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Ashes of Mombassa-RP thread

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"Agh...... damn it...."


Scott shook his head, and his vision cleared.


His parachute was caught on a street light, and his flight seat was dangling in the breeze.


"Crap.... What was that?"


He unhooked his harness, plucked his M6C from it's Holder on the seat, and dropped down. Looking around, the city was still standing, but only barely. Everything was burned, and the power was out. there wasn't a single sign of life around, but Scott wasn't sure if that was a good thing, or not. He plucked off his flight helmet, and detached the earpiece.


"This is Senior Airman Haskell. My fighter was downed in the city by some kind of EMP. Can anyone hear me on this frequency?"


The deafening white noise told him no, he was alone for now.


"Hmm... Maybe if I can get some Elevation... might get a better signal..."

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Kyro woke up with his unhelmeted head against a desk in a building he didn't recognize. He stood up and looked down at the sniper rifle in his hands. Noticing a radio, he keyed it up with a click followed by a static hissing and attempted to speak into it in the hopes of figuring out who he was and where the heck he was, but came to the realization he was unable to speak. Reaching behind his head he felt blood dried and matted on the back of his head, and sighed in annoyance. He heard strange noises outside which he instinctively crouched from, and pearing over the desk noticed a group of creatures rising from the ground where they had been thrown by whatever had apparently smashed himself into the desk. Readying the sniper rifle, Kyro got the distinct impression that there was something important about the smashed and mangled car he saw across the street. Aiming at the first of the bewildered creatures, Kyro prepared to fight his way to the vehicle.

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There was rubble. Lots of it. A warehouse had set alight and blown, thousands of rounds of ammunition igniting and detonating at once. At least half the company stationed there had been hit by debris. Walking round the hangar that used to contain vehicles, Jacob saw hundreds of soldiers. One had a large piece of metal Dutch through his thigh, another was bleeding out from multiple bullets hitting his stomach. Blood was everywhere.


Leaving the combat hospital, he tried keying his radio, he needed to get the wounded to a proper hospital. The EMP knocked it out. He motioned to some ODST's in the base.

"Right, we know the EMP affected our radios, but recon shows a satellite array. Get there, activate secondary radio broadcasting throughout the city. Got it?"

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[sorry for the crappy post. I've been putting most of my attention in Militia thanks to DJ's attitude.]


Lockett found himself under a slab of polycrete. No other way to describe it. He hadn't been knocked unconscious, hadn't passed out from blood loss or a concussion. One second, his squad was regrouping on street level with their platoon, and the next, a slip-space event had collapsed a building damn near on top of them. From the short screams, he could hear those that died from the falling debris, crushed on impact. Others were wounded, likely being evacuated by now.


For all of his good fortune of avoiding immediate death or fatal injury, he was in fact winded, and as he tried to call for help, all he could do was gasp for air. The weight on his chest plate was making it worse, and by the time he could finally shout, no one was responding. His grip was weak, body aching, forearms lined with abrasions, he pressed his gloved hands to the slab holding him down and gave a push. Pain shot through his shoulders, protesting the action but the slab began to give way. With a few labored breaths, he tensed himself, pushing with all his strength until the slab rolled off to the side with a loud thunk.


When he sat upright,  clearing the dust out of his lungs with a few coughs, the private realized he was still on street level. One mystery was out of the way now, and had he been anywhere else he would've been baffled and worried. Here, he recognized that he was right where the war had left him, only this time bloodied, alone, aching and...


"Ah, son of a b*tch..." he grumbled.


His Squad Automatic Weapon was lying beside him, and that was about the only good news. Its strap was broken off at the clip, dangling like a wind chime as he lifted it onto his lap for a quick inspection. Tilting it to one side, he noticed a dent on the magazine corner, the least of his concerns compared to the charging handle. While a scuff mark wasn't a lot to get worked up about, the Private was more concerned for its internal components. If the action took a hit, it wouldn't be too far fetched to suspect an internal flaw that could cause a jam.


Other than that, the weapon was relatively intact, and with some luck he could possibly rehabilitate it. But in the mean time, he wasn't going to risk using a faulty primary, and opted to use his sidearm instead. As he stood, he almost forgot about the broken strap and panicked to catch the weapon. He managed to keep it under his arm until he tied a temporary knot at the other end and slinging it on his back before drawing his M6G.


