the UNSC's military with him when he was lost, but that hardly made the UNSC vulnerable. Jason set up shop pretty quickly and was now commanding the Arcadian. One day he hoped to return to the UNSC with all of his forces, but that wouldn't be happening for a long time.

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Name: Kyle Johnson
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Weakness: Explosives
Alignment: Good, Shadow Strike, Arcadian.
Skills and Abilities: Accuracy with automatic weapons, and good reflexes.
Personality: He's likable and humorous at the appropriate times. (Not when he's in a bad situation.)
(Preferred) Weapons and Objects: AL-1A CQWS (Laser weapon, similar to Assault Rifle) and TB-1A TWS (Silenced Rifle, semi-automatic)
Appearance: Tall, and slim.
Backstory/Bio: He served as an ODST Gunnery Sergeant at age 22. He was very fond of of fighting as a stealth soldier, so serving as an ODST seemed perfect for him. At age 27, he was recruited for the Spartan-IV program. He is now leading a squad of stealth-specialists. The squad known as Shadow Strike has a good reputation in the UNSC.

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Or me, Pretty much as long as One staff okays it, and not every other staff member disapproves, it's good.


Also, just make sure your Person, or faction is art of one of the Three major ones. It's central to the flow of the game.

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Messaged boss, he likes this but asked me to message you.



Species- Spher

Look-Think combine from Half-Life 2 but with a more skeletal look on the armour.


Their native tech is atomiser based, operating on the basis of ionising atoms and breaking them apart with effects much like the Forerunner weapons.


The atom rifle is a 36 round automatic weapon firing 30mm wide bolts of atomising charge. (The bolts disentegrate only where they hit, apart from where noted)


Atom shots are pistols with a revolving clip mounted beneath the barrel much the way a mauler has. It has 8 shots but the entire clip can be dumped into one shot, capable of completely disentegrating a person


Atom Grenades are explosive charges that can strike enemies in a 10 metre radius, disentegrating them (has to be point blank to get an elite or spartan with shields)


Atom launchers fire atom grenades, they project a hologram of the projectiles arc for aiming but targets can see this.


Ionisation Riflres fire 24 rounds of copper-coated uranium. The projectiles, even if hit in a non-vital place, the radiation produced can completely destroy the organs of a target in hours after exposure. These marksman weapons' scopes can be adjusted for medium to long range fighting, acting as a sniper rifle if necessary. Spher armour is completely resistant to radiation.


The Spher fleet is one captured thousands of years ago by Forerunners for study. After the Halo event, they were never released until the recent conflicts on-planet. The fleet they have has six ships, three carriers, one flagship and two warships. Troop numbers are unknown but believed to be in the thousands.


Weapons are inaccurate and take about half an AR clip to kill but can injure easily. (About 15 rounds to kill)


AS has to be point-blank for the dump, or it wasted the clip


The IR radiation causes sickness and nausea at worst unless hit in an organ, artery or brain.


AR and AS are very inaccurate.


The faction also use weapons used by other species but generally paint them black and red when possible (Forerunner, covenant and human weapons commonly found in their hands, painted black and red)


Will post my character, and some sketches so people know what they look like In the next few days.


AFFILIATED/ALLIED WITH BOSS' FACTION! Effectively neutral unless provoked though some squads have gone rogue and act as mercenaries for payment.

Edited by BaconShelf
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OFFICIAL LIST OF STAFF CHARACTERS - These characters can be expected to have surprisingly more power than normal. Normal PC characters usually won't have it. They can, however, earn it. For example, the Arcadian Council of 5 can be accessed by a PC who has risen in rank. Upsetting one of them would be sad, because not only are they the ones slowly helping you guys push the plot.......they command very powerful armies.



