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Some basic free tips for 343i regarding Halo 5

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First off, forget Halo 4 ever existed, it wasn't a step in the wrong direction, it was a leap!


Think Halo 2, Halo 3.  Majority of people loved those 2 installments, and they also considered Reach a step in the wrong direction. 


Why? Because it had too many bells and whistles for the most part, and it wrongfully stepped away from the proper 1-50 ranking system.  The majority of the negativity revolved around the arena divisions style, instead of what people loved or were accustomed too (1-50).  And the armor lock, jetpack, hologram etc were difficult to swallow all at once. 


So in a nutshell, those changes by Reach weren't greeted with open arms, there was a heavy backlash.  But instead of learning from those mistakes 343i decided to make things far worse.   The atrocious ranking/experience system (SR nonsense, and botched online only CSR) and add even more bells and whistles.  The point is learn from Reach's blunders already.


Going forward with Halo 5, for heavens sake, have a proper familiar 1-50 ranking system, its not rocket science.  And lose some of the extra's, perks, loadouts etc.  What made Halo 2-3 so loved was the basics, it revolved around skill, none of this crazy aim assist, random ordinance, friendly fire garbage, just a pure shooter.  Go back to those roots specifically and then build around that.  Here's hoping for a better H5



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I don't know... I kinda like having perks, tactical packages, and loadouts. I like how Halo Reach/Halo 4 took Halo in a different direction because most people don't pay $60 to get a game they already have. Halo is gonna change with every release, and some people need to accept that. 


Halo 5 will be a great game, because 343 listens and will continue listening to the community. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Agreed Halo should change with every release, but the core of Halo's multiplayer needs to remain the same, bc that's essentially what makes it special to begin with.  Halo, to my understanding, was just about the only competitive shooter that penalized you for killing teammates.  The game had very little aim assist, and was more about team work, using the map, headset, finding and holding the upper ground, power weapons etc.  And when all was said and done gave you a # based on your skill level.  That in a nutshell is what made Halo, Halo, and should not be tinkered with.  Keep all that I just mentioned the same, and then build around that.


Removing a skill based rating system  and replacing it with a pointless experience points based SR is beyond me.  The crazy aim assist makes nearly every one on one battle a coin flip now, even assault weapons trump primary ones.  Everyone spawns or lottery's a crazy ordinance weapon, so the map is littered with power weapons.  All strategy goes out the window when all the players on the map are holding something crazy.  And with friendly fire on, the moment an enemy charges you, the rest of his teammates just toss grenades at the pile and fire away blindly.


All I'm saying is, you have paragraph one or paragraph two.  One led to creating one of the best franchises of all time, the other scared nearly the entire population away.  Please wake up 343

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Best piece of advice ever...


Sell the Halo franchise to a developer/publisher with more balls, more drive and more talent to make Halo proper again, and not force players to waste money on hype.



like activision or maybe electronic arts or gearbox aliens colonial marines was a great game 


extreme scarcasm alert :thumbsup:

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So far, they've only made one game, nobody can make a perfect game from scratch first time.


I don't know... I kinda like having perks, tactical packages, and loadouts. I like how Halo Reach/Halo 4 took Halo in a different direction because most people don't pay $60 to get a game they already have. Halo is gonna change with every release, and some people need to accept that. 


Halo 5 will be a great game, because 343 listens and will continue listening to the community.


coD players do ^.^

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No, 343i has done a miserable job.  The population has depleted so greatly, there's a respectable chance even Reach's online population could surpass it come fall, the gap between them is closing fast.  They delivered an unfinished product and then took wayyyy too many months to make any appropriate changes.  I find it very difficult for anyone to say that that performance warrants a 'good job'.

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I hear some of you talk about being a 'real' Halo fan or 'loyal' Halo  player and it has no meaning when you say it. You are talking to me and many others when you make those foolish comments. Point is, I know what happened with Halo 4 and will not pre-order Halo 5 because of it. I will wait and see what the game actually is before I let go of $60.00 again. This also means I will not be purchasing pro-order copies to give away in the forum as I have done for HCEA and Halo 4, a total of 6 games, plus copies for friends. After seeing what happened with the LE Halo 4 and it's extra content, I will not be promoting the next "LE" purchase either.


I remember Frank himself saying that they were taking Halo back to it's roots, making Halo Halo again. Many thousands of us believed those words and are now left with a game we rarely play, at least in MM. Was the ranked 1 - 50 system really scraped due to the ability to manipulate the skill gap or derank? Was it because of smack talking? It would seem that there is a wealth of professional statisticians in the world that could create a functional ranking system based on skill if they were asked, just a thought there. As for smack talk, that is what the mute button was for. I do agree with the OP about having a visible ranking system that reflects skill, but also one that reflects what the social ranks did in Halo 3.


All Halo players want the game to progress along with the new technologies available when it comes to graphics, frame rates and incorporating new ideas that progress the game. I honestly felt that when Frank spoke the phrase, "No more dead end stories.", he was referring to Reach and it's game play. Why have the next game that follows Halo 3 be an extension of Halo Reach, the supposed first game in the series? Yes, Reach was a good game, but it did cause more issues with the fans by an enormous margin, much more than any other issue that had come before in the Halo series. I have mentioned before that the franchise is now owned by a company that is used to 'finishing' products using a series of updates. So ask yourself, honestly, are they 'listening' to the fans when they offer all these updates for Halo 4 or simply finishing a product? Shouldn't they have spent the time researching and testing weapon damage, rate of fire and weapon range and had it all worked out prior to release? They fact is, the updates will constantly be a sore spot and weakness of the game for players as some will accept and tune their game to the given standards where others know if they complain long enough, loud enough and have enough others doing the same they can bring a change to it.