Coughing one last time to clear his throat, he touched the commpad on the side of his helmet. "Bravo...Bravo this is Second Squad--Private Aaron Lockett. Is anyone out there?"


He was met with nothing. No voices, not even static, which unnerved him the most. Comms were always working, even when they weren't. Static at least meant there was room for hope, but utter silence meant his radio was dead. That was when he noticed that his eyepiece was also out. No data was streaming, just an empty window covering his eye. Cursing, he retracted it for the time being.


He was on his own.

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Alison found herself next to a crushed civilian car, covered in small rubble. she realized that the building she had been on toppled, bringing her down with it. she found her sniper rifle on the hood of the car she landed by, feeling very lucky. she tried her coms, saying "is anyone out there?" hearing nothing at all in reply she then realized her visor wasn't functioning either, meaning there was an EMP. she started walking in the general direction of the command center, hoping to find other people.

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Joseph ran down the dark tunnel, he kept his flashlight running, but set it to dim, to avoid running out. He groaned and coughed, still injured, he then hit something, something sharp, he fell into the murky waste. He picked himself off the floor, still coughing, and turned with his gun, he pointed it's flashlight where he fell, to see what tripped him, he found a mutilated human body, the head was sliced clean through, but not by an energy sword, it was a Beam Rifle, that meant a sniper, he turned and yelled, "Oh ****." as he saw a blue light on the edge of the tunnel. He jumped, expecting the target to fire, it did nothing, he got up, embarrassed, and walked over holding his pistol at the target, as he moved closer he turned on the flashlight, it was a keypad, to open a door leading into the building above, he didn't know the passcode though. He turned and ran towards the body, he turned it over searching his pockets, until he grabbed a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket, the paper, covered with blood, but readable, said, "761-IO" He smiled and took the paper with him by the keypad, and entered the code as lights turned on, shining on his platform, and basically blinding him as the door opened and a ladder swung down. He crawled up there, which led to a room, with a flight of stairs, he followed endless flights of stairs to the top of the building, to a room, barren, and ghostly. He turned on a light switch, the room grew slightly lighter, it was filled with furniture, and on the far end, a Sniper, a Target Locator, out of rounds but usable for surveillance, and a note on the couch, it was also bloodied, it read, "If you found this, get to that sniper and turn off the lights, trust me, I have to get out of here, good luck." The ODST put the letter in his backpack, and turned off the lights, he put his guns on the couch and locked the doors. He then picked up the sniper, another note was there, it read, "Find him, B-188" he knew the person was talking about coordinates, he picked up the sniper and followed the coordinates, he saw a building, a collapsed building, he whispered, "What the f*ck?" as his radio turned back on, static, but on.

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With some improvisation and creativity, Aaron managed to salvage a comm module from the helmet of a downed Marine. Replacing his spent one, he hoped that it would at least bring the device back to life. Static was all he heard this time, but he had to try. "Click," he muttered, toying with the radio, the pressure pad specifically. While he couldn't transmit audio, the radio queue would at least come through as a faint click on any receving channels. He continued to send short bursts of static and pops, sending them in intervals consistent with a morse code SOS call. With any luck, someone would catch on and click back.

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Scott climbed the last flight of stairs up to the roof. The office building he had chosen to climb was dilapidated, and most of the staircases had almost collapsed under his weight.


On top Scott looked down at the city, at least the parts he could see through the smoke.


On all accounts, The U.N.S.C. had failed. most of the city was in ruins, and the parts that weren't were being patrolled by Covenant. New Mombassa was officially lost.


Scott flipped on his radio.


"This is Senior Airman Scott Haskell. My fighter was downed by some sort of E.M.P., and I'm currently moving on foot. Is there anyone else on this frequency?"

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Murphy managed the jump with little more then a thud. He instantly ran for the cover of what once was a car. Time to think, time to plan. Top priority was to link-up with UNSC forces or at least what's left of them. He had no idea where he was or which direction he was going. The EMP had rendered most of his tools useless. Gun still worked though and that was all he needed for right now. Proceeding in what he thought was west, it wasn't long before he realized just how bad things have gotten. Brutes. It was almost like being in New Alexandria again.

No turning back, but he had the element of surprise. He took to some rubble a bit further back and waited.


Slight wind, Around 100m, Little to no cover for the target in time.


He steadied his breath, took aim. There was a thud followed by angry roars.


