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The slightly misaligned forge glitch

Bazl 97

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The first time I encountered this glitch was on Reach, but I had hoped never to have to suffer it after that. For those of you unfamiliar with this glitch, objects (particularly blocks, braces and walls) that have been placed in forge using the coordinates tool will move ever-so-slightly after you save the map. This may not sound like a big problem, but if the objects are on the floor then you end up with a horrible, cracked floor that makes it look like this was your first effort at using forge.


As previously stated, this glitch has been around since Reach and ruined some of my favorite maps. When Halo 4 came out and I heard about forge 3.0, I thought that things like this would be ironed out of the game, but just after I completed my most recent map and went to play-test it in customs I encountered it.


Those unfamiliar with the glitch should also note that 1) as of Reach no one has been able to fix this and 2) going back into the map/readjusting then coordinating/turning off and on Xbox etc. don't work because I've tried them. Another irritating problem is that while you could get around the problem with precision tools in Reach, this isn't possible in Halo 4.


This stupid bug has been in Halo for a good 3 years now and I've seen some of my best work ruined as a result. Please for the love of god fix it.

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i did encounter this glitch on reach, especially with those wall coliseums. when i was playing a few big team matches of asphalt, the wraith would hit a crack and randomly launch itself resulting in a self death


so far on halo 4, i havent encountered the glitch once and ive even tested on various forms of the walls and hills

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It's not a glitch, it's a mechanic put into place in Reach to prevent the kind of modding that happened in Halo 3, where people would change the object IDs and have things like motionless Spartans standing around. Having the pieces shift slightly alters things about the object's location in the coding, making those mods impossible. There are ways around this, even in Halo 4.


Once you have saved and reloaded the map, just adjust things free handed or with magnets. A word of warning though, magnets can sometimes cause even worse shifting when the map is loaded. There are many tricks to use to smooth things out properly, so I can't list them all here. Just play around with slightly nudging things when the map is loaded a second time and you'll figure it out :)

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It's not a glitch, it's a mechanic put into place in Reach to prevent the kind of modding that happened in Halo 3, where people would change the object IDs and have things like motionless Spartans standing around. Having the pieces shift slightly alters things about the object's location in the coding, making those mods impossible. There are ways around this, even in Halo 4.


Once you have saved and reloaded the map, just adjust things free handed or with magnets. A word of warning though, magnets can sometimes cause even worse shifting when the map is loaded. There are many tricks to use to smooth things out properly, so I can't list them all here. Just play around with slightly nudging things when the map is loaded a second time and you'll figure it out :)


Still, I wish they could've made it a LOT more slight.

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Are you referring to what I call the "1 degree glitch"? It's where pieces that I placed at 90 end up at 89 or 91 degrees and such. In my experience this is entirely related to having more than one person in the forge session. This will never happen to you if you always forge by yourself, otherwise if you must forge with 2 check a few pieces before you save and always save as new.

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Are you referring to what I call the "1 degree glitch"? It's where pieces that I placed at 90 end up at 89 or 91 degrees and such. In my experience this is entirely related to having more than one person in the forge session. This will never happen to you if you always forge by yourself, otherwise if you must forge with 2 check a few pieces before you save and always save as new.

This is actually something else entirely. The co-forge shifting IS a glitch, and really needs to be fixed in the next game. But yes, the best way to avoid this is to just forge by yourself. Or, at least load the map by yourself, save it, then invite others in. The map will still be fine on your screen, but will appear shifted for others. However, anything pieces placed after the join will be oriented correctly for both parties.

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