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sandbox (remake) <thumbnail picture lies>


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Gamer Tag- SUPER MOOSE93
Map name - Sandbox

download link  >HERE<


i was having a mental block for new map designs, so decided to remake sandbox from halo 3. its not a perfect remake, but its pretty close. i remade the forge version of sandbox so the weapons and vehicles respawn times are quite short.


this was the design i was aiming for. 




here is what i got.








since the map doesn't take up the full island, i marked out the safe zone with capture plates. players have 10 seconds to return to the battlefield before dying. 




all weapons and spawns are in the same locations as they are in the halo 3 version, the missile pod has been replaced with a rail gun, and the brute shot replaced by concussion riffle. the brute chopper is replaced by a ghost, and equipment is removed.



-battle riffle (10 spawn time / 2 spare clips)

-carbine (10 spawn time / 2 spare clips)

-needler (90 spawn time / 2 spare clips)

-concussion riffle (60 spawn time / 2 spare clips)

-rail gun (180 spawn time / 3 spare clips)

-rocket launcher (90 spawn time / 1 spare clip)

-plasma grenades  (60 spawn time)



-warthog (120 spawn time)

-mongoose (90 spawn time)

-ghost (120 spawn time)



-slayer (6v6 max)





please check out the map and give some feedback. if you feel something needs changing, just say and i will get onto it. 

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  • 2 months later...

While the remake looks faithful Sandbox is not a map that transfers well into Halo 4. The lines of sight are extremely open across the whole map, as there is very little structure on the map at all. Sandbox had a lot of these issues even in Halo 3 and was more well loved as a canvas than an actual map to play on. 

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While the remake looks faithful Sandbox is not a map that transfers well into Halo 4. The lines of sight are extremely open across the whole map, as there is very little structure on the map at all. Sandbox had a lot of these issues even in Halo 3 and was more well loved as a canvas than an actual map to play on. 


i do agree with that. i never really enjoyed playing on sandbox, just because it didnt go well with my playstyle.

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