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United Nations Gaming: Now Recruiting

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Greetings Reader,


I am the Founder and current Admiral of United Nations Gaming, which is a gaming clan, based on a wide variety of games, such as Call of Duty, Halo, Gears of War, Battlefield, and many others. However, as I am currently the only member, I have opened recruitment to anyone who wishes to join. If you are a dedicated, loyal, honorable, and charismatic gamer, I want you. I reserve the right to suspend, or terminate the membership status of ANY member, at ANY time.


If you wish to join UNG, feel free to send me a Private Message on here, e-mail me at [email protected], send me a message on Xbox Live, (My Gamertag is PuRpLe MadNeSSx) or apply to UN Gaming on Call of Duty Elite.


When you become a member, it is expected that you:

-Change your Clan Tag/Service Tag (CoD and Halo) to UNG

-Include UNG in your CoD emblem

-Keep in touch with other members

-Be ready for clan battles


I look forward to hearing from you.

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