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DMR Starts


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Something that's really been bugging me lately is just how frequently Slayer DMRs is appearing, especially in Doubles. For those who aren't familiar, in Doubles players are always offered a choice of two Slayer variants and an objective. No problems there: most people prefer to play Slayer, and it's never the case that we're stuck with a game variant and are choosing only the level to play on.


Of late, it seems like the frequencies have been tweaked though: in my last ten games in Doubles, on FOUR occasions we were only given DMR variants for Slayer, despite voting for a second set of maps on three of those matches. Having only a choice of DMRs or objectives can be frustrating, particularly if you like the AR or don't have a great connection.


It seems strange to me that even though the DMR already has two playlists to call its own (Arena and MLG), it appears so frequently in Team Slayer and Doubles. I know a lot of players like to show off how 'Pro' they are, and claim that winning DMR duels is the best way to show it, and DMRs can be fun to play: however, why don't these players just use Arena/MLG, and get a guaranteed DMR start? That way they'd be matched against people closer to their own skill level, making their own victories more satisfying and opening up more Slayer variants for the rest of us. It's a real rarity to see Elite Slayer up for vote anymore, even though most of the times I've seen it come up it's been chosen.


In short, I suppose what I'm suggesting is a reduction in DMR start probability, or a new system whereby players are given a choice of AR start, DMR start, and Pro/Elite start in Team Slayer, and ensuring at least one AR start in Doubles with the other being taken up by a Pro/DMR/Elite gametype.


Your thoughts?

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If you like AR that much, play Multi Team, Rumble Pit or Team Slayer. I think the DMR is a great weapon, thus it appearing that much makes perfect sense. Lots of players prefer it cause it just is more fun and skillfull to play with. Now if you want to just charge guns blazing emptying your AR, into each other, thats another thing.


In short, I don't agree with you.

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hmm... amazing.


I find this thread strange, in different ways.


The first way is, I play quite a lot of Team Slayer, Team Objective, Squad Slayer and other playlists. Yet when I play, There is only ever 1 DMR gametype, then the rest are AR, and 9 times out of 10, DMR's are picked. And there is only 1 reason for this, most people like DMR's, not AR's. This is because you can shoot long range, and short range, and it takes skill, unlike the AR where most people just spray it.


The second way is, I', just shocked that someone is actually trying to get more AR's.

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It's not that I want more AR starts, it's just frustrating that I'm frequently only allowed to choose between DMRs and objectives. The fact that I don't believe the DMR to be particularly skilful is irrelevant, as I know a lot of players think differently and they should still regularly be given the chance to play with it from spawn, if that's what they want. I just feel that it's unfair that players who don't like the DMR often get forced into using it. The system I've suggested ensures that there's always at least one DMR start (even if it's just Pro) for those who like it, and one AR/Elite start for those who don't. Everybody has a chance to vote for a game mode that they will enjoy, so it's a fairer system.

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It's not that I want more AR starts, it's just frustrating that I'm frequently only allowed to choose between DMRs and objectives. The fact that I don't believe the DMR to be particularly skilful is irrelevant, as I know a lot of players think differently and they should still regularly be given the chance to play with it from spawn, if that's what they want. I just feel that it's unfair that players who don't like the DMR often get forced into using it. The system I've suggested ensures that there's always at least one DMR start (even if it's just Pro) for those who like it, and one AR/Elite start for those who don't. Everybody has a chance to vote for a game mode that they will enjoy, so it's a fairer system.

would that be balanced?

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AR's are for n00b's that get scared. Just my opinion ;-)


That's a terrible opinion. The AR is not a noob weapon just because some players panic and start spraying it all over the place. You know what I do when someone isn't close to me when I have an AR? I use burst fire, which is more accurate and drops their shields quicker than it would if I just sprayed.

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