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Delta Facility V1.1


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Gamer Tag- SUPER MOOSE93
Map name - Delta Facility

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Delta Facility is a large indoors map, made primarily for slayer, its is also set up for KOTH, CTF, and oddball. this map can handle up to 5v5.

this is the basic map layout




finished map







Placed weapons

-sniper riffle
-concussion riffle
-plasma pistol

-frag grenades
-plasma grenades




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I do like how you made a quick template of the map in the first image. It really makes it easy to understand the map layout quick. The map however seems to be a little bit too open so perhaps adding a bit of cover here and there would be nice.

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I do like how you made a quick template of the map in the first image. It really makes it easy to understand the map layout quick. The map however seems to be a little bit too open so perhaps adding a bit of cover here and there would be nice.


yeah, i do agree. i will do that later today. 


Not a big fan of the candy coloring though. Also looks a bit gray in some parts.


i dont usually add colours, but it needed a way to identify which part of the map you are in, and it looked a bit too dull without the colouring 

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yeah, i do agree. i will do that later today. 



i dont usually add colours, but it needed a way to identify which part of the map you are in, and it looked a bit too dull without the colouring 

You could use colors that complement each other rather than just coloring blocks with different colors just to divide the map.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally got around to editing the map, tried to give it a 'derelict lab' feel but it didnt really work

here are the changes

  • changed the colour scheme of the map. purple area is now grey. green area is now orange. </li>
  • added 4 Colosseum windows to make certain areas of the map brighter</li>
  • removed the lighting and structures surrounding them. added in research stations to take their place
  • added general decoration and cover

i will link the new version in the OP, along with the new images>

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