I fully believe that what a Halo developer should be listening to from the fans of it's games would be, first off, the number of players walking away from they game. That is a thunderous silence! They should listen to the past, meaning what was the part of the previous title that was so popular. Then listen to the forgers and game type creators of forge that create new and interesting map and game variants. Another thing I fail to get is with all of the clans that we have in our community, why not bring back the clan battle play list?


I definitely don't have all the answers and have no idea how Halo 5 can be made to in a manner to capture the players who have left the franchise and maintain the ones who really love Halo 4. I do believe it is possible for Halo 5 to be a great game, but there must be some serious reflection by the developers about what Halo really is to it's fans versus what are all the neat things that can be created just because they can be. Maybe save some of those ideas for another game.


Ginger, when you said that, "Well Bungie managed to get it right, so not all game developers are failures.", there is some truth there. Remember that Bungie was under the same gun 343 found themselves when it came to getting a game to market on an arbitrary date rather than when it was fully polished.

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I hear some of you talk about being a 'real' Halo fan or 'loyal' Halo  player and it has no meaning when you say it. You are talking to me and many others when you make those foolish comments. Point is, I know what happened with Halo 4 and will not pre-order Halo 5 because of it. I will wait and see what the game actually is before I let go of $60.00 again. This also means I will not be purchasing pro-order copies to give away in the forum as I have done for HCEA and Halo 4, a total of 6 games, plus copies for friends. After seeing what happened with the LE Halo 4 and it's extra's, I will not be promoting the next "LE" purchase either.


I remember Frank himself saying that they were taking Halo back to it's roots, making Halo Halo again. Many thousands of us believed those words and are now left with a game we rarely play, at least in MM. Was the ranked 1 - 50 system really scraped due to the ability to manipulate the skill gap or derank? Was it because of smack talking? It would seem that there is a wealth of professional statisticians in the world that could create a functional ranking system based on skill if they were asked, just a thought there. As for smack talk, that is what the mute button was for. I do agree with the OP about having a visible ranking system that reflects skill, but also one that reflects what the social ranks did in Halo 3.


All Halo players want the game to progress along with the new technologies available when it comes to graphics, frame rates and incorporating new ideas that progress the game. I honestly felt that when Frank spoke the phrase, "No more dead end stories.", he was referring to Reach and it's game play. Why have the next game that follows Halo 3 be an extension of Halo Reach, the supposed first game in the series? Yes, Reach was a good game, but it did cause more issues with the fans by an enormous margin, much more than any other issue that had come before in the Halo series. I have mentioned before that the franchise is now owned by a company that is used to 'finishing' products using a series of updates. So ask yourself, honestly, are they 'listening' to the fans when they offer all these updates for Halo 4 or simply finishing a product? Shouldn't they have spent the time researching and testing weapon damage, rate of fire and weapon range and had it all worked out prior to release? They fact is, the updates will constantly be a sore spot and weakness of the game for players as some will accept and tune their game to the given standards where others know if they complain long enough, loud enough and have enough others doing the same they can bring a change to it.


I fully believe that what a Halo developer should be listening to from the fans of it's games would be, first off, the number of players walking away from they game. That is a thunderous silence! They should listen to the past, meaning what was the part of the previous title that was so popular. Then listen to the forgers and game type creators of forge that create new and interesting map and game variants. Another thing I fail to get is with all of the clans that we have in our community, why not bring back the clan battle play list?


I definitely don't have all the answers and have no idea how Halo 5 can be made to in a manner to capture the players who have left the franchise and maintain the ones who really love Halo 4. I do believe it is possible for Halo 5 to be a great game, but there must be some serious reflection by the developers about what Halo really is to it's fans versus what are all the neat things that can be created just because they can be. Maybe save some of those ideas for another game.


Ginger, when you said that, "Well Bungie managed to get it right, so not all game developers are failures.", there is some truth there. Remember that Bungie was under the same gun 343 found themselves when it came to getting a game to market on an arbitrary date rather than when it was fully polished.


I could not agree more AD 343 is trying to make halo into something it is not halo reach is not halos roots halo ce halo 2 halo 3 was the roots of halo where all must be built up from not scrapped and turned into something else but I have no idea what halo 5 will be like will halo 5 be good or will halo 5 be halo 4 all over lots of hype and soon after not many people play it and all these updates for the game are not updates at all they are more or less finish and broke product but all this csr weapons tuning came too late for a game that is almost dead so let us hope 343i had learned and made a good halo game called halo 5 that will bring halo back to its roots and turn the halo franchise around from the dark hole it is in :thumbsup:

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I could not agree more AD 343 is trying to make halo into something it is not halo reach is not halos roots halo ce halo 2 halo 3 was the roots of halo where all must be built up from not scrapped and turned into something else but I have no idea what halo 5 will be like will halo 5 be good or will halo 5 be halo 4 all over lots of hype and soon after not many people play it and all these updates for the game are not updates at all they are more or less finish and broke product but all this csr weapons tuning came too late for a game that is almost dead so let us hope 343i had learned and made a good halo game called halo 5 that will bring halo back to its roots and turn the halo franchise around from the dark hole it is in :thumbsup:

Halo's roots are in Doom and Marathon.


IT was one of the many Doom clones that came out in the early 2000's. Halo just so happened to be on consoles and not PC so it was "new" to more people than other Doom clones which helped its popularity.

Edited by WonderWombat
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