Arcadian Chairman - Jason Krenakov

MacMillan Military Solutions Founder - Tyler Mitchell MacMillan

'Tidal' 2 Heads - Andrew Spada, Zeke Vakee

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Alignment: Good

Alliances: UNSC Galactic Arcadian


The Confederacy of the Storm was built by species of the Covenant who had different ideas and views. They wanted to be part of the UNSC, almost like a branch. HIGHCOM agreed, but they would have to work under the Galactic Arcadian as allies. Not much else is known about them, only that they will do whatever they can to help the Arcadian. It has a military population of 40,000 and a civilian population of none- all of them joined the military.



Military Leadership is authoritarian, being a democracy but being run by a two powerful people: a Sangheili High General and a Sangheili Politician.


The Army is the most active branch, reaching 25,000 active members. It has many vehicles such as wraiths, ghosts, stuff they stole from the Covenant.


The Navy is an important branch to the Confederacy. It has 10,000 members, 1 Supreme Covenant Cruiser, 4000 Serpents, and about 20 battle cruisers.


The Air force has about 5,000 members, along with a lot of things they stole from the Covenant like banshees, lichs, phantoms, seraphs, etc.

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OFFICIAL LIST OF STAFF CHARACTERS - These characters can be expected to have surprisingly more power than normal. Normal PC characters usually won't have it. They can, however, earn it. For example, the Arcadian Council of 5 can be accessed by a PC who has risen in rank. Upsetting one of them would be sad, because not only are they the ones slowly helping you guys push the plot.......they command very powerful armies.



Arcadian Chairman - Jason Krenakov

MacMillan Military Solutions Founder - Tyler Mitchell MacMillan

'Tidal' 2 Heads - Andrew Spada, Zeke Vakee


You forgot to mention the MMS board of Directors. WHERE HALO GEEK GOT HIS IDEA!! I think... I could be wrong, and it's just a coincidence...

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Trusting Storm: Initially just a massive fleet in the Covenant Remnant, when they and the UNSC, Insurrectionists and Confederacy of the Storm came into a massive naval battle, the slipspace eruption that transported nearly all the surviving ships to Arcoast was pre-detected by Covenant ships first. The Covenant Remnant commanders decided on making the beeline first, but they were still too late. However, a temporal anomaly happened, and the Trusting Storm exited slipspace above Arcoast 3 and a half weeks after Arcadian, UNSC, Confederacy and Insurrectionist ships arrived, which in turns arrived months after the MMS. As such, they had no idea of a truce to try and explore Arcoast and find a way to escape the gravity well and EMP field.


Still, they had no choice but to descend. So they did, set up camp, and immediately started guerrilla tactics against the settlements, which were still being built. And so, the Storm Covenant, realizing that the Confederacy has actually joined humanity, realized that they were the only ones left trusting in the Forerunners. And so they, too, placed agents into Arcoast society, and into Tidal, in hopes of being able to inform Jul Mdama, still-leader of the Covenant Remnant at that time, of Arcoast.




Insurrectionists: Having gathered the intel that a massive naval battle between the Covenant Remnant and UNSC forces including the Confederacy of the Storm and Arcadia, Innies made a plan to weaponize all their ships, and set them on course, appearing as a massive group of slipspace portals, with just about their biggest organized fleet ever.  It was this massive organization of slipspace portals that was detected by Arcoast sensors, which in turn was the reason why the portal that transported and EMP'd the entire fleet was activated.


The innies, landing on Arcoast, decided that they were better off alone, figuring that 'If they taxed us before, now that they have a clean slate they'll tax us again, except we're stuck with no money already.' Still, they accepted the creation of the settlements in each zone, and many Innies live in them. Despite that, they still dislike society, and aren't hesitant to - once or twice - blow something up, with the blame placed on the Trusting Storm.

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Personal Characters


Name: Examus

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Weakness: No close combat skills. Loses much of his relied skill when EMP'd.

Alignment: Evil (Tidal)

Skills and Abilities: While still human, he wears mechanized armor, built using designs from MJOLNIR Mark IV armor with additions and modifications from tech found and reverse engineered from Forerunner tech found on Arcoast. Examus is a great tactical mind, and an average marksman, but his armor's special weapon, the ability to control gravitational fields, is what gives him his edge. Examus' armor has energy shields as well, but doesn't have the tag feature to identify friend and foe, meaning that motion sensors and Promethean Vision attachments do not work for him. His powered armor lets him move much faster than an average human, and be stronger, yet he is still nowhere near the speed and strength of a Spartan.