Dropping the captain, he waited to see if he had been discovered. One of the minors was firing randomly, he didn't have a clue where the shots came from.

He again took aim and dropped him.


The third one began to rush towards his position. He scrambled backwards while trying to reload his launcher.

The brute was now within melee distance.

Dodging the blades of a spiker, while trying to get a clear shot.

The moment came.

The brute fell with a heavy thud.


Murphy looked around. 1 Captain, 2 minors.


"That was left handed!"

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Kyro fired the first round awkwardly, but the 50 cal bullet ripped through the jackals legs slamming it face down into the pavement. The creature screetched in pain and terror as its allies scurried off the main street where they had been gathering. The recoil of the rifle had thrown the weakened ODST back a bit from the desk he had taken cover behind. Moving himself back into position behind the desk, Kyro realligned the sniper with another jackal as it peered over the top of a motorcycle across the street. The second round echoed through the street just as loud as the first had and had the effect of giving away his position for a fraction of a second before the echo caused confusion as to the exact location of where the shot had been fired. The bullet made its way through what was left of the jackals skull after initial impact and splattered the remains on the entire wall of the building behind the creature's body while Kyro speculated on how much longer it would be before the jackals realized where they were being picked off from. He was glad that this rifle's amunition did not leave a smoke trail like most sniper rifles used by the UNSC, or the creatures would have followed the trail straight back to his exact hiding spot and already have returned fire from more covered positions. As Kyro continued to shoot he noticed more bullets being fired in the distance echoing through the streets. Whoever was nearby, he knew he needed to link up with them immediatly to figure out what was even going on. Firing one more round, Kyro managed to put a round through a jackal's chest, effectively destroying it entirely, and managed to get lucky enough that the shot bounced off the wall behind the creature and entered the head of another with a heavy spin that showered a portion of the street with blood. The creatures began immediatly retreating abandoning their cover entirely. Kyro took advantage of this moment to run to the warthog on the other side of the street. Looking inside, the first thing he noticed was that the vehicle had been punctured by something extremely large, the next thing which came to his attention was a large bag secured inside the back of the vehicle. He removed the bag and examined its contents. Inside were several various weapons and clips of ammunition including more rounds for the sniper he was carrying, an assault rifle with a lot of modifications on it, some smgs, several pistols, and a few rounds for a grenade launcher, which he located on the bottom side of the modified assault rifle. Sealing the bag back up, Kyro hefted it onto his shoulder before noticing the warthogs turret lying disconnected from the warthog itself on the ground. The ammunition belt had been broken, as well as the base connecting the turret to the vehicle. Looking around, Kyro thought for a moment before grabbing one of the gun and dragging it towards the bike which he had previously noticed. He loaded the weapons, including the turret, on the bike and ran his hand on the vehicle's ignition. It felt so familiar, but he couldn't place it... He grabbed a knife which had been secured to the armor he was wearing and, acting entirely on instinct, pried the ignition appart before rewiring the bike. The engine growled to life, and Kyro began to head down the street towards the shooting.

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With the clatter of weapons fire in the distance, Aaron thought about regrouping, but in the shape he was in--especially lacking a fully operational primary--he wasn't ready to get back in another fight. He figured it best to survey first, keeping a low profile while attempting to collect anyone along the way.

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Alison heard faint gunshots, high caliber, and then while distracted got hit into the wall by a brute. "this is DEFINETLY not my day" she thought. she shot the brute in the head, barely avoiding another hit. lucky for her that brute happened to be alone. she realized that a motorcycle had just been started after she got back on her feet. "d*** those things can be loud" she said to herself. she started moving toward the vehicle, hoping that someone would be there when she got there.

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A shot rang out, closer this time. Despite previous attempts at a low profile, Aaron quickened his pace to investigate. Upon arrival he found a Covenant casualty; a Brute, shot clean through the head, and no doubt at close range by the powder burns singeing its facial fur. However killed it had himself a brief melee.


Nudging the corpse to the side, Lockett looked it up and down with his M6 in hand, then pilfered it for its last spike grenade. The device was heavy, and more akin to the shape of a club than a grenade. He decided it was of use and slung it to his rucksack. Just as he was about to search its bandoliers he noticed a set of tracks, marked by its own maroon blood. The tracks didn't last a long distance, but they did tell him which direction its would-be victim went. After finding nothing else of value, he would rise, take up his sidearm again, and find the owner of said trackss. Why? Because he just didn't have anything else to go with.

