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Halo 4 Forge and Halo 5 Hope For Forge

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So, I'll kick it off with my disapointment in Halo 4 forge. When I saw videos of it before Halo 4 came out, I was blown away with things like trait zones, the shadow effects, magnets, and it seemed amazing. But when I finally got my hands on the game and played forge, it was a dream shattered. There were almost no new objects to build, all of them the same from Halo Reach. The Forge maps were extremely small coming straight from Forge World which was somewhere around six maps put together to make one mega map, and every time I turned from an editor into a Spartan, it had to load. I understand the loading process and that the shadows have to be generated but it was still annoying, especially since Halo 4 is almost impossible to make maps with two or more people on the same console. After a while, I began to like it though. I was still dissapointed because it could have been much better and it let me down, but it was still far better than Reach (other than the maps). So in a summary, Halo 4 didn't impress me at all, because I already knew what was to come out of it, but the fact that they didn't make more or atleast different objects and buildings really got me angry. Forge Island got a HUGE thumbs up from me and as soon as I got it, I created a nice map. Halo 5 will be great no matter what happens in Forge, but what I would love to see is maybe Forerunner vehicles (if forerunners are actually coming back as a main enemy which they probably will) a new Forge World, or even the old forge World just newly detailed with up-to-date graphics, being able to create elevation such as hills or ditches, or flattening areas to place buildings. Trees, rocks, and bushes, maybe have like two or three mountain models you can create. Being able to have all the buildings that you make in Halo 5 (hopefully more than in Reach and 4) but have a choice to make the building UNSC, Covenant, or Forerunner (just make different models on the same basic building) that way, people could really make some epic Forge maps. Be able to make hologramic buildings structures so that you can have secret doors or things. Have shields that only allow a certain team inside and out (like in Dominion). Other than forge, I think weopon customizations would be awesome. I don't mean your loudouts, I mean placing camos, scopes, silencers, flamethrowers, grenade launchers, etc added to your weopons. That is getting closer to the Call of Duty and other war games side, but it would still be a huge improvement than what we have now. Bring back Falcons, or even better, Hornets from Halo 3. I don't know the whole story with Brutes but I'm pretty sure they're out of the game. I think it would be cool for them to return but on a different team and so Covenant and Brutes fight. That way, Brute Shot comes back, Choppers, come back, and any really cool Brute item. There should also be a choice between changing your species like in Halo Reach and 3. That way you can be human, elite, or promethean. The armor would be alot cooler if you could select between Spartan 3 or 4 because I liked Halo Reach armor much better than 4. The Halo 4 armor looked cool, but looked very alien like and there were no big differences in any of your armor besides your helmet so it didn't seem like you were improving your armor by getting the next piece of whatever. It would be cool if Arbiter or some other Elite Heratic came and fought alongside Master chief. Or Master Chief is in charge of a squad of Spartans or something. Wolverines should be put in the game along with Elephants and Pelicans. This is already way too big but 343 made Halo 4 awesome and I can't wait to see Halo 5 (although I probably won't be able to afford the new Xbox for a while haha)


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