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Foe Hammers Song


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I haven't written any fiction in a long time and I figured since I am on this site and so many of you are writing fan fiction that I might as well give it a try. This is the first part of what will probably be a short story (around 7-10 pages). I'll upload the parts as they are written. I don't know much about the lore of Halo so you guys will have to cut me some slack. But I'll take any criticism or suggestions that you may have.


The story involves my favorite character from the first Halo. It takes place at the very end of Halo after her Pelican is shot down by the Covenant.


Foe Hammers Song


Chapter 1???


I didn’t think today would be the day that I would die. At least it’s not to those damn zombie things. Though these covenant scum aren't much better. God I hope the chief makes it. It would be a damn shame if he didn’t. After I went through all of that effort.  I had to take a god damn Pelican underground, UNDERGROUND seriously that is ridiculous. Man I was good, I mean really good. The way I see it, it wouldn’t be stretch to say that I was the best damn pilot in the whole UNSC.


…..Look at me this is pathetic. I am pathetic…..  already talking about myself in the past tense like this. I guess it makes sense though it takes a strong person to accept your fate, especially when it’s as grim as mine. I am dying and pretty soon will be dead.  I wouldn’t have to die if it wasn’t for Frye using up all of the damn supplies. I guess he needed though he was bleeding bad. When everyone else left he stayed with me.  He was a great co-pilot… too bad he was such an ***.


Dying right now isn't too bad I guess..... I got a good thirty four years in. Plus I should get a lovely memorial service. Maybe they’ll name a charity after me, or even a Pelican, maybe a statue. The Pelican would be best though… it seems the most appropriate at least.  


Wait… oh damn what was that noise! Oh it’s just one of the little ones. Chief called them Grunts I could probably take him, I still have my pistol. I always though the assault rifle looked stupid...... But I bet it would be pretty useful right now.


….. It looks like he’s gone now. Is it even a he… do they even have genders…  Why do I even care?…. Can’t I just die already?


I could just shoot myself now but I can’t seem to bring myself to do it. It probably wouldn’t hurt too much and even  if it did, it wouldn’t be for very long.

……….. Maybe I’m not in as bad a shape as I think I am. It could all just be in my head. Let me try standing up…… ****…. Okay that doesn’t work.  Maybe Chief will come save me?… nah I’m not important enough he has much better things to do. In fact he’s probably dead. 


I thought your life was supposed to flash before your eyes. This is bull**** serious bull**** I shouldn’t have to sit here and die without having anything nice to remember. Are my last thoughts really going to be of  this miserable  place. I can’t see the sun so I wonder what’s creating the heat and light. Come to think of it I don’t even know what time it is or how long I've been here……. I don’t even get the luxury of knowing the hour of my demise. It won’t matter much when I’m dead though… at least I don’t think so.


Come on life start flashing…… come on already….. urghhhhhh….. Its pointless I guess that isn’t going to work. I’m going to have to do this a different way. Let’s see where was I born…..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's part 2.


Chapter 2???????

I was born in Atlanta Georgia to Andrew and Majel Rawley in a small two bedroom apartment…. No this won’t work I’m gonna bore myself to death like this. It should be a memory like a story or something. I can’t just write a biography about myself. Let me try School. A lot of memories there…….


Wait what was that noise? Ahhhh that grunts back, It doesn’t look like he’s armed though. Can grunts even fight without weapons? Can I even fight without weapons?  Well I do feel a little better, I think I can move now. Better take shelter back in the Pelican. If I don’t survive it will at least be a good place to die…… a fitting place to die.


Great now I have good vantage point on the Grunt. What the hell is he doing? Is he just digging a hole?  He looks pretty scared. God these idiots are supposed to take over the galaxy. Well in all honesty I don’t think anyone was afraid of these, it’s those Hunters and Elites that are terrifying. I almost feel bad for the Grunt though. He looks so alone. I think I can stand now…. I could just go over and kill him now. I guess I don’t really want to. I must be getting sensitive in my old age.


I’ll let him live him live for now…. Let’s see now where was I?….. Oh yeah that’s right School. Well what happened in school…… Man this is hard. I’ll start in Kindergarten. Good old P.S. 196, I still remember exactly what it looked like a small hideous red brick building. The school was really really old and didn’t have a lot of the modern conveniences that other schools had. I think there might actually have been a projector in one of the rooms.


But what actually happened in Kindergarten. Well I learned to read kinda and I used to beat that kid James’ butt. Man that kid was dumb. Though I guess he was my real first love. He was five years old…. Had one of those stupid bowl cuts things all the kids had back then. He was cute though, pretty tall for his age he used to wear camo pants all the time. Every day he would come to school with one of those idiotic lunch boxes like it was back in the old days. I remember his mother refused to let him eat the replicated food that everyone else had. Everybody would still his lunch and after a while I started to as well. But once I started taking his lunch I didn’t let anybody else do it. From then on I didn’t let anybody take his lunch and in return he would give me half of it. That’s how it was for the rest of the school year. Our relationship didn’t flourish much past that. Though we may have held hands a few times. I wonder what he’s doing nowadays. I hope he still wears camo. He probably looks like a complete dweebinheimer.


Dweebinheimer now that takes me back. Who used to say that…… ah that’s right It was my brother Kirk. Well he wasn’t really my brother but he may as well have been. I remember when we first met back in middle school. He seemed to attract bullying like no one else I have ever known (I guess I am attracted to weaker men) .  But he never let it get to him. That’s probably why I liked him so much. He taught me how important it was not to care what other people say. Come to think of it I probably joined up because of him.


I wish I had something better to do then just wait here. You’d think that with all our advanced technology and everything they’d at least have put a ******* television on it. Though I don’t it would get any reception. But the thought would’ve been nice. At the very least fidgeting with it would’ve given me something to do. Nevermind. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh

At least I can move now. Should I try to contact someone?...... No that would probably just be a waste of time. I guess I’ll check on the Grunt.

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