Personality: Cold and seeking in power, he is patient when he knows he will be getting something and impatient any time else. He is ruthless, not hesitant to kill those around him or - better for him, to remind himself that he has no conscience - torture those he has defeated yet still lives, and then setting on their emergency so that they will live with trauma and pain. Examus, however, always listens to reason, and even if he does ignore what you say, he does put it in his mind. The one thing he cannot resist is power - it is his currency, and he listens to the rich.

(Preferred) Weapons and Objects: Forerunner Light Rifle, found by Tidal, Mark III Control/Manipulation Armor [G]. The C/M [G] Armor is the weapon he has listed above, and the main capability is for it to emit and create a gravitational field, modify and moved through his armor's connection to his neurals. The gravitational field extends for up to 20 meters, and the farther it is the weaker it gets (The more you can move your limbs). Still, once caught, you are near powerless against him, as he can remove your weapon and increase the pressure against your body, causing pain. 

Appearance: Almost never seen without his armor, nobody knows what he looks like. However, those who have seen him with his armor think of him as a monster - black and grey intricate designs, a combination of the angular human MJOLNIR armor and the sleek, curved yet sharp designs of Forerunner combat skins.

Backstory/Bio: Examus (If you haven't guessed, that's an alias) was a prodigal ODST who went rogue when his squadmates died against the covenant. Thinking that it was his commander's fault for sending them down first, then refusing to send reinforcements because the battle wasn't going their way, Examus was listed MIA by the UNSC while he himself escaped, hijacking a covenant vehicle and going rogue. He had been selling his services to the Insurrectionists, and many-a-time he has been responsible for terrorist threats on UNSC-defended planets. During this time, he spent most of it training with weaponry, getting used to more and more ordnance, having faith that he will never require the power of his body when he has the power of a nuke. He arrived on Arcoast through the insurrectionist navy when it tried to wipe out the UNSC in the big naval battle. Then, he went off alone again, until being contacted by Examus, who promised the one thing he needed: Power.

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  • 1 month later...

Name: Ashley Jones

Species: Human

Rank: Brigadeer

Gender: Female

Weakness: Not good at ranged combat, and has a fear of being burned

Alignment: U.N.S.C. Galactic Arcadian to be specific

Skills and Abilities: not the best fighter after reaching Brigadeer years ago, but can somewhat fight in close quarters, somewhat of a good leader

Personality: a more friendly leader, sometimes very stuborn though

(Preferred) Weapons and Objects: A shotgun moddified to have a longer tube of 8 shells, frag grenades, and an M6c magnum modified to have iron sights

Appearance: she's 5'9" tall, slightly more muscular than average, has blonde hair and hazel eyes, a slightly more wide than usual facial structure

Backstory/Bio: she had became a Brigadeer by late 2548, gaining control of one  Paris-class heavy frigate of a fleet. the fleet was attacked on new years ironically, and only her ship (the U.N.S.C. Titan) survived mostly intact by making it out of range of the covie's scanners and weapons while the attacking covanant were distracted. she knew she had dissobeyed protocal, but saved most of her small crew, and on board soldiers. the ship was damaged enough that they could no longer make a slipspace jump (or whatever was used, sorry idk what they used if something different).she ordered the ships remaining forces into cryotubes, and the ships A.I. to send a S.O.S. as long as it could before it shutdown. the ship, years later, drifted into Arcoast. it arrived after the Galactic Arcadian, MMS, Innies, And storm covies. the ship crashed near the coast in the jungles of the Green zone (think its the right name) with a crew of 20 Technicians and 130 remaining soldiers. some of the ship's cryotubes malfunctioned, waking up some of the crew, one of those whom woke being Ashley.

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