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Hello guys I will be leaving for 4 weeks. Because, I have summer school at 8:00 am and each class is about an hour and a half so I take two and I get home at like 11:50 am because, I take the bus. On top of all of this when I get home I have to do chores, babysit and just a whole variety of things my parents throw into my face.. As well as this I have football and soccer games on Saturday, two of them and they are both about 2 hours or so.   I also have to deal with my life, I have to go visit my girlfriend and take care of her and go see my best friend in the hospital. For some awesome reason me and my family are going to Disney Land or World for like a couple of days. I will try my hardest to come and visit for a little and say a friendly "hello" to all of you active members. I am not leaving forever to say the least but, I will be gone for probably 4 weeks or so maybe more depending on what's going on. Thanks for being great friends!


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