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bug that needs to be fixed in halo 4!!!!


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idk if anyone else has had this problem, but ive had it happen many times, and my xbox live friends had ran into this problem too.  when voting for a matchmade game, it want let us vote, you can "click" on the map and gametype, but it want "accept" it... like you can click on it as many times as you want and it want cast your vote..  343 PLEASE FIX THIS PROBLEM.. BTW GOOD JOB ON HALO 4 .. CNT WAIT TILL THE NEXT ONE

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It's a lag glitch. It happened in Reach too. If you giveit a minute or two, it registers a vote. It is nothing that can be fixed on 343's end, if you get this a lot, you just ave a really crappy connection.

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I've had this problem before too, but just like Bacon said there's nothing 343 can do on their end because its a connection problem. You can try resetting your router and it could (possibly) help, but if all else fails just go get a better internet provider. :thumbsup:

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