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Ban the person above for no apparent reason

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Banned for being in the way of the Orbital Destroyer Cannon on a Wednesday when I was wearing an Orange Shirt (That was secretly green) And Blasting Dubstep out of a record player because I'm old school like that (But I hate Dubstep) and the monkey next to me threw up on a Telegram machine, but it was fish so everything was okay and I made a Swiss cheese army knife out of a boot on the moon with Burt Reynolds but that was a dream I had that one time when I drank too much Lemonade in a drinking contest that was really just me with two glasses of Lemonade and my dog was casting me condescending stares and muttering incoherent slogans about Freedom and Democracy and accusing me of being a globalist who supported seal clubbing, but I explained to him the I was actually a green bean with a silly hat that had a funny slogan on it but I can't remember what the slogan was, (It had something to do with Kangaroo's and Honey) and my other dog came in with a sword and killed me but it was okay because I had an arm, and my brother said something about a car chase and my cousin Roman called asking me to go Bowling and I told him not now and he cried and I consumed his tears as nourishment and if you're still reading this I applaud your commitment and I got into a car and drove the wrong way up the highway but Harrison Ford was in trouble so the police didn't mind and Rutger Hauer was actually a robot and it was all like crazy and I fought a dragon but I lost and I needed the Orbital Destroyer Cannon.




So yeah.... Banned...

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Banned for what some co-workers call Sexual harassment, even though it was just a comment that might have been taken the wrong way and now you might be getting fired and taken to court for what you thought was just a simple comment but the judge believes it to be a sexual offense while he orders you to register as a sex offender and ruins your life. But then you win the lottery and live a semi-happy life because of that memory. Such a terrible occasion, but BANNED!

Edited by Ryu♥Hayabusa
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