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Driving down the street, Kyro came to the realization that he had started driving without even knowing where he was going... As he was driving along he noticed a woman standing by the roadside covered in brute blood and carrying a sniper rifle. Stopping the bike he popped his helmet off and motioned questioningly if she was going towards the large smokecloud he had just noticed in the general direction she had been walking. She looked familiar to him, but he couldn't place her face or speak to ask her where he knew her from.

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Alison looked over the ODST, and asked "are you looking for our base of operations?" she stood there, waiting for a second, noticing only gestures in reply. "can't you talk?" she asked. seeing as he shook hes head no, she next asked "were you with others?" seeing the same answer she continued "do you know how far our base of operations is?" she saw he was really confused about this, and said "ok, lets go toward the smoke. i bet other people are there." she started walking toward the smoke again.

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Meanwhile, Henry Clarkson hid among the shadows evading Covenant troops as he looked for rounds for his Assault Rifle. HE took a plasma pistol as a sidearm in case of emergency. A brute growled as he saw him. It was a chieftain, Henry ran as fast as he could while shooting the brute. HE came across a mongoose and decided to retreat using the vehicle.

Edited by Frankenzer
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Kyro motioned helplessly to the lady who continued asking questions he didn't really have an answer for. He was growing increasingly frustrated until she started to walk again in the direction of the smoke. At which point, he sighed in frustration about his inability to communicate, and revving the bike up pulled it in front of her and brought it to a stop. He repositioned the bag to open a space on the bike and then pulled an smg out of the bag and held it out to her.

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Revving the engine a bit, Kyro turned the bike back up onto the road and continued deeper into the city towards the smoke. The ammount of gunfire around the city had increased since the momentary sillence, and they were driving right towards the thick of it. He swore he heard another vehicle's engine echoing through the streets.

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Murphy continued on, dodging Coive patrols and evading their armour.

It wasn't easy in the narrow streets. Too many close calls to count.

It paid off though.


He found himself staring at two Warthogs. Both in a pretty beat up condition, but serviceable.

Inspecting the vehicles, he found signs of battle.

Blood on the sides of the vehicles, a large spike sticking out of the head light of the front 'hog. There was several guns strewn about the place and a large metal crate thrown in the back of the second 'hog.

The gun's on both vehicles were in good condition, though the front one had much lower ammo in reserve.

The second one it is.


He stripped the first one of all useful parts and salvaged the remaining ammo. He collected all the guns and threw them in the back.

The emergency fuel and tire were also taken.

He had thought about siphoning the fuel, but decided to leave the other one drivable in case someone else found it.

It was just then he thought "Where are the bodies?".

Signs of battle, of marines being struck, but no bodies?

They either won and managed to carry their fallen comrades to safety or didn't lose anyone and managed to make it out.

Both seemed unlikely


It wasn't major to dwell on however and he gave the Warthog a start.

It roared to life.


"Let's go for a spin."

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Clicking. Rythmetic clicking could be heard, only on one frequency, the same sound of a COM being switched on and off again. Over and over again.

"Well?" Asked the Captain, not sure if what the radio operator was telling him.

"This isn't interference, it's too precise. My guess is someone, in this vicinity is alive and is needing help. My advice is send a Warthog out, two soldiers is all and pick up the guy. Or the body, and ammo they may be carrying. Our reserves are gonna run short soon if we don't start bringing it in, and there's been no word from our command centre as of yet, but I'll keep trying."

It was a sound plan, there were still three Hog's and enough ammo to keep supplied for only a few days if it came to it.

"Agreed, I will take the 'Hog. We'll take a Troop Transport and a Chaingun, start picking up survivors." He motioned to the two assigned guards as he left the bay. "Listen, I need you guys to come with me. You know how to drive? You should. Take a Warthog out front, I'll meet you there in the TT. You're my escort, we need to pick up survivors." The two marines nodded before jogging to the EMP protected hangar bay.


Nearby, a squad on watch stared in amazement as a new beast, a Combat Scarab dropped from orbit. Followed by seven more, they fdropped into the water, the first emerging by the city, away from the Outpost. Phantom and Banshee patrols escorted them before dropping Locusts. The Sluens were doing a sweep, kill all survivors. And we're heading the direction of The downed Longsword.

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